#70: He hears you sing

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You were bouncing around the kitchen after dinner, doing the dishes. To pass the time you started singing one of your favorite songs.

"I only call you when it's half past, five, the only time that I'll be by your, side, I only love it when you touch me not feel me, when I'm fucked up that's the real me, when I'm fucked up that's the real me, Yeah!"

You rocked your body to the mental beats you made in your head. You had a good ass time in there singing all by yourself.

In a matter of minutes, Louis decided to join you and it scared the living crap out of you. He's never heard you sing before, so it was kind of embarrassing that he was even watching. You thought he had went upstairs to lay down.

"Babe, that was amazing! You should sing me to sleep sometime." He chuckled.

"I wouldn't go that far Louis...I'm not that good actually. I was kind I singing off the walls." You told him.

"[Y/N], STOOOOP. That was really good. You should seriously consider doing X-factor or something."

"Thanks Louis." You smiled giving him a hug.


You and Liam brought your new baby boy Charles home from the hospital a couple days ago. Liam had been taking care of him because he wanted you to rest up and heal, but Charles really wasn't having it anymore. He woke you two up at midnight in a fit of tears.

"I got him Li, you lay down." You told him going to get the baby. He screamed and screamed non-stop, even after you came and got him. So you ended up migrating down to the couch with a blanket and a pillow. You laid down with him on your chest and he continued to silently cry. So you decided to sing him a song you remembered in your head.

"I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you, for a thouuusand years, and I'll love you for a thousand more."

Charles started to quiet down and you sang him the same verse 3 more times before he was fully asleep. You smiled rubbing his back and listening to his breathing.

"That was good babe." You lightly jumped trying to avoid waking the baby up.

"You heard that?" You asked him slightly surprised.

"Baby Monitor was on." He smirked.

"Asshole...you heard nothing..." You whispered giggling.


You were in the shower getting ready for a interview with Niall and you were just about the loudest shower singer ever. It was like listening to a bad singer at a concert for him.

It pissed him off when he was deathly tired, but at the same time he found it funny. When you knew he was completely asleep you didn't sing all off the walls to be triflin, you performed in there.

"Listen Baby, ain't no mountain high, ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby. Now if you need me call me, no matter where you are, no matter how far, Don't worry baby. Just call out my name, I'll be there in a hurry, You don't have to worry!"

You sang out as you put soap on your sponge.

"Cause baby there...ain't no mountain high enough! Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no Valley low enough, and there ain't no river wide enough...to keep me from getting to you baby."

Outside of the shower curtain you heard Niall applauding your little concert. You were severely embarrassed that he was listening.

"Niall I told you about coming in here while I'm showering!" You say trying to act mad.

"Sorry babe, I was drawn to the sound of your voice." He chuckled getting in the shower with you.


"Cause I give you A-A-ALLL of me...and you give me A-A-ALLL of you, oh."

You were having you're own little jam session while Zayn wasn't home. Singing was one of your favorite things to do when you were home alone. No one could judge your voice, and you just got to spend a decent amount of time figuring your voice out.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Even when you're cryin you're beautiful too. The world is beeaaating  you doown, I'm around, through every mood. You're my downfall, and you're my muse, my worst distraction my rhythm and blues. I can't stop siiingin it's riiingin in my, head for you!"

You belted out. You were seriously proud. Your voice lessons were paying off.

"My head's under water but I'm breathing fine!"

You heard a voice sing. You turned to see Zayn smiling when he heard you sing. He came up next to you and wrapped an arm around you as the two of you finished off the song as a duet.

"You're voice is incredible [Y/N]! How did you get it to be like that?" He smiled in amazement.

"I've been taking lessons to help me control my voice." You admit embarrassed.

"Hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Every good singer starts somewhere." He chuckled. "Oh yeah, and isn't this our first dance song from the wedding?" You nodded making him kiss you.


You were being goofy af while Harry wasn't home and you were in one of your moods, fangirling over drake and shit. So you cranked up his song "hold on we're going home" on the stereo and started dancing around. You were truly feeling yourself and the song made you happy.

"...I know exactly who you could be, Just hold on, we're going home. Just hold on, we're going home.
It's hard to do these things alone.
Just hold on, we're going home...

"Really [Y/N]? You're in, 'the mood' again?" He scoffed at you making you fold your arms over your chest. The music was still playing so that wasn't making you any less embarrassed than you already were. You quickly picked up the remote to the stereo and shut it off looking all around the room.

"Baby, chill...I was just messing with you." He chuckled coming to hug you.

"By the way you're an 'amazing' singer." He laughed walking away.

"Shut up Harry! I wasn't even trying." You giggled throwing a shoe at him from across the room.

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