#134: FAMILY SERIES (First family gathering)

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It was Resurrection Sunday at your church and you guys just left church to go have your annual dinner with your families. You guys usually went to separate houses for a bit of time but this time both of your families decided to come together at Louis' parents house.

"Louis are we picking up Freddie?" You asked concerned about car space.

"I told Brianna I'd come get him another day. She wanted him with her for Easter anyway." He explained starting the car. "Plus there wouldn't be anywhere we could put his car seat since we have Bernie's seat back there."

"True." You say kind of upset your stepson wasn't gonna be at dinner. Louis started driving towards his mom's house and it took about 45 minutes to get there from church.

"Dad, are we there yet?" Dorian asks impatiently crossing his arms.

"Yup, we're here." Louis said shutting the car off. The baby started fussing and you just wanted to hurry up and take him out the car.

"Alright, Alright calm down Bernie Mommy's coming." You say coming around to the backseat to pull the car seat out the car.

"Babe, you got the diaper bag?" You asked seeing him nod.

"How much you wanna bet everybody gonna say hi to the baby before they talk to us?" You whisper to Louis making him laugh. Where ever you guys go someone always manages to do that to y'all two.

"Oh stop [Y/N], this is the first time we've taken him out the house like this. Of course everyone's gonna wanna see him." Louis says kissing your cheek.

"Just wait, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about." You say knocking on the door. Louis' mom greeted all of you guys and smiled the brightest at her grandson. That woman loved Bernie to death, she was so glad you guys brought him and the kids along.

"Hey Dorian, hey Kay!" Jay smiled hugging her two grandchildren. She looked in the carrier smiling at her youngest grandchild.

"Hey pumpkin, Nana missed you very much!" She cooed rubbing his leg. His eyes got all watery and he started crying.

"Aww, what's wrong with my Bernie?" She says getting him out of his car seat.

"I think he's a little sleepy." Louis says hugging his mom.

"Nana, guess what we learned today at church!" Kiara says excited.

"Me and Dorian learned t-that Jesus always loves us no matter what!" She giggled hugging Jay's leg.

"What else did you guys learn today?" She chuckled taking them with her to the dining room.

"Do you think Bernie will be ok? He wasn't his usual self today." You sighed worried about your son.

"He'll be fine. He just needs to go to sleep. People have been picking him up all day." Louis chuckled holding you on his arm. Just then your parents came up to talk to you guys.

"Hey Mom." You and Louis both smiled waving.

"Hey daddy." You smile giving your dad a hug.

"Hey [Y/N], where the kids at?" He asks looking in the car seat for the baby.

"All of them went with Jay to go eat I think." You sighed knowing all your kids was about to go home acting spoiled.

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