#163: Assassin's Creed (Harry)

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A/N: Hey all!!! Happy Tuesday, I decided that I wanted to do spot light week, and for the first week I made the decision to give Harry the spot light. Remember, I'll be posting one pref a day this week all focused on Harry and next week I'll be picking a different guy, or if you want, y'all can choose who I do next it depends on the amount of feedback!
Enjoy 😌

It all started with a position that's been passed down in your family from generation to generation. Now, it would be a bit of an overstatement to say that you come from a family of cold blooded killers, but you kind of did. A better way to put it would be saying you came from a whole blood line of the best assassins in the world. One of the best drawing back as far as your great great great grandfather. The most recent one of your ancestors to have the position was your great grandfather.

After your recent great grandfather's passing, no one really thought that a young woman could be recruited into a notoriously known secret society like the assassins until now. It appeared that your name was on the list to be the next assassin considering your grandfather and your father were both dead, but you didn't have a clue that that's why you were in your current situation...

"Ok [Y/N], I am lieutenant Wolfe and today we all welcome you to the assassins." Hearing those words made your heart slightly drop into your stomach. You were recruited to be a killer?

"Now I know what your thinking, you're not killing for bad, you are to kill for good. We're fighting a fight to protect the free will from those who are power hungry and can't seem to pull their heads out their asses."

You couldn't help but slightly smile at lieutenant.

"Now your grandfather...he was a great man and we all respected him. He was an even greater assassin. Now [Y/N], despite all these men here who may or may not try to intimidate you, tell me, are you going to be the best assassin you can be?"

"Yes sir."

"Can't here you assassin..."


"Thank you [Y/N]. As for you all gentlemen, you will treat [Y/N] with respect. Understood? That means no harassment, no hazing, and no treating her like she doesn't belong. Treat her like you would want to be treated. Am I clear?"

"SIR, YES SIR!" All of them yell while giving a salute. Your grandfather must have been pretty awesome if they were all saluting.

"Now that we've covered respectful tendencies, who would be willing to help [Y/N] train for our next mission?" At first you got slightly offended. No one stepped up to the challenge of training the newbie, of course. But something told you it was because you were a woman. A black woman at that.

"I'll train [Y/N] lieutenant." You heard a voice say from the end of the line up.

"Ahh, Assassin Styles, Thank you for volunteering yourself." The man who stepped forward was pretty handsome but you didn't dare catch feelings. All of these men were probably married.

"[Y/N], meet assassin Styles. He's one of the best in our society next to your grand father. I can assure you that you're in good hands. He'll have you shooting a sniper rifle by Wednesday, trust me. Styles will get you caught up to speed."

"You two can go get started on training after I explain the mission."

"Yes sir." You say standing at attention.

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