#64: Introducing the baby to the boys

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The boys quietly crept into the hospital room not sure if the new addition to your family was awake. They've been so excited to meet Kiara, they've been asking about her for a minute.

"She's up guys, you don't need to be all silent." You laugh rocking her bed back and forth. You picked her up from the hospital bed so that the guys could take a look at her.

"Aww, she's so cute!" Harry coos playing with her foot. "You're my little boo! Yes you are." He tells her making her just stare at him.

"Look at her little fingers and toes!" Liam chuckled as she clenched her fist around his finger.

"Babe, I think the boys just adopted our daughter." Louis jokes watching the boys coo over her.

"What can you say Lou? She's adorable." You giggled.

"Here Liam, you hold her since she won't let go of you." You laugh handing her off. He looked a little tensed up when he was holding Kiara.

"You alright mate?" Louis asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just can't believe how much of you is in her. She's absolutely gorgeous." He chuckled handing her back.

"Can I see my god daughter?" Harry smiles looking at her. Louis gently places her on his arms and he just looks at all her little features.

"Hey boo, how are you today?" Harry laughs as she grips onto his finger. "Wow she's got quite a grip on her."

"Alright, can I get my finger back? You're starting to cut off my circulation." He cooed to her making you guys laugh.

"That little girl of yours Lou..." Zayn starts. "She's gonna be something when she's older." He chuckled patiently waiting to hold Kiara. Eventually all of the guys got to have a moment with her and they almost didn't want to leave her.


"Hey CJ, did you sleep good bud?" Liam asks picking him up. The nurse just brought Charles back from the nursery and Liam was so excited to see him.

He started to open up his eyes and yawn making you smile.

"Can I see my baby boy?" You pout. Liam came and placed him on your arm and you kissed his head

"Good morning Charles." You whispered. He started to open his mouth to cry and you gave him his pacifier to quiet him down.

"What time is Niall coming?" You ask. Liam asked him to be Charles' god father and you wanted him to be the first to see Charles.

"Not sure. I'll text him." Right as Liam pulled out his phone you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" You yelled from the bed. Niall walked in and greeted the two of you.

"Is that the little Payne?" Niall says carrying a blue gift bag.

"Yep. That's little Charles. You wanna hold him?" You ask. He nods excitedly.

"Are your hands clean?"

"Yes [Y/N]." He chuckled holding out his arms. You gave Charles to him and he couldn't stop looking at him.

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