#146: FAMILY SERIES (Rivals Pt. 2)

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A/N: I've actually been meaning to do a part 2 to this pref for a while now, I guess I just never got around to it...but anyway here it is.


"Well, I asked you two a damn question. Why the hell does Saniyah's face look like that?" Harry screamed

"Daddy I can explain..." she says.

"I'm sure you can. Start talking."

"Well when I was walking home from school I was minding my own business when Adelina came up and started messing with me again." She sighed.

"And what have your mother and I told you about giving off a reaction?"

"You guys said to ignore her...but dad you don't get it..."

"What is there to get Saniyah? You two put your hands on each other. Uncle Zayn could take me to court for this." Harry sighs stressed.

"Dad, she started it it's not my fault. I'm sick of everyone believing her! She put her hands on me first and all I did was protect myself!" She yelled. "She brought up Larry and said you were gay and there was no way I was letting her get away with that. I said a few things back to her, her feelings were hurt and she swung on me first!"

"Wow... I didn't know it was like that..." Harry says in disbelief.

"No matter what happens I'm taking your word for it. I'm on your side." He says.

"It feels good for the tables to turn for once." Saniyah says still upset about all the previous times Harry refused to believe her. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Nolan says opening the door. Saniyah peaks out the kitchen and sees Zayn and the Devil herself standing at the door.

"Oh my gosh did he really just let them in? Dad, do something!" Saniyah whispers. Harry sighs and goes to have a word with Zayn.

"Niyah, living room, Now!" Harry yelled from his spot on the couch across from Zayn and his daughter. Saniyah joined them and sat down beside Harry.

"Now explain why you guys dislike each other so much." Zayn says.

"Yeah, it's not cool." Harry says annoyed. At first it was crickets and silence until Adelina decided to speak up.

"Well I guess sometimes I just feel like Saniyah thinks she's better than me."

"I do not!" Saniyah yelled about to get up.

"Knock it off." Harry says sitting her down.

"Aw come on Dad, Niyah was about to swing!" Harry turns around and sees Nolan with his phone out recording.

"Dude can you go somewhere and not interfere. This is a serious conversation." Harry says.

"Fine, I'm going, I'm going." Nolan says heading upstairs.

"Continue Adelina." Harry says.

"It started in 6th grade when Saniyah was the new girl. Everyone wanted to be her friend, and everyone was nice to her and liked her for her. I remember o used to see her at gatherings as kids and I wanted to say hi, so when I did she totally casted me out like I was some kind of nobody and it really hurt my feelings. So ever since then I've been trying to get back at her for being so rude to me."

"Saniyah is this true?" Harry asks

"That's not how I remember it. It's ever since we were kids you've been starting crap with me. I remember that day too, you came up to me acting all snotty when you said hi to me so I did what I thought was a good idea and I ignored you. I wasn't going to just let you treat me like crap on my first day at a new school."

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