#56: Your Daughter (Harry)

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Saniyah was the perfect angel and she had a smile that could warm the hearts of Millions. She was truly the best thing that happened to you and Harry since your marriage and you wouldn't give her up for anybody in the world. She looked exactly like you, but had some minor features that belonged to Harry.


"Hey baby girl!" Harry smiled at the baby taking her out her pack and play crib. He sat down with her in his lap and kissed her cheeks.

"Did you have a nice nap? Yeah?" He's been home watching Saniyah all day while you've been hanging out with your friends. Harry smiled when she yawned and put her hand in her mouth. She heavily sighed and looked off into space.

"You miss Mommy huh?" He chuckled. "It's ok, I do too. But that's why we have each other right?"

"Let's go get something to eat, yeah?" He said taking her to the kitchen and putting her in the swing. Harry smiled hearing buttons being pressed, and hearing nursery tunes come from the swing.

"Niyah, how do you feel about applesauce for lunch?" He pulls out the jar not really expecting an answer. He takes her from the swing and sits her in her high chair throwing her bib on.

"Mmm, yummy applesauce." Harry says opening the plastic jar. He does all this fancy stuff with her spoon and she starts laughing.

"You're so cute." He chuckled at his daughter feeding her the first bite. His cell phone rang beside him and his phone rang making Saniyah squeal. She knew it was you calling because Harry gave you a special ringtone and she knew the sound of it.

He answered and put you on speaker so he could feed the baby.

"Hey babe, what are you up to?" He asks.

"Nothing, me, Chanel, and Nicky are at the food court in the mall. I wanted to check up on you and Niyah, to see what y'all are up to." You admitted.

"We're fine babe, Thanks for checking in. It's lunch time right now and applesauce is on the menu." He chuckles getting the excess applesauce off her chin.

"Saniyah, you're supposed to be eating the food, not wearing it." Harry tells her.

"Harry leave my baby alone. Let her eat." You laugh through your cell phone. The two of you were caught up in your conversation up until the baby started fussing at Harry.

"Harry what did you do to her? Why is my Niyah upset?" You ask sounding like you were about to come through the phone.

"She's fine. She just got upset because she's not done." He explains continuing to feed her. After several bites she refused to take anymore and just spit out whatever she was too full to want to swallow.

"Eww...Saniyah..." A big grin crept onto her face and she started clapping.

"Cheeky little thing just like daddy, Huh?" He chuckled.

"Harry? You still there Honey?" He completely forgot you were on the phone and took you off speaker so you could finish up with the conversation.

"You got everything under control?" You asked.

"Yep, everything is all good."

"You're certain?"

"I'm positive babe."

"Alright, just double checking. I'll be home sometime in the next two hours, so do you mind getting dinner ready?" You asked.

"Sure no problem. What do you want made?" He asked.

"Defrost the ground turkey in the freezer, so you can put it in some sauce and make that spaghetti I like." You smile through the phone.

"Ok spaghetti, got it. You want me to toast that garlic bread in the fridge?"

"That would be awesome. Thanks baby." You say grateful that Harry could cook.

"After we eat I'll put Niyah to bed so you can relax. You had a long day I'm sure." You said making him sigh in response.

"Long doesn't even cover for what Saniyah put me through today. After that nap she turned into a saint." He laughs.

"Leave her alone, she just has opinions." You say trying to defend her.

"Yeah opinions." Harry playfully mocks you. "Alright, you enjoy your time away from us ok? I'll see you later." He says blowing kisses into the phone.

"Wait, let me say bye bye to Niyah. I miss my baby." He put you on speaker and you started talking to the baby.

"Niyah, Mommy loves you! You be good to Daddy ok?" She squealed hearing your voice. "Bye baby!"

"BAAAAHHHH!" She babbled waving at the phone. You hung up the phone and Harry took Saniyah to clean up her face.

"Now that you're clean, you wanna help me make dinner for Mommy?" Saniyah smiled and cuddled herself in Harry's chest.

"I'll take that as a yes." He chuckled taking the meat from the freezer.

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