#121: FAMILY SERIES (adjusting to the new baby)

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The baby screamed again for like the 4th time that night and the kids really weren't feeling it. Dorian woke up out of his sleep hearing the baby cry and he let out a frustrated sigh. He picked up his comforter and went down to the basement to go lay on the couch.

A half hour later Kiara followed him downstairs. Both of them have been running on only a few hours of sleep for almost a week now and it's starting to take a toll on them both as well as you and Louis.

"Hey Kay, what's up?"

"Dorian...Can I, sleep down here with you? I can't get any sleep upstairs." She admits looking at the ground.

"Yeah sure. Go ahead. We gotta stick together I guess." He says turning over to face his sister.

"I really hope daddy doesn't make us go to school tomorrow. I'm really tired." Kiara complained starting to cry.

"It's ok, I'm tired too. But we have to go to school. I doubt dad would let us stay home for something like that." He sighs.

"I'm still tired Dorian." She pouts laying down.

"Well let's try to get some sleep Kay. Good night." He says turning over.

"Ok, night." The next morning, both Dorian and Kiara woke up to the sound of their brother crying. They both groaned wanting to just go back to sleep.

"Dorian? Kiara? Are you two down here?" Louis yelled coming down the basement steps. He sighed in relief when he saw his tired kids trying to sit up on the couch.

"I'm guessing you guys didn't sleep so well last night?" He sighed.

"Daddy, w-were really tired?" Kiara whined rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"I know. Mommy and I are tired too. Bernie would not stop crying last night." He said sitting between the two of them.

"I know you guys are tired, but you have to get ready for school. It's gonna be hard trying to get sleep with the baby in the house, but don't worry. Bernie isn't gonna cry like this forever." He chuckled hugging the two of them.

"Are you sure?" Dorian asks.

"I'm positive. When he gets a little older he's not gonna cry as much at night." He smiled hugging the two kids.

"To make it up to you, what do you say I make you guys some waffles for breakfast?" Dorian and Kiara quickly perked up and raced up the steps.


Liam was out at the studio again, and Charles was at football practice, so that left just you and Zieyah at the house. Everyone was dead tired from Nadene's constant crying fits. You've been watching the baby all day so that Zieyah could get some kind of rest. Thank God it was a Saturday.

"Hey Zie, I'm really exhausted. Do you mind watching your sister for me? I just need about an hour power nap." You say handing her the baby before rubbing your temple.

"Yeah Mom of course...get as much rest as you need..." She says placing the baby down in the bassinet in the middle of the living room.

"Thank you Zie. The bottles are in the fridge if she's hungry." You yawn heading up the steps. As soon as you shut your bedroom door the baby started to scream again and Zieyah flinched picking her up and heading into the kitchen.

"For someone who's cute you sure do a lot of crying." Zieyah says placing Nadene in the swing. As soon as it got to rocking, she stopped crying so Zieyah was able to start getting the kitchen cleaned. Just then Charles came in through the Garage entrance.

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