#39: (¿?) One night stand (Harry)

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It was ladies night at your favorite club, not to mention it was one of the most exclusive clubs, and you were mixed in with a crowd of people just swaying your hips to the sound of the music. You looked around once in a while and saw all these hot guys, and even some black guys grinding with white girls and they looked so bored with them. It sort of made you laugh.

"Their loss." You say to yourself continuing to dance. You were out there tossing it and it started to draw attention to you without you even intending on it. Several guys were making their way towards you and you had a look on your face that said "y'all didn't want me 5 minutes ago"

You giggled feeling all these guys burning a hole right through you with their stares. This one guy's stare really caught your eye. His blue green eyes, piercing your brown ones making your gaze harden. He started to approach you and had the biggest grin on his face.

"Hey there, I'm Harry." He chuckles, accent strong.

"I'm [Y/N], how are you?" You ask allowing him to pull you closer to him by your waist.

"I'm doing fine, it's you I'm worried about. Why is someone as sexy as you out alone huh?" He asks.

"I don't know, I guess I just mainly came for the drinks, but my song was on and I was tempted." You giggle reaching for his cheek rubbing it with your thumb.

"Well you seem lonely, I can change that for you..." He hums lowering his hands to your butt. You agreed turning around and starting to work your magic on him. You wildly ground your hips down onto his hard crotch area feeling his hard member collide with your perfectly sculpted back side.

"You wanna take this somewhere more private gorgeous?" He huskily whispers in your ear kissing you, and rubbing your inner thighs. You nod and he drags you out of the hot, sweaty night club.

"Did you drive here?" He asks.

"No, I had a friend drop me off. I'll have to tell her not to come pick me up." You explain.

"That's fine, I just wouldn't want you to have to worry your pretty head about having your car stolen or towed." He chuckles. The two of you got in his car and he drove you to what looked like his apartment. Getting out the car you guys just barely made it up to his floor, you were all over each other. Once you got in his apartment, things really got serious. It's a story for another time....

~Next Morning~

You opened your eyes to see a completely different colored ceiling in front of you. When you looked to your side, and saw the gorgeous man with the eyes laying next to you, you realized what you did.

"Oh.My.Gosh..." You whisper starting to cry. You couldn't remember a thing from last night, but you especially don't remember seeing any condoms come into the scene and that worried you. Harry woke up right after you and looked at you, worry washed over his face.

"Are you alright?" You felt disgusted in yourself, it occurred to you that you were now a fornicator and you knew you were never going to be able to live with that.

"Don't...touch me." You say getting up. You quickly grab your clothes from last night and throw them on.

"Hey [Y/N], it's alright, calm down."

"No everything's not ok! You knew I was drunk as God knows what but you still continued to take advantage of me, for all I know I could be pregnant in the next few days, and you would have been proud of yourself for just scoring." You say nearly yelling.

"What? No, I-I would never take advantage of a woman [Y/N], if you do end up pregnant I truly am sorry. Can I drive you home? Or...buy you breakfast?" He asks.

"No, but what you can do is stay out of my damn life. This IS just one night stand. So I shouldn't even matter to you right?" That right there put him on Airplane mode. After that you just grabbed your things and slammed the door behind you.

Camera people were following you but you weren't quite sure why until someone mentioned the name 'Harry Styles'. You then realized you had sex with a celebrity that probably would want nothing to do with a baby. You just continued to ignore them. Soon they started to follow you for days, and days turned into weeks.

So you hid out for a few weeks in your flat only to find out you were in fact pregnant with Harry Styles' baby.



Hey guys, I know this probably sucked...but if you actually like this then go team. Haha....

Anyway I'm starting to come up with more of my own ideas as I read other preferences but I could still use some ideas from my readers.

So I'm a be real, I have no life the majority of the time on here and I try to find things for myself to do. Lol plus I know my account isn't one of those popular 2 million read book accounts either, lol but it still makes me feel good to have people actually read and actually kind of like my material. However; if you guys do happen to have any ideas I'd be glad to try and make something out of them.

Also I want to thank you guys for getting me to over 500 reads!!! That's actually pretty dope considering I just started this preference book. So Thank You guys, I sincerely love y'all for that. Lol.

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