#24:Take your Daughter to work day (Niall)

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Every once in a while [Y/N] would have a meeting or she's have to do something and Naliyah couldn't go. Like today, [Y/N] had to drive up to New York for the week for a huge conference so Naliyah is gonna have to hang with me. She follows [Y/N] almost everywhere, so today was going to be interesting. Especially with the Terrible Twos coming in.

Before I even thought of waking her up,  I took a shower and got myself ready since she takes a minute to adjust. Then I packed her a bag of toys and spare clothes and pull ups to take with me. She's still working on the potty training thing so it's highly necessary. Since we were gonna be in the studio for most of the day before the interview I just threw on a casual jeans and t-shirt type of outfit.

"Alright, time to go wake up the Princess," I laugh making air quotes with my fingers. I quietly opened the door to her room and she was just standing in front of her bed staring.

"Naliyah..." I chimed happy to see the light of my world.

"Daddy!!" She cried and ran up to hug my legs. "What's the matter Naliyah?" I rubbed on her back and picked her up.

"Wet!" She sniffled.

"Oh...you had an accident?"

"Yes Daddy." She whined.

"It's ok Liyah, accidents happen you're still learning. You're gonna take a bath anyway." I put her down and she clung to my leg like a leach.

"Oh yeah guess where we're going today Naliyah?" I smile standing her up.

"Daddy, don't know." She pouts

"We're going to Daddy's Work!" She gasped excitedly. "Yeah I know, I'm excited to. The faster you get a bath, the faster we can go." I say. That got her moving pretty quick. By the time I finished running her bath she instantly got in...No tears.

When she got out I put her in a white sweater and leggings.

"Daddy, Daddy, No accident." She babbled running in the room holding her leggings in her hands.

"Naliyah...I just put your clothes on." I say trying not to get frustrated. She gives me her pants and when I put them back on she starts to scream.

"Pooch, I'm gonna be late we don't have time for this sweet heart." I say.

"No Daddy, come!" She drags me back upstairs to her room and takes a pull up out her drawer and I realize what's going on.

"Oh, I see...Smart girl, trying to think ahead like a big girl. Good job!" I hold up my hand and she gives me a high five. After redressing her I grabbed her a snack and carried her out to the car, putting her in her car seat. I shut her door and got in the drivers seat turning the child lock on and pulling out the driveway.

The food kept her quiet for most of the ride so that was convenient. I looked at the dashboard for the time and I was already 5 minutes late because of Naliyah's Mini episode. To break the silence I turned the radio on and one of Liyah's favorite songs were on and she tried to sing to the lyrics. I looked at the little girl in my rear view mirror and smiled at her.

"She's so cute." I mumbled under my breath. When I pulled into the parking lot, I parked in a space and got her out the car with the bag on my back. I walked in with her on my arm and walked towards the elevator pressing the up button.

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