Bad to the bone

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-Mark's POV-
I hate high school.... It's so boring.... Except for me and Jack. We make our classes fun.... We're class clowns by the way if you didn't figure that out... But we're also bad. Me and Jack have been dating for about 4 years now and we've always been the bad ones in the class. Today is Friday so we are going to be extra bad today.... Right now we are in our first class for the day... Math.
"Mark" Jack say nudging my arm "what should we do? We've been good for 10 minutes..... I'm bored" I nod to him... I then raise my eyebrow at him because I get an idea. I smile deviously and he smiles back.... I then stand up and I sit down on Jack's lap, straddling him.... Me and Jack start kissing, groaning and moaning... We didn't care that we were in a class full of people... We've done it before and others just laughed... Then the teacher got mad at us for being disruptive. I start hearing laughing and people that are playing along with it.... Everyone was always waiting to play along with our jokes and distractions.
"Can you two not" the teacher asked us but we ignored him for 5 more minutes. The teacher finally comes over and places a hand on my shoulder but I over exaggerate and I slam my back into the desk making it look like he did that.
"What the hell was that for!?" I say as I stand up and move away from him "he hurt me!" I yell pointing at him and pretending to cry. Jack comes over to me pretending to comfort me then I get a crazy idea that I might get suspended for but I don't care. The teacher gets close to me and with one swift move I get up and swing my right hand at him back handing him in the face... He falls to the ground, in shock I assume but not unconscious. I get in a position where my arms are crossed.
"You know I'm bad, I'm bad, really, really bad" I sing then Jack picks up where I leave off.
"You know I'm bad, I'm bad, really, really bad"
"And the whole world has to answer right now just to once again... Who's bad!" Me and Jack both sing as we dance out the door. Once we reach the hall we both start laughing so hard and we also start running for the doors because we are going to be in big trouble. We head back to my place because my mom doesn't care anymore.... I do it way to often.......We watch Netflix and hang out until after our lunch break at our school then we go back... Mostly because my mom kicked me out, and I want to cause more trouble. When we step in the school the bell rings so everyone is in the halls... Everyone heard what we did so they are smiling at us and they are giving is high fives. We head to the gym because that's what we have now... Me and Jack head into the girls change room.... They really don't mind because they all have a crush on us. We grab girls short shorts and sports bras then we put those on and head out to the gym... We walk with hands on our hips like girls. Everyone is already in the gym by the time we get there so they all end up dying with laughter and the teacher just get pissed so she makes us run 5 laps around gym..... Bad idea. We both run like how we think girls would run so everyone just continues laughing. When we're done she just makes us sit out so we just wander around for a while making weird faces at people. Jack walks over to a small closet door and he try's to see if it will open... It does so Jack stands in the doorway in a sexy pose.... I got an erection immediately. Jack looks me up and down then he grabs my sports bra and pulls me in closing the door behind me..... I heard everyone 'ooooooooo!' Outside... They must have been watching. Jack then pushed me back against the wall and pressed his lips to mine... As he did his one hand is down rubbing my bulge... I let a groan escape my lips. Me and Jack then both take off our sports bras... Jack gets down on his knees and pulls down my shorts.. I don't have underwear on underneath... He starts stroking my erection slowly, teasing me a little. I start moaning, I lean my head back against the wall and I play with Jack's hair as he puts his lips over my tip and starts sucking on me. I am surprised when Jack attempts to deep throat me... God it felt good but I know it won't last long... Jack has a bad gag reflex. I laugh when he gags and pulls out to a comfortable length..... He continues sucking and I can feel it coming.
"Oh fuck Jack....." I get out as I start to reach my orgasm "oh god fuck...fuck" I cum into Jack's mouth and he swallows all of it.
"Dam....." I say to Jack as he wipes his mouth and looks at me.
"What?" He asks me as he stands up and kisses me.
"You've just never swallowed before... Or deep throated" I say as I run my hands through Jack's hair.
"First for everything" he says as he removes his shorts. I push him to floor and I straddle him... I run my hands up and down his bare chest.... Jack runs his hands through my hair. I look at him for a moment then I take a deep breath.
"Mark you don't have to do that again since it hurt last time" Jack says looking at me. I shake my head.
"I want to" I say as I lean down and kiss him. I then slowly push him inside me.. It hurts at first but because I've done this before it passes. I then start riding him... First at a steady pace but when we both get closer I speed up... Our moans fill the closest and I bet they heard it outside in the gym. We both finally reach our climax.... I can feel Jack cuming inside of me as he digs his nails into my back.... I cum all over Jack's stomach. I literally fall off of Jack and onto my back.... That was the best I've ever had.
"Oh god" I say with a sigh as I calm down and come back to reality.
"Did you like that Markimoo?" Jack asks me in a cute little Kid voice. I nod unable to speak. Just then the bell rings for our next period.
"Ok well let's go... I need to have a shower now thank you very much" Jack says looking at me... I just smile and I put on the shorts I had on before..... Neither of us bother to put on the bras. I open the door and I walk out with Jack right behind me... Everyone is just leaving so they all smile and laugh at us.
"Did you have a fun time in there!?" One boy asks us as he points to Jack's stomach.
"Oh yeah" Jack says back not even embarrassed one bit..... I'm not either.... Since we already did it once in the closet at the back of math class. We have showers then we change back into our regular clothes..... By the time were done in the shower room our science class is half done anyway so we decide to go outside.... In the pouring rain. We end up dancing around outside the window of our science class.... We do so many stupid things and disrupt the class for the 30 minutes that are left. When the bell rings we just go over to the swings and swing on them talking for a while.
"Mark you know I love you right?" Jack asks me.
"After everything that happened today how could I not know" I say to him laughing. Jack leans over and kisses me.
"I love you Markimoo" Jack says pressing his forehead to mine.
"I love you too... Jackaroony" I say to him smiling.

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