You protect what you Love

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-Mark's POV-
I am driving home from the store when I get a text from Jack.

Hey babe... I'm going out for my daily walk now so if I'm not home when you get back don't worry

Ok.. But don't be gone to long.. I am going to make dinner for us tonight

Alright sounds good.. Luv ya

I luv u 2

I put my phone away and I continue to drive... About 10 minutes later I come to a stoplight... I look over to the cross walk parallel to me on my left. I see a man with his hood up and what looks like earbuds in... But I also see a truck going quite fast.. Since it's mid winter the truck will slide at full speed. The man looks up.. It's Jack... Oh god no... I get out of my car and sprint to him.. I wrap my arms around him and I think we are out of the way when my foot hits the front of the truck. Next thing I know I'm on the ground on my belly... Jack is kneeling over me in tears... I slowly sit up... There are several others standing around me as well... Including the truck driver.
"Mark!" Jack hugs me tightly... I grunt and cringe... I'm really sore "are you ok?"
"I should ask you that" I say.
"Of course I am.. I would have been dead if you weren't luckily here" he says as he presses his lips to mine.
"I protect what I love" I say with a smile.
"Can you stand?" Jack asks as he stands. I attempt to stand but I fall back down because of a pain in my right ankle.. I wince and groan.
"My ankle feels broken" I say. Just then an ambulance arrives at the scene... The paramedics help me walk to the ambulance.. Jack joins the ride. When we get there I pass out so I don't remember anything after the ride. I wake up in a hospital room.. By myself.. Jack isn't here.. Surprisingly. I look over to the small table beside my bed and I see my phone there... I pick it up and I go onto YouTube... Jack posted a video very late last night? I click onto the video.
"Wapsh. Top of the morning to ya laddies my name is Jacksepticeye and I'm glad to be alive!" Jack throws his hands in the air "I have some incredible yet scary news. Only a few hours ago I was out for a walk while Mark was just driving home from the store... I had my hood up and my earbuds in so I couldn't really hear anything outside. I was walking across the street at an intersection and I guess Mark was waiting at the light and I couldn't see that there was a truck coming full speed towards me" Jack pauses and takes a breath "Mark saw me and ran at me.. He got me out of the way and safe but his foot hit the front of the truck and it flung him quite a ways away from where I was" Jack swallows and I see a tear run down his face "he is alive in the hospital with only a broken foot.. And I am grateful but.. That moment was the scariest of my entire life... I thought I was gonna loose him" Jack wipes his eyes with his sweater sleeve "if not for Mark I would be dead right now.. He saved my life and I cannot thank him more... I just want to post this video saying... I think me and Mark are gonna take a few days off to recover from this near death experience" Jack laughs "I actually just got home from the hospital... The last time I saw Mark he was fast asleep... Probably just mentally tired from the quick thinking... I'm tired too so I'm just about to go to sleep" He smiles and rubs his eyes "well that does it for this vlog... If you liked it punch that like button in the face like a boss and high fives all around wapsh wapsh, but thank you guys and I will see all you dudes, in the next video!" I smile as I wait for the end slate "you guys better be ready for tons of septiplier pictures and videos over the next few days... If Mark let's me" Jack says with a cute smirk "bye" he does a cute wave then the video ends. I smile then I pull up my camera... I take a selfie then I post it on Instagram. I caption it with: I guess I am superman... According to Jack..
Then I tweet out the same picture.. Jack tweets at me.

So your awake then... I'm coming to get you today and I'm gonna bring you home

That would be nice... I don't like being alone.. I rather be alone with you

I'm sure everyone is loving the sappy Markimoo

Of course they are.. they always love me.... Btw... I always love you <3

And I always love you too <3

I smile then I set my phone down... I just let the replies rush in... Then I get a notification.

Eww... Get a room you two.. Jk. Your cute

That's all you have to say... Btw I just saved millions of fans lives

Oh you think so

Oh I know so.. Right guys? I just saved your lives because you also would have died if Jack did?

Ok mr. Fishbach... I'm gonna take your phone from you when I get there

Guys! Stop flooding my notifications!

Shut up Wade!

Uh oh Mark is in trouble

Yes especially since I'm outside your door

Let me guess Mark is now yelling "get in here and let me love you"

You know me so well

Wait really!?

'Attached a picture'
*the picture is of Mark on his bed with his arms out towards Jack like he's a baby wanting his bottle*

Ok I'm done here.... Peace out -puts sunglasses on and rides of into the sunset-

Ok... Get better Mark.. Ehm I mean.. Superman

Superman must invite us to see him and Jack while your on your break

Will do... Superman out -flies off into the sunset-

I smile then I'm greeted by Jack's lips as he sits on the bed beside me.
"How are you?" Jack asks me as he lays down beside me.
"I'm better now that your here" I say with a smirk.
"Why are you so adorable lately" he asks as he rests his head on my chest.
"Because I'm glad we're both alive... I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I ever lost you" I say as I feel a tear run down my cheek just thinking about it.
"Me too" he says as he kisses me again.
"I love you so much" I say as I hold Jack close to me.
"I love you too" Jack says as he buries his face in my neck.
-The End-

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