Split Personalities

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SMUT WARNING!! ..... sorta
-Jack's POV-
I sigh as I finish unpacking the last box of stuff in my new apartment in LA. I moved here because of the opportunities of being closer to friends and other things... Mark is going to be showing me around and we're going to be hanging out a lot more. Yay! I start feeling giddy about it then I frown and put my hands over my face. Stop it! Uhhh... I think I need to go out before Mark gets here... I have about 4 hours until 6:00... We're gonna go out for dinner then. I head into my room and dig my closet... I pull out a long sleeve black dress that flows to my knees, then I find my bag of makeup and lay it on the bed. I take all my clothes off then I sit down and close my eyes.. I begin the change.. I can feel my body change outside and in.. it's slightly painful. A full 5 minutes later I open my eyes and look at the body mirror in front of me... I am a brown hair, blue eyed girl.. I must say I'm quite beautiful. I get up then I put my bra and panties on followed by my dress then I head to the bathroom with my makeup kit and proceed to put it on with the expertise of a normal girl... I've had the same amount of practice as a normal girl. I've been able to change from guy to girl ever since I was 5 so the government knows but I specifically said I do not want it put in the news so the secret is still with me. Since they know I have two sets of ID so that I can use either one and I got two phones.. one for Jackie Mclaughlyn and one for Jack Mcloughlin... I kind of love having two lives. After I finish getting ready I grab some black heels and my purse out of my closet then I grab Jack's wallet and phone then I put them in there incase Mark texts. I slip on my heels then I head out of my apartment and out onto the sidewalk... I sigh... I'm gonna need a car for this place.. I then start walking until I find a clothing store.. cool maybe I should buy more stuff since I don't seem to have much casual clothing for Jackie. I head in and over to the girl section.. hmm.. what would I wear? I end up grabbing some high waisted jean shorts, and long sleeved crop top then I got some black high tops... I also grabbed other stuff but I love that outfit most. As I take one more glance around at the clothes my eyes catch something red.. I look over in the guys section.
"Mark?" I ask myself quietly.. he turns and sure enough it is. I watch as he grabs a couple swimsuits then some new shirts.. a thought pops into my head but I shake it off quickly. Maybe I should get a swimsuit... or maybe he's getting that for me... whatever we'll see what happens. I start heading over to the checkout while still in thought to I end up running into the back of someone standing in line.
"Oh I'm so sorry" I say as I pick up the basket I dropped "I wasn't paying..." It's Mark.. I brush off the shock "I wasn't paying attention... sorry"
"It's alright.. no harm done" he smiles at me.. I smile back and blush.. my feminine brain is so attracted to him so that's why before I was giddy about hanging out with Mark.. if I don't change in a while the change might be forced so that's why my mind was like a girls.
"I'm Mark" he holds out his hand.. I snap out of my thoughts.
"Oh I'm Jackie... I'm sorry I'm just so in my head right now" I take his hand and shake twice.
"It's okay... I'm like that a lot.. are you knew here?" He asks... I nod.
"Yeah actually just finishing moving in today" I smile because I can tell a lot of the truth if that person doesn't know me well "I live by myself though so it's kind of boring and I don't have a job so... I have a lot of stuff to do"
"It's okay you'll get there eventually" he smirks.
"Next!" I look behind him to see the cashier waiting.. Mark turns and heads to the counter. I sigh then look at my phone... it's 5:00... I need to get home soon.. I look up to see Mark is done already.. he's waiting for me? I put everything out on the counter then dig through my purse to get my debit card out then I pay... both my debit cards go to the same bank account they're just under different names. When I'm done I grab my bag of clothing then I head out the front door to see Mark standing there.. he smiles at me as I stop right next to him.
"Will I get to see again at some point?" He asks me with a nervous smile.
"Umm... want to exchange numbers?" I suggest as I pull out my phone.. the right one. I've done that before where I've pulled out Jack's phone instead of Jackie's.. I go into my contacts then I hand him my phone... I take his then I make sure I add the right number.. sometimes two lives can be difficult when it comes to remembering things.
"There's you go" I smile as I hand it back to him.. I put mine away "talk to you later?"
"Definitely" he grins as he turns and heads on his way... I sigh with a smile then I remember he's supposed to be coming to Jack's place! I start walking quickly down the sidewalk and I soon make it home. I am  Bisexual so I like Mark as Jack and as Jackie but Jackie is more giggly and giddy like a normal girl would be.. Jack is excited but doesn't express it. As soon as I'm home I put the new stuff I bought away then I take off the stuff I have on and throw it in a hamper I bought for this reason.. so no one sees the girl clothes on the floor.. it's gone so many different ways and I don't want to have it happen more. I change back to Jack then I put on some clean clothes..  I grab my wallet and phone out of Jackie's purse then I toss it deep into my closet then I check the time.. 5:45. Ok any minute now.. I look at my phone to see nothing.. I sit back on my bed and go through social media for a while before I hear a ding in my closet.. shit! Jackie's phone! I get up and I dig for the purse again.. I pull out her phone then I see I have a text from Mark.. Oh?

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