The New Chipmunk (Part 2)

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Idk what the fuck this is... It's not as funny as the previous but it's something... By the way I'm gonna write a cute fluff for the next part so don't worry normal septiplier is on its way!
-Jack's POV-
Me and Mark walk out of the class and downstairs to find the cafeteria... It's lunch... We walk up to the lunch line.
"Let's just share a lunch tray" Mark says as he picks one up then sets it down on the small counter thing in front of where the food is "I'll carry it after we have our food on it" Mark is really strong for a chipmunk... That's one thing I love about him... He works out... I'm more the fast and flexible one of the couple... That's why Mark always throws me to open doors. We get to the end of the line with food on our tray... Mark then picks it up and we jump down to the floor.
"Jack... Hop on" Mark says... I smile then I hop onto the tray trying not to step on the food. Mark carries me on the tray with food all the way to our table... We find one and decide to sit there.. We sit on the table and start eating our food.
"This day has been fun so far" I say as I chew the grape I just popped in my mouth.
"Yeah it's pretty good" Mark says.
"Yo check out the new pip squeaks!" I hear someone say as their friends start laughing... I look behind us only to be picked up.
"Hey! Put him down!" Mark yells as he stands up.
"Or what?" The guy asks with a laugh... Then I feel him squeeze his hand around my neck... I can't breathe... Mark sees this and starts growling.
-Mark's POV-
I run up to him... I first punch him in the groin so that he lets go of Jack but I don't stop there... I then climb up him and I claw him everywhere... I leave deep scratch marks all over his face and chest... Then for good measures I roundhouse kick him in the face.. He fall to the floor.
"Next time I won't go easy on you!" I yell as him. I run over to Jack where he's sitting up hands on his sore neck tears running down his cheeks... I wrap my arms around him as he buries his face in my chest.
"It's okay... You're okay now" I whisper as I press a kiss to his forehead.
"Hey... You okay?" I hear a voice ask... It's not human though... It's familiar... It's Alvin?! I turn to see the chipmunks and chipettes standing there with looks of concern on their faces... I nod then I just hug Jack tighter to me.
"You must be new here" Simon says as they step closer. Jack looks up at me.... I wipe his face of any stray tears as he rubs his eyes.
"You okay?" I whisper to him.
"Yeah... I was just scared I was gonna die" he says as he stands up and faces the others... I get up and face them as well.
"Hi... I'm Mark... This is Jack" I say.
"You're strong dude... You got muscles on you... That's impressive" Alvin says with a smile.
"Are you okay?" Brittany asks looking at Jack... He sniffles from previous crying.
"Yeah... I'm fine... Now" he says as he looks at the ground... I smile at him.
"Mark! Jack!" I hear the principal yell from across the room... I sigh as I cringe.
"Well... Nice meeting you but we probably won't be here for a few days... Y'know suspensions and all that" I say as I pick Jack up on my back. Then I jump to the floor and start running towards the principal.... We get there then she just turns and starts walking towards her office.. We follow her... We eventually reach the office.
"First of all... Are you okay?" She asks looking at Jack... He nods looking at the ground.
"Listen... If you're gonna suspend us just let me say that Jack shouldn't be because he did nothing... I was merely protecting what I love" I say as Jack stands behind me holding my hand.
"I wasn't planning on suspending you... I had figured that's what you were doing from the other side of the story... You won't be punished... This time... You may go" she says as she waves us out of the room with a smile.
"Thank you" I say as me and Jack head out and back down to the cafeteria. We head back to the table we were at.. The chipmunks and chipettes are sitting there talking.
"Hey... You not suspended?" Alvin asks as they look at us.
"No... She let us off because I was simply protecting him" I say as I sit down facing them... Jack sits with his back to mine looking away from the others.
"What do you guys have after lunch?" Simon asks me.
"Umm... I think gym" I say trying to think.
"So do we!" Alvin says motioning to him and his brothers.
"We have Math" Brittany sighs.
"Can we just go home?" Jack whispers in my ear "I don't want to be here" I turn around to see tears in his eyes... I pull him into another hug... He is sitting between my legs his face buried in my chest.
"I know... Same here" I say "but don't worry I will protect you... No matter what... Because I love you so much... It hurts me to see you hurt"
"I love you too" Jack whispers as he presses his lips to mine.
"Jack! Mark! There you are! I heard what happened... Let's go!" I see Felix bust through the door.
"Felix!" Jack yells as he gets up and races towards him... I follow.
"See ya guys later" I say to the others as I hop up onto Felix's shoulder.
"Felix... You are my fucking savior... Well just under Mark" Jack laughs suddenly a lot happier.
"Yes... You definitely are a savior... Now let's go home... And possibly never return?" I ask Felix with a laugh as we head out the door. Thank the lord he was here to save us from school!
-The End-

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