No Hesitation. No Shame. #2

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-Jack's POV-
"Uhhhh! Oh fuck! Mark faster!" I practically yell as Mark slams into me... Hitting my prostate every time.
"Oh god Jack!" Mark moans as I feel him cum inside of me.. I cum seconds later onto Mark's computer desk. I shutter from my release as I catch my breath.... My head just gives out and hits the wood desk hard... I'm tired. I am on Mark's desk on my knees with them spread apart wide enough so that I sink lower... My forearms in front of me and my head between my hands... Mark is just standing behind me.
"That's what... You get for... Teasing me earlier" Mark says through breaths.
"I'm tired" I say as I try to step off the desk gracefully... But it's anything but that... I fall to the floor and I just lay there because I'm so tired that it's difficult to move.
"I drained the energy from you?" Mark asks with a chuckle.
"Carry me?" I ask as I put my arms up towards him.
"Ok... Just because you're adorable" he smiles as he picks me up bridal style and takes me to our bedroom... As soon as he lays me on the bed I fall asleep.
-Mark's POV-
"Sweet dreams Roo" I say as I pull the blanket up over him then I head back to my recording room to clean up the mess on my desk.
Knock Knock
I hear from the front door... I slip some pj bottoms on then I head down to answer the door... I see Matthias at the door with Brian and J-Fred.
"Hey guys what's up?" I say.
"Hey man! We were just in the area and thought we'd stop by... Maybe we could hang out or record some stuff?" Matt suggests.
"Hmm... Well we could definitely hang out either way but as for videos.. What would we do? I mean I have a pool but nothing to do a challenge with or..." I point out as I let them in.
"We could just record vlogs if you want... But we don't have too" Matt says as they sit down in the living room.
"We can just hang out but if you want to record vlogs for your vlog channel that's fine too... I don't care" I say as I head to the kitchen "want anything!?"
"Nah we just ate so we're good" Matt says. I head back to the living room then I sit down.
"Where's Jack?" Brian asks.
"He's sleeping.. I tired him out" I smirk.
"How? Oh... Never mind I don't wanna know" J-Fred says as they all get a disgusted look on their faces.
"Don't look at me... You figured it on your own" I say as I raise my hands.
"I suddenly don't wanna be here" Brian says jokingly.
"Hey! You two can't say anything.. You have kids!" I make a point... They both laugh then look at me like I've won.
"Hey.. What about me? I've had sex before" J-Fred says looking hurt.
"When did this happen?" Matt asks his brother with a look of confusion. We all start laughing... I almost die from laughter... I then look up to see a tired little Sean rubbing his eyes as he comes down the stairs.
"Awe did we wake you?" I ask as he moves over to me... He nods.
"You guys are loud... And that's something coming from me" he smiles as he takes a seat between my legs.
"Wow... I feel honoured.. The loudest man on YouTube call us loud" Matt laughs. Jack snuggles into my chest... He is in a little ball now and is so adorable. I see Matt pull out his phone and take a picture of us... I raise an eyebrow at him as a sign of 'why the fuck did you just take a picture of us?'
"You two are so cute and plus... Your fans would die" he explains.. I just laugh and shake my head. We talk for a bit longer before they decide they're gonna leave... I sit there hugging the little ball in my arms as he snores away. I then hear Jack's phone ring... I pick it up and answer it quickly as to not wake him up.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Oh hey Mark... Where's Jack?" I hear Felix ask.
"He's asleep" I say.
"Why? It's like 3:40pm there is it not?" He asks.
"Yeah but I tired him out"
"What? You tired the great jacksepticeye out? How did you do such a thing?" He gasps jokingly.
"I fucked him... Hard" I say a little seductively into the phone.
"Oh... Ok.. Good to know" Felix says sarcastically "well I was just gonna ask if he wanted to record with me and Ken.. Possibly Minx?"
"Well I'll ask him when he gets... UP!" I grunt the last word.
"What's wrong?"
"He kicked me.... In his sleep" I say not able to breathe. I just hear Felix laughing so hard on the other side... Then Jack wakes up and looks at my probably tomato red and pained face.. I hand him his phone then he gets off of me.
"Hello?" I hear him ask "oh hi Felix... Um what's wrong with Mark?" I fall off the chair onto the floor my hands over my groin.... After a couple minutes I am now just laying face down on the floor... Motionless and calm.
"Are you okay now?"
"Much better!" I say as I get up.
"I'm sorry" Jack chuckles.
"It's okay... You were asleep... It just really hurt at first... And Felix made fun of me" I pout.
"Want me to kiss it better?" Jack asks with a smirk.
"Oh god yes" I say as I get pushed back onto the couch. He slides my pants down and throws them across the room... He then takes off his boxers and t-shirt... I then feel him place kisses up and down my member and on my balls. I groan as I get hard... Jack then placed his lips over my tip and takes more of me in his mouth... I feel his tongue constantly run over my tip as he bobs his head. I start moaning more as I thrust into his mouth causing me to come closer to my orgasm.
"Oh fuck!" I moan loudly as I cum into Jack's mouth... He swallows then climbs up and straddles me. Jack pushes my legs apart more then without warning pushes into me... He starts thrusting hard and fast.
"Oh god! Mark your so fuckin tight" Jack yells. I wince and grunt at the pain.... I've never been on the reviving end before... I don't know why he just had this sudden urge to try it now. I know it sounds crazy for the amount of times we've had sex... Which is a lot but Jack never really showed interest in doing it the other way... Until now.
"Fuck! Fucking God! Christ!" I yell as it still hurts but I feel the pleasure more now. Before I know it we cum at the same time... I cum onto mine and Jack's chests then I feel him release inside of me. Jack pulls out before just collapsing onto me... I am still clenching my teeth as it still hurts... He didn't wait for me to adjust, didn't prep me or anything so it just hurts... I did for him the first few times we did it. Jack pushes himself up and looks at me... I look into his eyes as he looks back at me with confusion then concern once he realizes what's wrong.
"Oh.. Mark I'm sorry... I forgot! How could I be so stupid! I didn't help you ease into it at all... I'm sorry" Jack looks guilty as he gets off of me. I eventually calm down more but I know I'm gonna be sore later.. And tomorrow.... I just sit there with my head back. I hear a sniffle come from beside me... I look over to see Jack with his back to me and his head on his knees in his arms.
"Jack?" I ask.
"Im sorry for hurting you"
"It's okay... It was just a small mistake... It doesn't matter" I explain.
"But you cared the first time we did it but me? No I didn't care for anything but my own needs" Jack sobs. I get up on my knees then I hug him from behind... My chest pressed to his back.
"Sean.. Baby... It's okay... I can take it... I'm fine" I say as I press kisses down his spine "I love you"
"I love you too"
-The End-

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