Fender Bender

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This is short but sweet... Suggested by drunken_septiplier
-3rd Person POV-
Mark is driving north bound on a back country road that is completely empty except for the few stray cars like his own. It's 9:00 at night and Mark is heading back to his house from a party at one of his friends houses but he came back here to avoid blinding lights and other vehicles for as long as he can. Jack on the other hand is out here because previously he was stressed and is having a peaceful calming drive to find a place to sit and think... He is driving south bound on the same road heading to nowhere in particular... Jack is driving just under the speed limit and Mark is doing the speed limit exactly... Like the good boy he is. As Jack is driving he spots headlights in the distance and thinks nothing of it except for wondering why they're out here like he always does... As the car approaches he spots a deer that runs right out in front of him... Reacting quickly he accidentally swerves right into the one other car that's on the road. The collision isn't bad but just enough to put a big dent in the bumpers of both cars.
-Mark's POV-
I shake my head as I try to make sense of what just happened... I see a man get out of his car and come over to me he opens the door.
"Are you okay?" He asks looking worried.
"I'm fine.. You?"
"Yeah.. And I'm really sorry for swerving into you... Th-there was a deer that r-ran across and I-I had to think quickly but.." He nervously explains but I just smirk and cut him off.
"It's okay.. I understand... It was an honest mistake" I chuckle... He's kinda cute at how nervous he is.
"I feel really bad.. This is my fault" he sighs.
"If it's anyone's fault it's the deer's... This road is practically empty all day and he chooses now to run across?" I smile as he laughs.
"Yeah I guess that is really stupid" he smirks as he looks around "um so... What do we do now?"
"Well... Let's see how bad the damage is" I say as I put my car into reverse then I pull back a little ways then I turn off my car and get out... I use my phone as a flashlight to look.
"Mines okay it's not a big deal but I can pay for yours if you'd like" he nervously says as he looks at my car.
"It's fine... I can deal with it" I smile at him.. He nervously smiles back... I chuckle.
"What's so funny?" He asks.
"How adorably nervous you are" I explain as the first thing that comes to my mind slips out of my mouth "are you single?" I exhale sharply as I look away because I know I screwed up.
"Wow.. You're bold" he laughs nervously again "didn't even ask if I was into guys"
"Sorry... Are you?" I ask.
"Yeah... So uh... Are you asking me on a date... After I almost killed you?" He asks with a laugh.
"I guess" I smirk as I stand up then I head to my car I grab a piece of paper and I write my number on it and hand it to me "call or text me"
"Ok" he smiles as he looks at my number "so we're good here?"
"Yeah it's fine... There's not too much damage done... I could even fix your car for you... I just have to pop the bumper out again" I suggest.
"Are you a mechanic?"
"Well not right now but I was and I have tools and stuff in my garage... Just text me and I'll send you my address... Probably if you took it somewhere it would cost almost 100$ so I suggest letting me take care of it" I explain.
"Ok maybe I will" he smiles "talk to you later then... Again sorry for causing this" I chuckle at him.
"See ya" I smile as I get into my car and drive  home. I sigh... Do you believe things happen for a reason? I do and I was meant to meet Jack.
-The End-

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