I Don't Fucking Know..

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I decided I will not delete any stories I have started from now on.. anything I start but get bored of will get put up unfinished. I do it a lot so here's one to start using off... don't ask where it was going. Idea by LillianGibson3 hey I tried but it makes no sense and it doesn't feel like something Mark would do... SMUT WARNING??
-Jack's POV-
"Oh fucking God.." I moan out as I cum into Mark's mouth... I lay there and recover from my orgasm.
"Anything change I could get a little help today?" Mark almost whines as he climbs up onto the bed over top of me... I sigh as I possibly consider it but then I remember the reasons why I don't feel comfortable doing it "Ok... fine" he sighs then with a weak smile gets up and heads out of the room. I feel bad that he either blows me or gives me a hand job then because I don't feel comfortable he heads to another room to jack off.
"I'm such a baby. I'm so stupid! Just let him fuck me... then maybe I'll be more comfortable" I almost scold myself as I slip my clothes back on. I just sit on the bed on my phone for a little while then eventually Mark comes back into the room. I glance up at him then I look down at the bed.
"I'm sorry" I say quietly.
"It's alright... I guess you do what you want to" he climbs on the bed and wraps his arms around me.
"No.. it's not alright" I say feeling ambitious now "you deserve so much more... like a real relationship"
"Sean... you don't have to do..."
"I'm not finished" I say as I look at him "tomorrow night... you have consent to fuck me... doesn't matter if I don't want it then... I want to get it over with then maybe  I won't be as hesitant or scared" I explain as I see his mood shift slightly... I to something more animal like? Uh oh... did I do something wrong? He then looks away and nods.
"Ok.. well I should go start my busy day" he smiles then presses a kiss to my lips before he heads out of the room. I sigh and wonder if I've made a big mistake.
-the next night-
I am just laying on the couch watching TV waiting for Mark to get home from wherever he had to go. He said he needed to grab some things for a video... I asked what kind of  video but he said it was a surprise. I didn't push it. I sigh and close my eyes... I then hear the door open... footsteps make their way over towards me.
"Baby.. you asleep?" He asks... I smile and open my eyes.
"No... I'm just bored"
"Well... I could make you not bored?" He says in a questioning tone.
"Hmm... I wanna ask how but I know you won't tell me anyway" I sigh and sit up.
"What? That's not... yeah Ok I'm not telling you" then a thought comes to mind.... it's tonight already... shit.. that's what he has in mind "you know don't you.. what I have in mind"
"Your face... you look scared" he sighs.
"I'm fine" I force a smile "go on with what you were going to"
"Really?" He almost perks up like a dog.
"I told you, you could yesterday" he smiles then signals for me to turn around... I smirk and do as he wants me to.. he then ties a blindfold around my head... I almost feel better that I know I'm not going to see anything. I then feel him pick me up and I'm assuming he's taking me to our bedroom... I giggle when he practically throws me to the bed. I then start to slightly internally panic when he stars taking my shirt off.. I realize the pain that I will feel and just how uncomfortable it will be. I feel his hands run down my chest then slide my pants and boxers off...I sigh as his hands run down the inside of my thighs.
"God you're so beautiful" I blush when I hear him say that. I then lay there confused when I don't feel his hands at all I just hear moving around. I resist asking what he's doing because I probably don't want to know... so I sit there.. the panic increasing as I think about what's going to happen. I then feel something press into my entrance... I yelp and push myself back and away from whatever Mark was doing... it hurt.
"Sean.. it's okay... shh" then I feel him pull me back towards the middle of the bed... I feel.. fingers.. push into me slightly. Again like before I freak out and start failing around then Mark pins my arms in place and I can't move.
"Fine.. I won't prep" he almost growls. I feel him shift around and my thighs are resting on his hips.. then I sucks in a breath when I feel him push into me... I moan in pain then I try breaking free. I end up kicking Mark really hard and he flies off of me.. I sit up and ouch the blindfold off to see him on his hands and knees on the floor... he spits and I see blood.
"I'm sorry" I say as he turns to me... I see his no bleeding as well as his bottom lip... he looks at me with frustration.
"You need to get over this fear" he growls then gets up and moves over to me.. he pins my arms and legs down as I struggle. I tell myself to stop but I just can't. I end up kicking him again when my leg gets free but he just let's go of me and sighs.
"I'm done trying" he gets up, grabs his clothes then he leaves the room. I hug my knees as I watch him head to the bathroom... I sigh then I just pull the comforter over top of me and lay down.. I'm not upset because of his actions. I know he was trying to help but I'm upset that I wouldn't let him and that I could lose him... I end up crying myself to sleep. I wake up to arms around my waist and I feel lips pressed to the back of my neck.. I look over my shoulder at Mark.. he has a sad look on his face.
"Good morning" I watch as he hesitantly smiles.. it's as if he's afraid I'll explode with the smallest move.
"Good morning" I smile back at him.. I spin to lay on my back but I turn my head towards him.
"Hey.. I'm sorry about last night.. I was just frustrated... it wasn't right.. anything that I did" he looks honestly like a hurt puppy.
"I'm fine... is your nose okay though?" I kiss his nose.
"It just started bleeding.. it's not broken or anything and I also just bite my lip so I'm okay.. but seriously are you?" He looks into my eyes.
"Yes.. I was just scared that I'd lose you more than anything" I sigh "and I'm just mad at myself for not being able to go through with it"
"That doesn't matter if just don't want to hurt you" he pulls me close to him and he presses his forehead to mine.
"I still feel bad... at least for kicking you" I giggle as he smirks.
"Alright... well.. we can talk about this later.. how about we have breakfast" he says as he gets up then heads out of the room.
You make an ending! 😑

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