Working through this together (Part 1)

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I'm sorry that this is quite long... And the idea for this story was supposed to be funny but it turned out to something more serious..... Also.... SMUT WARNING!!
-Jack's POV-
I walk out to the backyard to see Mark, Matt and Ryan in the pool messing around... I smile as I step up to the side of the pool.... I hear a whistle.
"Damn" Mark says with a laugh... I smirk.
"Why are you acting like this is the first time you've seen me with my shirt off? You've seen me with nothing on before" I say with my hands on my hips.
"Ok... That... I didn't need to hear" Ryan says.
"Oh c'mon you know it's true" Mark says as he splashes Ryan.
"Yes but we didn't need to hear you say it" Matt says.
"Well then you guys can just go and f..." I get cut off by a hand grabbing me and pulling me onto the water. I come up to the surface laughing... I look at Matt next to me... He's the one who did it... I put my hands around his neck then I push him under, pretending to drown him.
"I'm going to attempt something awesome!" Mark says as he stands a little ways away from the pool.
"Are you going to take your clothes off!?" I ask a little to quickly after Mark said that.
"That'll be later" Mark laughs as he steps up a little closer to the pool "I'm going to attempt to do a flip into the pool"
"Oh god be careful" I say as I look back to see Ryan with a camera... Probably filming his fails "your going to have an amazing fail compilation after this"
"Ha ha very funny... But your gonna be in it.... We're all going to try" Mark says as he playfully smiles at me.
"Fine... Just go already" I say to him as I sit up on the edge of the pool.
"Hold on.... I have a deal... For you" Mark points at me... Then he uses his finger and signals me to go to him. I walk over to him then he leans into my ear.
"If I make this flip on first try I get to do whatever I want to you later.... If you get the flip first try?" Mark whispers into my ear.
"If I get it first try.... You have to pleasure me but you get no pleasure" I whisper back with a smirk.
"Wait what? Fine" Mark says looking like he got grumpy all of a sudden.
"My guess is those guys are talking about what they're gonna do later" Matt says looking at the camera.
"Ok I'm going go now" Mark says as he gets ready.
"While you two were talking Matt set up another camera over there and we got a stand for this one" Ryan says as he moves over to where we are.
"Ok cool... Let's go! If not I'll go first!" I yell at Mark.
"Geez... Ok you wanna go first mr impatient?" Mark says as he steps aside.
"Gladly" I say as I take his place. I take a deep breath then I do a small jog... I get to the side of the pool and I jump... I start spinning then I hit the water with a dive. When I come up to the surface Mark has a look of shock on his face.. So do the others... I smirk.
"Try and beat that!" I say as I sit on the edge of the pool.
"You did a double flip then dove perfectly into the water... There's no way! How did you do that?" Mark asks me.
"Well um... I used to practice in the small pond near my house" I giggle.
"Well that explains it" Matt says as he looks like he just lost all hope.
"Now stop stalling and go!" I yell.
"Geezumz your really sassy today" Mark says as he gets ready.
"That just came from the 'king of sass'" I say using air quotes. Mark rolls his eyes then he takes a run at the pool... When he gets to the edge of the pool his foot slips and he ends up falling face first into the pool.. Not even being able to make a flip. I just burst out with laughter as I see Mark surface with a look of embarrassment. Mark moves over to me then as he gets out he puts his hand on my crotch and pushes down to help him get out... I clench my teeth and I feel my eyes watering... After he walks away I fall back then I curl up into a ball.
"Oh fuck" I groan in pain.
"That one didn't count! We both get two" Mark says as he finds his spot again.
"Fine but don't do that again or I'll fuckin bite your dick off" I threaten. Mark runs again and this time he does the exact same as I did... A double front flip with a perfect dive at the end.
"There that's better... Now if you get this then you get your reward... But if you fail this... I don't know" Mark says as he gets up out of the pool. I start in the spot I started in before... I start my jog.... I get about one step away from the edge of the pool but I slip... I fall and I'm out.
-Mark's POV-
I see Jack fall then roll into the water but what I see next terrifies me... I see him just float up to the surface... I then see blood in the pool. I get up then I sprint into the pool I pick up Jack and I get him out of the pool... I see Ryan call 911 as I start crying... Matt grabs a cloth then I press it to the cut... Trying to slow the blood flow.
"No.. No.. No.. No.. No... Please Jack no" I say through my sobs. I sit there with Jack in my arms for about 5 minutes before I start hearing sirens... The next few minutes just flash by me. The paramedics are here.... They take Jack from me.... They take him into the ambulance... Then they're gone... I decide to stay because I rather stay here until they're done instead of waiting in the hospital. I walk back out to the pool then I just sit on the edge of the pool... I am covered in Jack's blood... The pool is also now red... I break into tears again.
-Jack's POV-
I open my eyes to see I'm in a hospital... What why? Last thing I remember I was in my room trying on dresses... What is going on? I sit up then I feel my head ache terribly... I groan... I then remember something... My boyfriend Mark... Oh how handsome he is. I feel my head... My hand runs over a scar on the top of my head... My hair is covering it... Luckily.
"Jack!" I hear a mans deep voice... It sounds familiar... I look over to see Mark.
"Mark! Wait what? Jack? It's me Ceana" I say feeling confused as to why he is calling me Jack.
"What? No your Sean William McLaughlin aka Jack" Mark says to me with a look of worry.
"And why am I hear... Last thing I remember I was in my room... Trying on some new dresses a bought" I say.
"Dresses?" Mark asks.
"Yeah... Why what else would I wear? After all I am a princess" I say with a look of worry for Mark.
"Oh god" Mark laughs "my boyfriend has become a princess"
"Boyfriend?! You think I'm a guy? Do I look like a guy?!" I ask with a hurt feeling.
"Um... I wanna say yes but I'm afraid of where that's gonna lead" Mark says with a giggle.
"You think this is funny?! If that's true then... Maybe your not right for me!" I yell as I start crying.
"What? No... I'm sorry... Your beautiful and I was just joking around before... Your my girlfriend... I love you" Mark says to me as he hugs me.
-Mark's POV-
Oh. My. God. Jack must have done something really bad to his head... I guess it wasn't just external.
"Ok... I'm going to be right back... Don't move" I say as I get up and move to the door.
"Ok... Can we go soon?" Jack asks me.
"Yes... Soon... I just want to tell them your awake" I say as I walk out of the room. I feel my eyes water as I think about what's happening.... Why? Why did this have to happen? I walk to the front desk.
"Excuse me... Sean McLaughlin is now awake... I would like to speak with the doctor" I say to the woman.
"Ok hold on... Go back to the room he'll be there" she says as she picks up the phone. I head back to the room but I wait outside because I want to speak with the doctor alone.... I wait for a few minutes before I see him.
"Mark Fishbach?" The doctor asks.
"Yes I'm... Jack's boyfriend... But there is a little problem..." I say as I dread the next words.
"Is his head still bleeding?" The doctor asks as he goes to open the door... I stop him.
"No... It's just... In his head... He thinks he's a girl" I sigh.
"Oh... I thought the personality thing might be a problem but that bad? Hmmm." The doctor says as I finally let him open the door. Jack is now sitting on the edge of the bed... Please get better soon... That's all I can think right now because that's all I can do is hope.
"Hello" Jack says.
"Hi..." The doctor pauses.
"Ceana" Jack says.
"Right... Ceana... So... What are you feeling right now?" The doctor asks him.
"I'm feeling slightly confused... Like emotionally" Jack says "I also feel light headed"
"Ok... Are you feeling any different from before... Oh how about memories? What can you remember?" He asks Jack.
"Well I can remember my sister getting coronated" he says with a smile.
"So your a princess?" He asks.
"Yes... Mark you even know that... You were there" Jack says looking at me.
"I can't take this.. What can we do to help him?" I ask feeling desperate. The doctor takes me out into the hall.
"Just play along with it for as long as you can... Keep him inside away from any other human contact" he says to me "come back every week and we'll see if it's getting better"
"Ok... How can I try and help him?" I ask.
"I've had several people tell me this works... When he's asleep whisper into his ear.. Tell him about who he really is" the doctor says.
"That's all I can do?" I ask.
"Other than hope... Yes" he says... I sigh and run my fingers through my hair "you can take him home now"
"Ok... What about my housemates? There's two" I ask.
"As long as it's just you three and nobody else that's fine" he says as he heads somewhere else. I go back into the room... I look at Jack and smile... At least he's alive.
"We can go home now" I say as Jack stands up off the bed.
"Why am I in nothing but guys swim shorts?" He asks as he covers his chest like a girl would if she had no shirt on.
"I would answer that but.... My brain is tired so I'm just going to say I don't know" I say as I help him walk since he is a little wobbly.
-at the house-
"This is our house?" Jack asks.
"Yes... Why?" I ask him with a sigh.
"What about my castle?" He asks.. I groan then I just ignore the question. I get out then I help him out of the car... I take him up to his room and I lay him down on his bed... I am about to leave when I feel a hand on my arm.
"What?" I say a little to grumpily.
"Are you ok? You seem upset" he asks... At that moment I want to snap at him but I hold myself back... I sigh.
"I'm fine... Just a little disappointed" I say as I press a kiss to his forehead.
"About what?" He asks.
"Ok well for one... Asking a ton of questions won't help and.... I'll tell you later... Just when I do promise you won't get upset at anything I say?" I ask as I put my hand on Jack's leg.
"Ok... I promise" he says with a smile. I smile back then I hug him tight... I pull away then I stand up and move to the door.
"Why don't you get some sleep... I'll see you later... If you need anything just call me... I'll be here" I say.
"I'm definitely a princess now" Jack says with a laugh.
"Ok love you.... Ceana" I say with a little laugh.. Mostly at the name.
"Love you too Mark" he says as he lays back. I close the door then I head out to where the pool is... I see Matt and Ryan cleaning off the ground and cleaning out the pool.
"How is he?" Ryan asks.
"He's.... Um..... Well it depends on what you think is good or not" I sigh as I find a chair and sit down.
"Why what's wrong?" Matt asks.
"Jack... Thinks he's a princess... I know it sounds silly but it's true" I say as I just lay back in the beach chair I'm on.
"Oh... Wow... So will it pass?" Ryan asks.
"Don't know.... The doctor said just hope for the best" I say as I feel no emotion whatsoever... I'm to emotionally drained to even care.
"That's terrible" Matt says.
"Well right now I'm going to let people know that for about a week I won't be making videos but Jack... Who knows... Could be forever" I say as I feel myself start to cry again "why did this have to happen?"
"I don't know but maybe you should make a vlog instead of putting it on Twitter" Ryan suggests.
"Yeah maybe your right.... We also have the video of Jack slipping so... We could show that" I say as Ryan picks up the camera that was still outside. I nod as he starts filming.... I take a deep breath.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and I have some terrible news.... Matt, Ryan, Jack and I were out here in the pool... Then I had the very stupid idea of doing flips into the pool... Well whatever I'll post the video up after this... You will get to see some blood and stupidity in the video.... But anyway so a result of everything.... Jack has... Let's just say a kind of brain damage... He thinks he's a princess... He knows that we're together but he thinks he a girl" I say as I feel a tear run down my cheek "we don't know if it's temporary or if it's permanent so let's just all hope for the best.... I know for the next week at least I won't be putting up videos.... But Jack.. I'm not so sure... It could be a month, it could be a year, it could be forever.... Who knows?" I sigh then I look down at my hands.
"Mark?" I hear a small voice come from the door... Ryan points the camera towards him.
"J... Erm I mean Ceana... What are you doing down here?" I ask as I get up and walk over to him.
"Is everything that you said true?" He asks.
"How long have you been here?" I ask him.
"Since the beginning... I saw he.. Um I mean she was here but I just didn't say anything" Ryan says awkwardly.
"It's okay you don't have to keep calling me a girl I guess if your not used to it... Can I see the video of us?" Jack asks.
"After... Ok guys I'm going to end the video here... And as always I will see you.. In the next video.. Buh bye!" I say as I wave at the camera.
-Markiplier's Journel-

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