Terrified Inside

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-Mark's POV-
"Mark wake up.... Get ready for school!" I hear my dad yell from downstairs. I wake up and grab my phone... I have three text messages.... From Chloe.

Hey Mark when are you gonna get up? I'm outside your house waiting for you...

Sorry... I slept in... Did you hear my dad yell at me to wake up?

Yeah I did... Ahh.. Abusive parents... You gotta love them

Yeah and I'm moving out soon

Are you?

Hold I gotta get ready... I'll be out in a sec


I close my phone then I go have a shower then I get dressed.... I grab my school stuff and I head out without eating or saying anything to my dad.
"Hey" I say to Chloe as I get into my car.
"Hi" Chloe says with a smile as she gets into the passenger seat.
"What's new with you?" I ask as I drive to school.
"Nothing... What happened at school yesterday?" Chloe asks as she sighs.
"Well... Max missed you all day..." I say rolling my eyes.
"Of course she did... That dork is so adorable.... So.. While we're on the subject of relationships" she says as she narrows her eyes at me "what's going on in that head of yours?"
"About what? Oh Jack!?" I sigh "well... Nothing is going on... Between us I mean... Although I want there to be" I say the last part quietly.
"I know but your a fuckin football player.... Your not supposed to be with nerds like him let alone hang out with nerds like you already do" Chloe says with a sigh.
"Yeah? Then what about you and Max? You break the law and she's a shadow that doesn't talk doesn't pay attention to anyone or anything.... Everyone knows you but no one knows her.. Well except us.." I point out.
"You do have a point.... Um... I think Max knows Jack... I could get her to find out if he likes you?" Chloe suggests as I pull up into the school parking lot.
"No I'm fine.... Besides he probably isn't gay" I sigh as I turn off my car.
"No but he could be bi... Like you are" Chloe says as we get out and start walking into the school.
"Ok we're done talking about this" I say as I look around to see if people were listening.
"Got it" she says as we spot our friends.
"Oh by the way.... It shouldn't matter if we were together because everyone is afraid of me" I say with a smug smirk.
"Right... So you'd just beat their face in... Sounds good to me" Chloe laughs as we reach our friends.
"Hey Maxamillion" Chloe says as she gives Max a hug "I was just to tired to come yesterday" while Max, Chloe, Kate, Warren talk I spot something happening a little ways down the hall. I move a bit closer.. Completely ignoring my friends and everyone else... I finally get to a point where I can see what's going on. Nathan Prescott  Is beating the shit out of someone... He is just douche in general so it's not a surprise but the person he has is... Jack!
"Oh fuck" I say to myself as I start running and pushing past people to get there. When I reach them I grab Prescott by the arm, I fling him back against the lockers as hard as I can... Everyone gasps and Nathan gets up really slowly but I don't stop... I slam my foot into his face. I then pick him up and I throw him back to the ground as hard as I can... He doesn't get up.... I feel adrenaline run through my veins... Everyone has backed off because they are all scared of me.. I enjoy having them scared of me. I look down at Jack to see him in a ball crying... My heart shatters at the sight... I kneel down beside him.
"Jack... Are you ok?" I ask with my voice as soft as ever. He looks up at me with his big ocean blue eyes now glassy with tears... He sits up then nods to me... I smile reassuringly to him.. He smiles back.
"Thank you" Jack says "is he dead?"
"No but he won't bother you anymore... And if he does let me know" I say as I help him up.
"Fishbach! Office! Now!" The principle yells as two paramedics carry Prescott away on a stretcher.... I smirk a devilish smirk to Jack and the others then I turn and go to the office. I'm now sitting in the office with the principal, vice principal and now my dad.... Oh I'm gonna get a beating when I get home... The only person I'm scared of is my dad.. He has stabbed me before... My mom is away for a full year.. We have one month to go till she's home.
"Mark here took it upon himself to beat the crap out of a poor young man.." I cut off the principal.
"Poor? He was beating Jack... I saved him... And he got a little taste of his own medicine!" I yell.
"Mark!" My dad yells at me "ok let's go home" he grabs my wrist and try's pulling me out.
"No please don't let him take me! He will beat me! He's abusive! Please... I won't do it again just let me stay for the rest of the day!" I beg.
"Is this true?" The principal asks as she looks at my dad.
"No! He's making up lies... I would never hurt Mark" my dad says as he lets go of my wrist.
"We are gonna have to look into that but for now... Yes Mark... You may stay.... But you will have to be in here for your lunch... Writing lines" the principal says to me.... I nod.
"I can do that" I say as the bell rings for school to begin "wow I've already been in the office and school hasn't started yet"
"Yes that is impressive" the vice principal says with a laugh... I smile. I look back to see my dad has left... I sigh and smile... I look at them and they both give me a worried look.
"You saved my life" I say.
"Does he actually hurt you?" The vice asks.
"Every time I come to school bruised... I lie and say it's cuz I hurt myself at the skatepark.... It's actually cuz of him" I sigh as I look at my hands.
"Is this why you hurt people? Because you want to feel like you have power here that you don't have at home?" The principal asks.
"No... Don't you see!? Every time I come into the office for beating someone is because they were beating someone else that didn't need to be beaten! I do it to help them..." I pause as I get quiet "because I don't want them being beaten for doing nothing wrong like I get... At home... Almost everyday" I feel tears fill my eyes and a lump forms in my throat.
"Ok Mark thank you... You may go now... But can I have your phone... Just as another punishment" the principal asks as she stands up and moves to in front of me.
"Yes... The only one that would text me would be him and I really don't care to see what he has to say" I sniffle as I hand her my phone then I head out to my locker. I grab my stuff then I head to my first class... I look at my hands... They have Nathan's blood on them... I smile. I reach my class then I head in... They all stay silent and they try to keep away from eye contact. I head to the very back of the room where I sit in a lonely desk... For this class I actually pay attention and learn stuff... I mean I normally do but sometimes I get distracted. An hour later the bell rings for the next class... I have gym.. I like gym but the one thing I don't like about it is that because I play football and I'm number one for any athletic competitions the school has... They push me harder than the others. We go to the lockers and get changed then we enter the gym... We start our exercises and so far the teacher hasn't yelled at me once... We go through about three quarters of our gym class and he hasn't yelled at me once... What am I doing different? Am I doing good or does he know I'm having a bad day so far? I get snapped out of my thoughts because I trip and fall... I look over to see a few really stupid boys who used to be my friends.. They're all laughing at me... I assume one of them tripped me.
"Where were you this morning when I beat the living hell out of Prescott?" I ask as I crack my knuckles as I walk over to them.
"We're sorry man! It was just a joke!" The one guy who tripped me says as he gets up and starts running.
"Oh don't run! I'm like a cat it's fun to chase people..... then catch them and eat them alive" I say as I sprint after him. I catch him then pin him against the wall but I look across the gym to see Jack... I forgot he's in my gym class... I guess I've just been so in my own head that I didn't notice him. I let go of him then I walk over to the one bench.... I sit on it and I just put my face in my hands I calm myself.
"Mark... You can sit out if you want... I heard what happened... But you did really good.. I didn't have one complaint the whole time... Anyway if you'd like you can be done.. You can go shower now if you want" the gym teacher says.
"And to be honest I was not paying attention to half of the stuff we were doing" I say as I get up then head out to the showers. I shower and get changed then the bell rings... I walk down the hall on my way to the office but I hear my name called from behind me.
"Mark!" I hear my name being said by a voice that has never said it before.... Jack? I turn to see Jack walking up to me... He stands up on his toes then presses his lips to mine... He then pulls away and speed walks away.. I see Chloe, Sam, Kate and Warren laughing and smiling... Jack joins them... I smirk at them with a confident smirk then I turn and head into the office... Smiling like an idiot. When I get in the principal hands me my phone... I look at her confused... She smiles at me.
"You've been having a better rest of the day so take this and go have lunch with your friends.... And don't think I saw what happened out there.... Now I know why you helped Jack" she smiles at me. I blush as I turn and walk out... The halls are now clear but I know exactly where they are because it's in one of two places where we normally hang out at lunch. I run down the halls then I walk out the back door to see them under the cherry blossom tree that sheds pink pedals in the summer... It's bare right now but it's still beautiful.... I walk quickly to them. I walk up behind Jack.. I tap on his shoulder... He turns then I fit my mouth to his, wrapping my arms around his waist.. His arms go around my neck.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for" I say as Jack buries his head in my chest.
"I wish I had known before" Jack says as I hug him tight.
"You guys are too cute" Chloe says with a smirk.
"Thank you" I say to her "if you didn't tell him I never would have"
"Y'know for someone so strong and tough I can't believe you were scared" Jack says as he looks into my eyes.... I sigh.
"I'm scared of more things than you think.... Killing people, watching others get killed, you getting really hurt, disappointing people, relationships and..... My dad" I sigh as I break eye contact and look away from him.
"Really? Your dad?" Jack asks looking worried. The bell then rings... That went by fast.... Now I have Math... Chloe, Kate and Jack are in my class!
"We'll talk later" I say as we walk hand in hand into the school. I get to my locker then I grab my stuff... I follow Jack to his locker then we go to class.... Jack sits where he normally sits then I sit beside him... Normally nobody wants to sit with him so it's an empty seat. I try my best to pay attention throughout the whole class but I sometimes find myself lost in thought about Jack, My dad and my future. The bell rings... I snap out of my thoughts then I look at Jack... He smiles at me.
"I have a free period" Jack says as he stands up.
"I have woodwork" I say as I stand and walk into the hall with Jack "I'll see you later then?"
"Yeah... Um do you want to come over to my place after school?" Jack asks.
"Yes!..... Um hm... I mean sure" I say with a smile "ok see you later" I press a kiss to his lips then I head to my last class. I get in then the teacher comes up to me.... He hands me an axe... I look at him confused.
"We need those logs chopped in half for something we're doing tomorrow and because I heard what happened earlier I thought I should ask if you'd like to do it.... Y'know get your anger out" the teacher asks.
"Yeah sure... But what are we doing today?" I ask.
"Oh they're just doing a work sheet so that's why I thought you could do this instead" the teacher says as the rest of the class comes in to start. I head over and I look at the enormous pile of logs that has to be cut by the end of today... I might have to stay a bit later. I start chopping the wood... About 20 minutes later I get really sweaty... I look over at the teacher.... He's looking at me so I point to my shirt then I mouth 'Can I take it off?'... The teacher nods so I slip my tee-shirt over my head and I put it on the table beside me. I hear some whistles... I look over to my class to see everyone looking at me... I raise an eyebrow.
"Shut up" I say as I go back to chopping wood. About 10 minutes to the bell the teacher says to them that they can just hang out and talk... Of course the girls come over to me.
"Mark can we feel your abs?" One girl asks.
"No.... I'm in a relationship... So no" I say kinda annoyed by them.
"Really? Who's the lucky girl?" Another girl asks.
"You'll see soon enough" I say as I continue to chop the wood "can you please give me space or I might accidentally let go of the axe and hit on of you in the face" they all look offended then they walk off to talk to each other. I sigh then someone catches my eye... I look at the door to see Jack standing there... I smile and wave him over. Jack walks over to me then he looks me up and down... I smirk.
"Like what you see?" I ask... Jack nods then bites his bottom lip.
"What are you doing?" Jack asks me as I go back to chopping wood.
"We're gonna need these pieces of wood tomorrow so he asked if I would chop them... I got sweaty so I asked if I could take off my shirt" I say as I bring the axe down onto the wood splitting it right in the middle.
"Yeah and when I got here I saw the group of girls around you" Jack says looking a little annoyed.
"Don't worry I told them they couldn't touch me and that I'm in a relationship.... They think I'm with a girl" I say with a smirk.
"Oh well I am aren't I?" He giggles as he places his hands on my shoulders then runs them down to the small of my back.
"Hey Mark is that your girlfriend?" One of the girls asks... Everyone is now looking at us.
"Why yes it is" I say as I wrap my arm around Jack's waist.
"You're gay?" A guy in the class asks surprised.
"I'm bi actually... Anyway so if you don't mind... You can ignore us and go back to what you were doing" I say as I turn around and pick the axe up again... I continue chopping the wood.
"Ok well here take this... I'm gonna go home early.. See you later" Jack says as he hands me a small piece of paper.... It has his phone number on it.
"Ok see ya.... I'll text you when I'm out" I say as I give him a quick kiss then he heads out. I continue chopping the wood until I'm done which is half an hour after school.
"Mark y'know you didn't have to stay after school to get it done.... I could have done it" my teacher says as he walks over to me.
"Nah it's fine... I don't mind doing this" I say as I put my shirt back on. I nod then I head out to my car... I pull out my phone then I add Jack as a contact.

Hey babe... I'm out.. So what's your address?

*address here* oh btw my parents knows you're my boyfriend and are cool with it

Ok omw now

I'll be waiting

I put away my phone then I drive to Jack's house.... It's not far from the school so it only takes me 5 minutes to get there. I pull into the driveway then I get out and head to the door.... I go to knock but Jack opens the door before I can put my knuckle on it.
"I'm so tired" I say as Jack grabs my hand and pulls me into the house. I look around the living room to see Jack's parents then his one older brother and one younger sister sitting on the couch watching tv... I smile at them.
"Hello you must be Mark" Jack's mom says with a smile... I smile back at her.
"Nice to meet you" I say with a nod as Jack drags me past them and up the stairs to his room. When he closes the door behind me I walk forward then collapse on the bed.... On my stomach with my arms spread wide... Jack climbs on me then just lays on my back.
"I'm tired too" Jack giggles as I roll over so he gets pushed beside me. I pull Jack on top of me so that he's laying on me... A leg on either side of my waist, his head buried in my neck... I wrap my arms around him then I close my eyes.
"If I fall asleep don't be offended... I'm just tired" I say as I place kisses on his cheek.
"I love you" Jack says with a smile.
"I love you too" I say as I squeeze him making him giggle. Me and Jack talk for a while but eventually we both fall asleep... My life is a lot better now that I have Jack.
-The End-
I know this end isn't that good and it has a lot of unanswered questions but I got bored of writing this story so I just wanted to finish it.... It happens... Anyway hope you liked it!

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