There for You

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Wow so I wrote this quick... It's short though... I'll probably start writing something else to though. As suggested by Imperfect_M0nst3r
-Jack's POV-
"You're so fucking ugly! You're fat and hairy! It's disgusting!" Mark yells at me as he smacks me across the face "your accent is annoying! You're so loud and you're not even good in bed!"
"Mark.. P-please" I whimper.
"Shut up! I don't want to hear your voice again! No y'know what? I'm leaving you! Goodbye.. I regret ever being with you!" Mark yells at me at the top of his lungs as he storms out the door. I sit back in the corner of the room crying and replaying his words over and over again in my head. I wake up in a ball of tears and my sheets soaked in sweat... I sit in a ball and just cry.
-Mark's POV-
I am in my recording room editing a video for tomorrow when all of a sudden I hear something coming from the bedroom. I get up and I head to the door of my recording room... When I open it I now clearly hear sobs coming from the bedroom. I head to the bedroom door then because it's already partly open I just push it open until the I can see a little ball in the middle of the bed, in tears... It breaks my heart to see. I move in closer so that I'm now beside the bed... I sit on the edge of the bed then I place my hand on Jack's back.. He jumps a little then calms.
"Jack.. You okay?" I ask softly.
"Mark.. Can I ask you something?" He asks as he looks up at me.
"Why do you love me? What do you see in me?" My heart breaks at the question... Why would he even think that?
"I love everything about you... Your voice, your body, your personality, your eyes and so much more" I whisper in his ear as I pull him into a hug "you're my sweet baby boy and I love you so much... I even love your imperfections... I love that you're loud... You're so kind and funny"
"Do you really mean all of that?" He asks as he buries his face in my neck.
"Of course I do... Why wouldn't I? What made you ask such a question?"
"A nightmare I had... You were yelling at me, telling me I was fat and ugly, that you hated me and regretted being with me" Jack starts to cry again.
"Shhh... Forget about the nightmare... It's not real... What is real is that I love you so much and I love everything about you... Always have and always will" I press kisses all over his face.
"I love you too" he says as he presses his lips to mine.
"Now... Why don't we get some sleep" I suggest as I take off my shirt then climb under the sheets beside Jack.
"What about your editing?"
"Your more important... I rather you feel better and get sleep than be tired in the morning because of me editing a video" I point out as I pull him on top of me "now get some sleep"
"Okay" he giggles as he rests his head on my chest then in several minutes falls asleep... I follow just a minute after. I wake up to see that Jack is gone... I get up then head down to the kitchen to see Jack making coffee.. I go up behind him then I wrap my arms around his waist.
"Morning Roo" I say as I press my lips to the back of his neck.
"Morning Moo"
"Feel better?" I ask.
"Much better thanks to you" he smiles as he rests his head back on my shoulder.
"Good... I'm glad... Now.. I have some editing to do" I say as I turn around... I hear Jack laugh as I head up to my recording room.
-Jack's POV-
I'm so glad to have Mark as my boyfriend... He helps me so much... I will never be able to repay him. I guess just being there for him when he needs me is good enough... Oh I love him so much.
-The End-

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