Special Agent Fischbach

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-Mark's POV-
Ring Ring Ring Ring
I shoot awake and I immediately answer my phone.
"Fischbach... Get down here immediately I have assigned a missing persons case to you" I hear Skinner say.
"Ok I'll be there soon" I hang up then I get dressed in my suit and I head to the bureau. Once I get in I head to AD Skinner's office where he is expecting me.
"What do we got?" I ask as I take the file and look am about to look but Skinner stops me.
"Just a warning about who is missing... They've been missing for 5 days but nobody can find anything... We're hoping you can help" he says.. I look at him my heart pounding terrified at who I'm gonna see. I open the file only to see a familiar face... Very familiar.
"Sean?" I feel tears brim my eyes "where was he last seen?"
"Here actually... You were out on a case and he was looking for you.." I cut him off.
"Why didn't you tell me five days ago!?" I ask feeling scared and angry.
"Fischbach calm down! We tried to handle it on our own because we knew it would crush you... We wanted to collect everything we could then hand it to you" he explains.
"Can I start now?"
"Yes... We've found all we could at his hotel... We think he was working in a case here and wanted your help" Skinner explains as I get up and head out to my office. I sit down and read through everything they found... His hotel has files about a case he was working on at the time but nothing more pointing to where he could be... They found his car in a river but his body never found... They scanned the area in a 10 mile radius but found no footprints or anything. The hotel said that he never came back to his room after he came here so they say he was taken between 7:00 and 9:00 when someone found his car. I sigh as I run my hands through my hair and look at Jack's picture.. Jack is his nickname.. He used to be my partner.. That's how we met first.... Then after becoming close I asked him and we became official... We were together for almost a year before he moved back to Ireland. Then just a year ago I heard he moved back to America but to L.A... He must have come to Washington for a case.
"Oh Jack.. I'm gonna find you no matter what.. I'm not gonna sleep until I find you" I say as I take the file then I head out to my car... I head to where his car was found... I can tell you now I'll find something they didn't see. People say that one of my parents is a dog because my senses are that of a dog and well... I never met my dad and my mom has never mentioned him so he could have been but I think I'd be a little messed up if he was. I look around they since towed the car but I can still visualize where it was... That's what help with my cases.. Visualizing what happened. I crouch on the ground... There's so many more footprints because they've been here and disturbed the ground.
"Damn!" I curse as I continue to look around and think what would have happened.. I then look through the files of the car. There is a flat tire that looked like it got popped by a bullet... I look up to see skid marks on the road.. He was driving and when the tired popped he swerved to the opposite side of the road into the ditch.
"But why wouldn't he immediately call for help?" I ask myself as I look around in the dirt more....I pull out my phone and call AD skinner.
"Hey skinner... So they dusted the car for prints?" I ask as I look through the files more.
"Everything they did is in those files"
"It doesn't say they did... Why wouldn't they prioritize that?" I ask as I stand.
"I can have them dust it if you'd like"
"Yes around the handle mostly... I think he was run off then road and because I wasn't hear before I can't find any out of place prints" I say sternly "it's all matted down"
"Yes I know I should have called you first" he sighs.
"Ok well you have people to call.. Let me know when you find something"
"Alright" I hang up and I continue moving into the forest more looking around cautiously. I then get an idea... I look through the files to see what was found in the car.. Wallet, keys, money, papers, garbage... No phone! I immediately get back into my car and head back to the bureau then I head to someone I know could help... As I read through the more things they found in his hotel I don't see phone so he much have it.
"Hey Evan.. I need your help"
"Alright what do you need?"
"Can you track this number and find where this phone is right now?" I ask as I write Jack's number down on a paper and hand it to him.
"Yeah.. It might take about most of the day.. Is that fine?"
"Anything is fine.. You have my number?" I say.
"Yes I'll call when I find out and I'll email you the exact coordinates" he nods as he gets to work.
"Thanks man" I then head back to my car and I drive to where Jack's car is being held... When I arrive I head in to see people dusting spots on the car for prints.
"Hey Mark.. Um we found prints around the handle and we even took off the handle to dust the back of it.. There's prints there but we think they're Jack's can you tell?" I hear David say as he shows me the handle and points around where the handle would be. I look at it sharply and I focus.. I know what Jack's look like.. There his.
"Dammit... They're his.. Anywhere else?" I stand up and look around the car thoroughly trying to spot a hair or fabric of clothing.
"We found dried saliva on the side but we believe it's also Jack's maybe he was pushed against it"
"Now that's something I won't be able to determine... Send it to the lab" I explain as I continue looking anywhere "any inside?"
"We haven't looked yet" he says.
"Ok let me" I say as I put on gloves then I grab a brush and I grab a little thing of the powder we use... I sit inside the car. I start dusting the wheel and the inside handle... I look at them.. They're only Jack's... I sigh as I then look at the window.
"Did someone dust the window?" I ask David shakes his head.. I get out and I dust around the window only to find a full hand print.
"Wow.. Do you recognize it?" David asks as I look closely at the finger prints... I smile.
"We'll send this to the lab for ID then" David says as I head out and back to my office it's been 4 hours since I gave Evan the phone number... He won't be done yet. I then get up and head to another office.. I don't even knock.. I just barge in to see Felix on his phone.
"Felix you busy?" I ask as I glares at me because I'm interrupting something... I smirk. I sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk and I put my feet up on the desk.
"I thought Mcloughlin was the obnoxious one" Felix says as he puts his phone down.. My heart breaks at his name.
"Actually he's not.. Right now" I say "you obviously don't know what's going on do you?"
"What? What's going on? Is he.."
"He's missing.. He's been missing for five days but six after tomorrow... I've gotten more good leads in one day than the whole task force in five days.. But now I need your help" I explain.
"Oh my god I'm sorry... Um.. What do you need?" He sits on the edge of his seat.. I stand.
"I'm having Jack's phone tracked... When I get the results back is like you to come with me just so I have backup" I say.
"Yeah of course man... Anything to get Jack back and I gotta say.. That's pretty impressive.. I swear you're a dog" Felix smiles.. I laugh.
"I think we'll have the hand print back before the phone... So at least we'll have one solid lead" I explain as my phone then rings.
"Speak of the devil" Felix smiles as he stands.
"Fischbach" I answer.
"Yes Mark.... I have a file on who the prints belong to... Come down and you can have it" I hear Mary on the other end.
"Ok be right there" I nod as I hang up "let's go" I head out with Felix on my tail then we head down to the second floor where the lab is. When we get in there I see Mary waiting for us... I smile as I grab the files from her hand and I look at them.
"Amy Rose" I say as I continue reading "she's been in jail 3 times for kidnapping 3 different people... She's escaped the psychiatric hospital so many times and just recently did"
"So she doesn't have a house?" Felix asks.
"No family or nothing... She lives in the hospital... Why didn't they get someone on that case?" I ask Felix.
"I don't know.. Maybe she's not even from around here and nobody could find where she was" he suggests as we head back up to my office... I continue reading.
"She has killed every person she has taken" my heart rate speeds up "God I hope not"
"We'll find him" Felix assures me as my phone then rings.. I sit down then I answer.
"Hey Mark.. It's Evan.. I have emailed you a link to google maps on where I found the phone" I hear Evan say.
"Ok thanks.. See ya" I hang up then I go to my email and I look at the map "they're at a motel? How hasn't anyone seen or heard anything"
"I don't know but let's go before anyone does"
-Jack's POV-
I bite down on the cloth in my mouth as she drags a knife down my arm lightly leaving a small line that bleeds lightly. That's the least of my problems since I swear I have a few broken bones and a tone of cuts and bruises... I would have gave up days ago if not for this one thought that I'm hanging onto for dear life... The thought that Mark will find me soon but that thought slips more and more from my grasp with every day that passes. Please Mark... Don't fail me now.
"I think you're the cutest hostage I've had yet" I hear Amy giggle "so I'm gonna have extra fun with you". I'm so weak, hungry, dehydrated and tired so I don't struggle as she then rips off my suit pants followed by my boxers leaving me naked.... I just close my eyes and put my legs tightly to my chest.
"Oh come on.. It'll feel good... Don't be scared or I'LL KILL YOU!" She screams in my ear as she whips me across the face with a whip... Leaving a long bloody line from my right ear to my nose... I have several of those on my back from a few days ago.
"Get up and lay on the bed!" She yells at me.. I just sit in the corner of the room and I stay there not moving one bit.. Oh god this will be my death.
"Alright you're asking for it!" She screams as he picks me up then stands me against the wall adjusting my cuffs so that they're in front of me "move and I shoot you in the head!" I hear the whip crack as a pain goes down my back, followed by another then another... Continuously whipping me. Then she stops... I just stand there not wanting to move incase it's a test.
"Crap" she curses as I hear her start running around doing stuff.. I just turn around only to see her with a huge hammer that she is about to swing at me. I try to move quick enough but she hits me in the chest knocking me back into the corner... I close my eyes tightly as she swings the hammer at me again full force... BANG! I hear a gunshot and I open my eyes only to have the hammer still hit me in the face from the speed.. I shake my head to see Amy on the ground in a pool of blood. The door gets kicked open and I see... Mark!
"Jack! You're alive!" Mark smiles as I get up.. He hugs me tightly as he puts his suits jacket around me.. I just bury my face into his chest and cry.. Mark takes the gag out of my mouth.
"I knew you'd come" I say as I hear sirens approaching.
"Always... Now let's get you into the ambulance" he says as he picks me up and carries me out... Because I'm really tired and I'm finally safe I feel myself falling asleep.
-Mark's POV-
I hear a snore as I look down to see Jack asleep... He's probably so tired and weak. I place him onto the stretcher as they place a blanket over him... I sigh as I watch them load everything then drive away there's other cops that are here already to take care of the body and clean up the motel.
"Excuse me" I get the chiefs attention "do we need to be here?"
"No I think we got everything under control.. Thank you for your help" he nods to us... I look at Felix as we head back to my car.
"Let's go to his hotel and grab some clothes for him" I say as I start the engine then head out.
"You can drop me off at the bureau" Felix says.
"You sure?"
"Yeah I'll just let you and Jack be alone" he smiles at me.
"Ok well say thanks to Evan, David and Mary for me"
-Jack's POV-
I wake up to see I'm in a hospital... I'm so sore but I'm also really hungry and thirsty right now... I look to my left to see there's clothes on the night stand. I grab the boxers and I put them on under the blankets... As I just sit there the door opens and a warm smile greats me.
"Mark" I smile as I put my arms out and he immediately hugs me.. Not very tightly though.
"You're so thin... Do you want some food and water?" He asks.
"God yes... I haven't eaten for.. Six full days" I say.
"I'm so pissed at AD Skinner for that"
"Why what did he do?" I ask as Mark sits down on the edge of the bed.
"He gave me the case this morning... He tried to get others to do it for five days they found nothing but in one day I found enough leads to find you.. If only they had given me the case earlier" he grinds his teeth.
"I was wondering what took you so long" I say as I am on my knees behind him.. I place kisses on the back of his neck and his shoulders.
"And they hadn't even told me you stopped by until this morning" he sighs as he turns around and pulls me so I'm sitting between his legs.. My back to his chest.
"Maybe this'll make them think twice about waiting to give you a missing persons case" I say as the doctor comes in and smiles.
"I see you're feeling better" I nod as Mark gets off the bed and sits in the chair beside the bed "I have a nurse on her way down with a bottle of water and some food"
"Ok thank you" I say as I lay back down "what are my injuries?"
"Well for broken bones you can tell... A broken knee, broken wrist and a broken forearm" he says as I look at the casts... I hadn't really noticed them for some reason "other than that just cuts and bruises"
"Ok... I swear I was gonna have more broken bones than that" I say as a nurse then comes in with a tray of food.
"You're gonna have to eat little bits each meal because you haven't had food for a while so eating to much in one day isn't good" the nurse says as she hands me the tray.
"Alright well I'll leave you... I think you'll be in the hospital for another day or two since we want to make sure you're getting better" I nod as I take big gulps of water. When the doctor leaves I see Mark just staring at me out of the corner of my eye... I stop what I'm doing then I give him a questioning look.
"Um.. What are you doing?" I ask.
"I'm just glad you're alive" he smiles as he gets up then sits beside me again "so why were you here in the first place?"
"I was coming back to work here.. But I need to look for an apartment and I just wanted to get a case from Skinner" I explain.
"So he lied to me once again... Oh I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind" Mark mumbles as I giggle at him.
"Mark... I also came back for you... Will you be my boyfriend again?" I ask as I set the tray on the side table.
"Of course... Only.. If you come live with me" Mark smirks at me.. I chuckle then I press my lips to his.
"I love you" I smile.
"I love you too"
-The End-

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