Fluff Shots

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This is four smaller fluffy one shots! Also this is the 100th Part but 8 more stories before it's the 100th story....

-Mark's POV-
I am laying on my side facing the window, watching the rain fall against the window... I think it's gonna be a storm but I haven't seen lighting or heard thunder. I watch as a stick falls from the tree outside the window.. All I hope is that it's not gonna be a tornado... I doubt that but it's always possible... I see a flash.. Then there's a really loud bang followed by several quieter rumbles. I feel the bed shake a little... I look behind me to see my baby boy in a ball shaking slightly... I smile sadly as I shuffle around in the bed so that I'm facing him.
"Sean" I whisper as another loud bang is hear making the green haired boy jump a little "Sean look at me" it's fairly dark in our room but I can see his ocean blue eyes staring at me through the darkness "everything will be okay... You'll be okay... I'm right here and nothing bad will happen". I press a kiss to his forehead then he moves closer and buries his head into my chest as I envelope him in my arms holding him close... I place kisses to the top of his head as I trace his spine up and down with my fingers. Another bang rumbles through the floor then Sean squeezes me tighter... I chuckle slightly as I start humming softly trying to soothe the shaking boy.
"Try to get some sleep... I won't let go of you don't worry... I will be with the whole night" I say quietly.. I feel him relax then only 10 minutes later I hear quiet snores and deep breathing... I smile as I close my eyes and listen to the rain, I listen to Sean's breathing, I feel the warmth of his skin on mine.... But soon enough I drift off to sleep only to let the storm pass and hope to wake up next to Sean like I do every morning. I wake up to see a pair of blue eyes staring at me with a smile.. I smirk at him as he giggles.
"What's so funny?" I ask.
"Nothing... You're just so adorable when you sleep" he giggles as he presses a kiss to my lips.
"As are you.... You're even more adorable when you're clinging to me for life" I smirk as he blushes.
"I can't help that I'm scared of storms" he pouts.
"I didn't say it was a bad thing did I? I enjoy hugging you tightly till you fall asleep" I smile as I press my forehead to his... He smiles back.
"Can you let me go now? I need to pee and I'm really hot" Jack begs as he try's to escape my grasp.
"You are hot and that's why I don't want to let you go" I smirk as he continues trying to break free "ok fine I'll let you go... But first I want a kiss here" I point to my left cheek.. He places a firm kiss to it "here" I point to my right cheek... He kisses "here" my forehead, kiss "here" my noes, kiss "here" my chin, kiss.. Then the way we look at each other because more intimate and seductive "here" I whisper as I point at my lips... Jack slowly presses his lips to mine... This kiss is slower and passionate.. When he pulls away I grab his bottom lip between my teeth.. His breath falters as I let go of both him and his lip. He falls back onto the bed and just lays there probably stunned. I chuckle as I get up... I stretch as I look out the window to see the wet grass and pavement, several broken branches on the ground and the beautiful morning sun shining as bright as always. I turn around to see Jack laying on his belly his head propped up on his hands staring me up and down with a smile... I then pose flexing my muscles... He giggles as he gets up and moves closer to me.. Fitting his mouth to mine probably for another kiss just as amazing as the previous.
"I thought you needed to to the bathroom" I smirk.
"I do but I also need more kisses... I'm an addict" he whispers as he steals another kiss.
"You can't keep stealing kisses though... I might run out one day" I whisper back.
"Just a better reason to steal as many as I can before there are no more" he smirks as he kisses me once more before turning around and heading out of our room.. I chuckle as I shake my head... Some day that boy will be the death of me.
-The End-

-Jack's POV-
I sigh as I look over to Mark... He's all the way on the other side of Bob and Wade.... This probably the longest I haven't had a kiss... It's either I'm constantly kissing him or vice versa... But never none and I think I'm starting to feel withdrawal symptoms. I know it sounds like I'm a little kid but every second I'm getting kisses and 'I love you' so not to have anything for almost 5 hours now is starting to get to me... Everyone knows about us so I don't think it would matter but why couldn't we be right beside each other. He also seems to not be having the same problem as me so I'm not gonna bother him... I think we have a break soon anyway.
"Jack are you ok?" I hear a girl ask I look up and smile.
"Yes I'm fine just getting a little hungry... Break is soon though" I say as I try to push my problems to the back of my mind and continue.. After the girl asked that... I look at Mark and he mouths 'you okay?' I just nod and smile weakly. After one more hour we have our break and by then I feel like I wanna cry a lot more people then are asking if I am okay I just try my best to persuade them that I am okay but... I don't think I do too well.
"Ok we will be back in an hour or less!" Mark says to everyone... Once he's finished I literally run over to him then I hug him tight.. Already feeling relieved. We walk back to a small room where we are gonna take our break and the whole walk back there I was clinging to Mark... We then sit down... Him on a chair and me on his lap.
"What's wrong Roo?" He asks.
"Withdrawal symptoms" is all I say.. He smiles then kisses me many times all over my face and between each kiss he says a quiet 'I love you'.. That takes up about 20 minutes and by then I feel better.
"I promise that I won't leave you that long for this last few hours... I will come over kiss you and say I love you every half and hour... I'm sure they won't mind" he smiles as we get up then grab some food and a drink.
"Me and Jack could trade spots" Bob suggests as we all sit down and eat our food.
"Would you do that?" I ask.
"Yeah of course we don't want you to be sad now do we?" He says.
"Thanks Bob" I smile. About half an hour later we go out to sign for 4 more hours but this time I stand beside Mark instead of all the way at the end. I smile as we start the signing... I have more energy and I am excited. About an hour later I just finished with someone and I expect another to come but I look up to see Mark move in front of me... Only people at the sides can see us... He places a hand on either side of my face.
"Sorry I didn't do this half an hour ago like I said I would but you seem to be doing fine" he apologizes as he presses his lips to mine... "I love you so much" he kisses me again.
"Ok now let's keep going because I want to get to as many people as we can... I think just being beside you was enough" I say.
"Who said is was for you?" He grins as he lets go of me and returns to his place "sorry everyone! We'll continue... But it was important" he smiles as everyone laughs "it was!" Mark's voice gets higher pitched when he gets defensive.
"Let's move on!" I laugh as Mark pretends to pout.
"Definitely" Bob says as him and Wade are also laughing. I then lean into Mark's ear right before the first person makes there way over.
"Oh by the way... I love you too"
-The End-

-Mark's POV-
"DADDY! PAPA!" I shoot awake and I immediately head to our sons room down the hall... I am followed by Jack... When we get there we see our 6 year old son sitting in a ball in the middle of his bed looking terrified.
"Sam what's wrong?" I ask as I pick him up and hug him.
"I heard something in my closet" he says as he buries his face in my neck. Jack looks at the closet then opens it to see there's nothing but his toys in there.
"Sam... Look... There's nothing but your toys in here... If there was we would see it because there's no where to hide" Jack reassures Sam as he peeks slightly at the door then I feel his muscles relax.
"Now the real question is why were you awake to hear whatever you heard?" I ask as I place him back in his bed.
"I had a bad dream so I woke up but it wasn't to the point where I needed to call for you then but when I heard the scratching noise I didn't know what to do" he says as he cuddles up under his blankets.
"It was a scratching noise? Chica's over here so you probably heard her walking on the wood floor" Jack points out as Chica hops up onto Sam's bed.
"Chica!" Sam smiles as he hugs her... Me and Jack both smile.
"Chica will protect you... You okay now?" I say.
"Yes... Sorry for waking you" he apologizes.
"It's okay... as long as you're fine" I say as I press a kiss to his forehead as does Jack.. We head do the door.
"Good night" Jack smiles.
"Night" Sam happily sighs. Me and Jack head back to our bed.. We both climb in facing away from each other... But I flip over and wrap my arms around his waist... He pushes himself back and snuggles into me.
"I love you" I whisper as I press a kiss to the back of his neck.
"I love you too"
-The End-

-Jack's POV-
"Polo" I hear Mark's deep voice coming from the left... I head that way with my arms out and my eyes closed... I hear sloshing that's moving around me... He's moving.
"Marco!" I call out I wait for an answer but I hear just the water hitting the side of the pool "Mark!?" I move around with my arms out for a couple seconds before I hear more sloshing... Indicating he's moving around.
"Marco!" I call out again as I move around faster trying to at least touch him a little bit.. Again no answer "Mark god dammit answer!" I open my eyes and look around the pool.. He's not here... I sigh as I stand at the edge with my chin on my fists.
"Don't be sad Roo... It was only a joke" I hear Mark as he comes back.
"Mark.. Don't fucking do that... It's annoying" I say as I put my arms out to him.. He gets down on his belly so that he's now at my level... I press my mouth to his as I place a hand on either side of his face. I smirk before grabbing his arms and pulling him back into the pool... When he's in he pushes me back against the side of the pool. He fits his mouth to mine as his hands go to the edge of the pool beside me... My arms go around Mark's neck and my hands go into his wet hair. I wrap my legs around Mark's waist as I let his tongue into my mouth... I then feel his one hand pull at the waistband of my swim shorts.. I pull away from the kiss.
"Mark no" I say then he looks at me as if he did something wrong "it's not you don't worry but I guess this is a better time than any to tell you... You may not believe this at first but when I went out yesterday I went to the doctors"
"Are you sick?" He asks as I push myself up onto the edge of the pool.
"No... I'm fine.. Sorta... Mark I'm pregnant" I say as I prepare for the worst. He looks really shocked and confused.. I don't dare disturb his thoughts.
"You.. You're pregnant? But... How?" Mark asks.
"I have the female parts for it and how it happened I have no idea.. I guess it's connected somehow" I explain.
"I don't know how to react... I'm happy... I really, really am but I'm also shocked" Mark says as he smiles... He move in between my legs then he hugs me, his face in my chest from the height difference.
"We're gonna have a child" he smiles widely as he picks me up and spins me around "we're gonna have a baby!" I laugh and smile at his reaction. Our eyes meet and I can see how truly happy he is... I press my lips to his.
"I'm so glad you're happy... I was worried you wouldn't take it well" I say as I feel like I'm gonna cry.
"Why wouldn't I be happy... I'd be happy adopting one but because it's ours I'm even happier!" He grins as he sets me up on the side again.. He then presses kisses to my low stomach... I giggle at him "when are we gonna tell everyone?"
"Everyone as in family or fans?"
"Family first" Mark smiles as he hugs me again, tightly.
-The End-

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