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-Jack's POV-
"This is a robbery! Everyone on the ground and no one moves!" I hear a guy scream... I look back to see him pointing a gun at people.. I comply with his orders like the others. My hands out on the floor, laying on my belly... I close my eyes and imagine my last conversation with my husband.
"Marky?" I call upstairs.
"Yeah?" He appears in the doorway to his office.
"I'm going to the bank then maybe the store... if you need anything.."
"I just need you to come back safe... that's all I want" he grins as he comes down the stairs and meets me in the middle of the kitchen.
"Always" I smile as he hooks his fingers in the belt loops of my jeans "and if not I'll call you if I need your help... other than that I can take care of myself if I'm hurt"
"You better" he looms in closer... his lips barely grazing mine.
"Kiss me" I whisper before he presses his lips to mine.
"You don't have to beg, kitten" he smiles as he releases me from his grasp "now.. I have to continue with my work"
"Alright.. have fun with that... I might have to interrupt you when I get back" I wink as I turn and head to the door.
-End of Flashback-
That was the last time I saw him and I didn't  even say I love you... tears fill my eyes as I continue to hear him screaming at the workers to empty the registers. My hand finds the ear piece I wear so I can talk while driving... I tap it.
"Please say name or number" I hear the AI in my ear.
"Mark" I whisper hopefully loud enough for it to understand... when nothing happens I repeat.
"Calling..." I let out a shaky breath as I hear it ringing.
"What's up?" I hear Mark.
"Mark... please help.... the bank.. someone with a gun" I whisper loudly.. I hope the other people's crying will cover my whispers.
"Jack? I can't really understand... what's going on?" I hear panic rise in his voice.
"Get help to the bank" I say slightly louder.
"Right away... are you or anyone else hurt?" He asks as I hear frantic movement.
"No... just a lot of scared people" I say at that same tone.
"Ok I'm gonna keep you on the line but right now I'm calling the police" he says.. Mark has a work phone and a personal phone so he can use his work while I'm on his personal. I listen to him on the phone... explaining how he has me on the phone and there is more hostages in the bank.
"Ok just hold on... I'll talk more when I'm with there" he says "Okay?"
"Yes.. okay" I continue listening for about 20 minutes before I'm startled by a gun shot.
"Who called the cops!?" The guy yells as he points the gun around at everyone... because I'm facing mostly away I can't see everything that's going on but I can hear mostly.
"Jack is anyone hurt?" I hear Mark... I turn slowly so I can see everyone.
"No but he's going around because he knows someone called... I'm scared" I say.
"Don't worry we can see in... Everything is gonna be okay" he says calmly.
"Well make it quick... he's moving over to me" I say as he points the gun at me.
"Up! Hands up!" I comply and he looks over me.. his eyes land on my ear then his face hardens... without a second thought I punch him and try to run but he pulls the trigger... 4 times. One misses, one hits me in the left shoulder, one hits my right hip and the last grazes the right side of my neck.
"Jack? Are you hit?" I hear Mark.
"Yes" I say as the gun presses to my head "and I'm gonna be dead" his fingers starts pulling but I hit the gun so it flies across the room "everyone get up and run out!!" I scream as I keep a hold of the guy. Everyone gets up and scrambles to the door... the guys hands go around my neck and I let him... at least the others will get out.
"Jack we're coming in... he doesn't have his gun does he?" Mark asks.
"No" I barely get out.
"No what?" The guy growls.
"Not talking to you!" I try to yell... I hear the doors open then a ton of footsteps.
"On the ground now!" I hear someone yell.. he gets off then I look up to see Mark.
"Jack... you're gonna be okay.. just stay with me" he places his hands on my face.. I smile.
"I saved people... you proud of me?" I cough... he smiles as tears run down my face.
"Yes... I'm always proud... but you're not gonna die yet" he moves away as the paramedics lift me onto a stretcher.
"I love you" I look at him... this has got to be my end... I don't even hurt anymore.. I feel.. light and I feel like I'm slipping away.
"No Jack.. please don't.. you're gonna be fine" he cries. I then pass out. I wake up and I squint from the bright lights in the room.. I look to my left to see a sleeping Mark.. uncomfortably cramped in the chair. I reach over and grasp the hand that I can reach... he jolts awake.. I cringe because of the pain in my left shoulder.
"How do you feel?" He asks as he moves closer so our faces are inches apart.
"Glad to be out of there alive" I smile.
"I'm glad you're alive" I press my forehead to his.. he fits his mouth to mine. I smile into the kiss.
"Maybe I should be on the field... with you.." he chuckles.
"I'd love that"
"But I'm probably not aloud... I'm just a secretary" I roll my eyes.
"I wonder why they ever let a guy be a secretary?" Mark wonders.
"That's sexist" I gawk.
"Oh well... if they hadn't let you.. we wouldn't be married"
"I would've hated if I had missed that opportunity" I laugh "I'm glad I took it"
-The End-

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