Fuck the Rules!

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Hey sorry I didn't get as much done as I thought and said I was going to but I have a habit of writing long stories.... Also SMUT WARNING!!
-Jack's POV-
"Uhhhhagh! I'm so bored Dathi... What should I do?" I ask my friend as I tear my razor sharp nails through a poor souls back making him scream his lungs out.
"I know... Me too.... Why don't we go up to the human world?" Dathi says as he drags his knife through the guys arm.
"Or..." I say as my eyes light up then they narrow and darken "let's pay God and his minions a visit" I say with a devious grin showing my sharp pointed teeth.
"Just us? Or with backup?" Dathi asks with a smile.
"Let's take Ken, Ryan and Arin!" I say as I jump up and start running out of the torture chamber to see the people I want to see "guys what a coincidence! Just the people I want to see... Hold on. Brian! Can you take care of the torturing for me? Thanks!"
"What's going on Jack?" Ken asks.
"We're going to pay Mark a little visit" I say with a devious smirk.
"Sounds good... But why?" Ryan asks.
"Cuz I'm bored.... Go get ready and look your best and scariest" I say as I run to my room to get ready. I go in and have a quick shower then I put on my black skinny jeans with a black button up shirt and my black high tops.... I know original right? Black. I polish my horns brush my teeth then I put my gold crown on my head. I walk out to see the others dressed... Well as nicely as they could... But not as good as me.
"You don't even look scary" Arin says as we start walking to the portal.
"Well I don't want to scare them right away do I? I want to have some fun with them first... Well I don't want to anyway cuz then I'd have to take over his job... I already have my hands full here" I say as the five of us stand on the portal.
"Isn't it blocked on their end?" Dathi asks as the portal doesn't do anything.
"Oh yes.... That's right... From my last visit.. What? 10 years ago." I laugh as I override the portal so it starts working again. We then appear in a completely white area... We all squint and groan as we are used to the darkness and dim firelight. We step out and look around to see what looks like a small village of innocent Angels... They see us and all run inside their homes.
"I thought I blocked it?" I hear an annoyed voice from behind us. I turn to see Mark in a white t-shirt and some white skinny jeans, with white high tops... his wings stretched and the halo floating over his head.... God.. he's gorgeous.... Oh and his stooges Felix, Matt, Danny and Wade.... I smirk as Mark moves closer.
"You did... But I broke it... It was very simple to break" I say.
"What's the special occasion? Your looking quite.... Clean" Mark says with a smirk.
"I just got bored so I thought we would come to see you and your.... Friends" I say as I look back to my guys "we're not at all trying to start a war"
"Is that what you want? A war? Why?" Mark asks as he narrows his eyes at me. I lean into his ear and I whisper so quietly that he can only hear it.
"Because your so damn sexy" I practically hiss into his ear. When I pull away I can see Mark's breathing has speed up and I can almost hear his heart beat has increased to an inhuman speed.... His eyes locked on mine and his pupils are wide, like a cat's locked on its prey.
"I'll let you think" I say as we head into the village to snoop around and maybe scare some people. We terrorize people and kids for about half an hour before I get pulled back by a strong arm... I turn around to see Mark standing there with a look in his eyes that I haven't seen him have before..... But I know what it is.... Lust.
"Tell your Friends to go home.... Let's go and talk" Mark says as he turns and starts walking away.
"Oh with pleasure" I mumble so that no one can hear me "guys! Go home... Me and Mark are gonna have a chat... I'll be home soon and then I'll tell you what we talked about"
"Fine but it better be good news" Ken says as they stomp off to the portal. I follow them until I see Mark... Standing, staring me up and down... He waves for me to follow him.. I do. I follow him to a disgusting place.... Well for me it is... It's a very blue waterfall with a huge pond under it and green grass around the outside of the pond... Ew it's pretty... Which is gross. I am a little ways back but I see Mark standing at the edge of the pond... He takes off his white shirt and jeans.... He is now completely naked. I stop dead in my tracks and I just stare at him from head to toe... But he's facing away from me so I can only see his backside... I feel my pants tighten as I start to move closer. As I'm walking I take off all of my clothes leaving me naked as well... I finally reach him then I wrap my arms around him and I press my body to his.. He jumps.
"It's okay... Calm... I can tell your tense and maybe scared but you'll feel the pleasure before you know it" I say as I run my hands up and down his back.
"I have only done it twice but with girls because my dad always told me it was sinful to be with guys or to have sex to often just for fun" Mark whispers as he looks at the ground.
"Well in hell were all bisexual and we at least have sex once a day" I say with a smile as I move my hands down his chest and onto his erection. He groans and rests his head back onto my shoulder.... I start to stroke him as I place kisses on the back of his neck.... I then push him to the ground. I climb on him and fit my mouth to his... I still stroke him as he puts his hands in my hair... I then don't wait I push him into me then I ride him. His moans are definitely the moans of an angel.... They are soft and like magic.... Mine are more like grunts and growls. I get close but then Mark flips us so I'm on my back and now Mark is thrusting into me... He is going hard and fast... I puts my hands on his back but I dig my sharp claws into his back... But he doesn't seem to mind. Mark presses his lips to mine then I push my tongue into his mouth and I explore the inside of his mouth.... Our moans find their way to the back of each other's throats. I go to pull away but I decide to hold his bottom lip between my teeth... I then reach my climax so I bite down hard on his lip... By accident...but his blood is so pure and amazingly good. I feel him cum inside of me only seconds after.... He collapses beside me panting heavily.... He has a huge grin on his face.
"What are you smiling about?" I ask him.
"That was amazing... And the pain... Feels good" Mark says as his pupils grow wide again like he's on a sugar high.
"Oh good... Then we're gonna get along so well" I say with a smirk.
"Bite me... Please" Mark begs as he pulls me on top of him.
"Where?" I ask seductively as I straddle his hips. My hands roam his body... Mark's hands are one in my hair and on running up and down my back... I press my lips to his I taste the blood again... I go to pull away but Mark catches my tongue between his teeth and he bites on it. I moan as he lets go... I go to his neck then I bite down on it releasing his blood, letting it run down his neck.... Mark digs his nails into my back and drags them from my shoulders down to my lower back. I pull away then Mark latches his teeth onto my neck... I moan as I place myself at his entrance.
"This will hurt" I breath.
"I don't care" Mark says as he licks the blood from the new mark he created on my neck. I push in and Mark hisses at me.... I don't wait I just start thrusting fast and hard... We both claw and bite each other until we reach our orgasms. I just fall on top of Mark and I lay there as he licks, sucks and bites on my neck.... It's soothing.
"I should probably go" I sigh as I stand up and look myself over... I'm covered in blood and wounds.... So is Mark.
"Hey Jack.... W-will you be m-mine?" Mark asks as he stands up and pulls me to him by my waist.
"We've already marked each other haven't we? So yes... And if that's the kind of sex I get every time... Then hell yes!" I say with a laugh as Mark pulls me into a tight hug.
"Definitely every time" Mark says as he fits his mouth to mine "but this means you can't have sex with anyone else like you normally do"
"Really? Fine... Nobody else's is that good anyway" I say as I roll my eyes.
"That's nice to know" Mark says with a smile as I put my clothes back on "it was probably the best for me as well"
"Always baby" I say with a douche smile.
"Well let's keep this a secret for now... K?" Mark says as he puts a finger on my chin to make me look at him.
"Yeah... It's probably best" I sigh as I kiss him "ok well I'm gonna go... See you later?"
"You can call me anytime" Mark smirks.
"I'm not gonna pray if that's what you mean by call" I laugh as i start walking "by the way what should I tell them when they see the blood and scars.... And there's no blood on my clothes so..."
"You can tell them we fucked... But that's it" Mark says as I start getting out of range for hearing what he's saying.
"Ok well... Luv you babe" I say as I blow a kiss at him... He smiles and I think he says I love you back but I can't hear. I look over myself... It's very obvious that I just had brutal sex... Oh well... That's how I always look... Well without the blood but I like it. I step in the portal then I find myself back in hell... I look around to see everyone doing what they normally do... I then head to my room to see the guys talking... I smile when they see me.
"Oh god... What happened?" Dathi asks as they get up as gather around me.
"Yeah.. He did this" I say with a smirk.
"Mark did this? Why?" Ryan asks.
"Really? You can't tell? I thought it was pretty obvious what happened by my look.... Ok well two words... Brutal Sex" I say as I take off my shirt. There is a knock at my door... I walk over to the door and I open it to see Mark... His white clothes now stained red in some spots... His hair messed up but he looks sexy as ever.
"You forgot your pathetic crown" he says with a laugh.
"I like you with blood stained clothes" I say as I grab his hand... I smirk. I pull him into my room then the guys gasp as they see him... They laugh or look shocked.
"You do look good in red" Dathi says with a deep chuckle. I dig my one nail into the back of his neck... He starts breathing heavily and groaning.... I can hear his heart beating fast.
"Why do you have to be so god damn irresistible" I whisper into his ear as I bite down on his neck.
"Damn Mark... Never knew you liked pain" Ken says in an impressed tone.
"Only if it's for the right reason" he says as he stands completely still like a soldier.
"What.... Sinning?" Dathi asks with a laugh.
"My father is dead.... I make the rules now.... And so I say this isn't sinful" Mark says through his teeth in a stern deep voice. I drag my claws down Mark shirt... It rips and I pull it off.
"I really make you weak... Don't I?" I whisper in his ear as I push him back against the wall. I fit my mouth to his but then Mark pushes me so that now I'm against the wall and he has my hands pinned above my head... Mark starts kissing and biting on my neck as he holds my hands above my head with only one of his... The other goes down to my hip... His nails dig into my skin. Mark then all of a sudden let's go of me then walks out... He had me an inch off the ground so I fall to my knees... Breathing heavily.
"Jack I can't believe your actually doing this! You have more power than you think..." Ryan starts but gets cut off.
"No I think you know.. But you're choosing not to... He has power on you as well" Ken says.
"I..... Can you go" I say as I am kinda lost in thought. They all get up and leave me by myself.... Is he changing me? I knew I was changing him but him changing me!? That's crazy! Is it?
-Mark's POV-
I just get back into heaven when Felix, Matt, Danny and Wade come up to me... I start walking back to my place and I just ignore them... They follow me.
"What happened to you?" Felix asks.
"I'm fine" I say quick.
"Yeah but what happened?" Wade asks as he puts a hand on my shoulder. I turn and backhand him in the face.... They all gasp and look at me with horror.... My eyes widen then I turn and rush back to my place... Once I get in I sit on the edge of my bed. My head in my hands... Tears filling my eyes. Jack is doing this to me! He's changing me! For the better... Or worse? Probably not good... Fuck! There is a knock at my door.
"Who is it?" I ask, my voice cracking because I feel like I'm gonna break down.
"It's us five" I hear Matt say.
"Come in" I sigh. They all come in and stand in front of me.
"What's going on Mark? Be honest with us" Danny says as he sits beside me.
"I think Jack is changing me" I sigh as I rock back and fourth a bit.
"The devil?" Felix asks with surprise.
"Yeah.... These marks are from him... We uhh... Fucked" I say the last word only loud enough for them to hear.
"Mark! How could you? But your father!" Wade says as they give me an angry look. I stand up and return the look as I stand strong.
"My father is dead! I make the rules now! You obey me! Don't tell me what's right and wrong!" I yell at them through my teeth. I lunge at Felix and I dig my nails into his face... I throw him across the room then they hold me back... I fall to my knees as tears fall from my eyes.
"What's happening to me?" I cry.
"Wish we knew the answer" Matt says as they push me into the bed.
"Listen Mark... Your stressed.. Go have a bath and sleep... We'll stay away from you for the rest of the day.. Then we'll come back tomorrow" Danny says as they take Felix out.
"I'm sorry Felix... I just have a lot of stuff going through my head right now" I say to him as I cry. They all leave me by myself... I just lay on my bed for 10 minutes until I calm down... I then go and fill up the tub... I settle into the bath. I then hear the door to my house open... I hear a familiar voice.
"Mark? We need to talk" I hear Jack say as he comes into view.
"Yes we do" I say with a angry look on my face.
"I don't think we can do this" Jack says "your changing me.. I'm changing you.... This can't happen!"
"I fucking just hurt Felix! I-I'm not supposed to hurt anyone... I think they're second guessing me as a leader.." I sigh.
"I've wanted nothing all day but to be in your arms.." Jack whispers.
"And I've wanted nothing but to hold you..." I say as I think "y'know... I don't think we're changing for the worse.."
"How is it not for the worse!?" Jack cuts me off.
"Because our emotions are more human now than they were before... Instead of being completely nice to everyone or rude to everyone... We pick and choose whole are friends and who are enemies" I say with a realization.
"Well we kinda did that already... But I get what you mean... We're not always good or not always bad... We are what we want to be when we want to be" Jack says as he walks closer.
"Well said... Y'know... I don't even want to rule heaven" I say as Jack undoes his jeans.
"I don't want to rule hell... It's so hot down there" Jack says as he takes off his pants and boxers then he steps in the tub with me. Jack fits himself between my legs with his back against my chest... I wrap my arms around him and I pull him tight to me... Jack rests his head back on my shoulder.
"I love you" Jack says as he closes his eyes.
"I love you too... I won't ever let you go because of something stupid" I say as I wash Jack's hair. We get all washed up then I go out and I grab some clothes for the two of us... Instead of grabbing white... I grab two pairs of blue jeans then I grab a purple t-shirt for me and a blue sweater for Jack.
"I like these better than the other clothes" Jack says as he looks at himself in the mirror.
"We should go make a new life in the human world" I say to Jack as I wrap my arms around him from behind.
"Are you asking me to live with you?" Jack asks with a laugh.
"Yes... Because I love you so much... Let's ditch this place and be ourselves in the human world... We'd fit in" I say as I place kisses on the back of his neck.
"Yes but our love is deadly and humans would think we got beat up so we would have to deal with police" Jack points out.
"True... But we could just heal ourselves... I have the potions... We just pour them into a drink then we heal within 10 minutes" I say.
"Ok well I don't need any of my stuff.. So let's just go" Jack says as he smiles at me.
"This day has been crazy... And now we're leaving this place... I know somewhere we can go... My dad left me a cabin in a small valley... He said he liked going there to think or to just take a break" I say as I grab some of my stuff and put them into a box.
"We're definitely taking a break... A long break" Jack laughs. We grab the stuff we need then we head to the portal and I set it to where I want to go... Jack grabs my hand as we teleport to a beautiful forest surrounding a decent size wood cabin... I take a deep breath in as I look at Jack.
"Ready to start our better new life?" I ask as I squeeze Jack's hand.
"Hell yeah" Jack says as he wraps his arms around me tightly. I drop the stuff and hug him back... Oh I can't wait to spend my time with this little ball of cuteness and energy.
-The End-

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