Elementals (Part 2)

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Hey so I decided to do a second part because I liked the first on also sorry this is kind of short and it doesn't have as much septiplier as I had intended but I think it's cool.. so here!
-2 years later-
-Mark's POV-
I open my eyes to see the orange glow of the lava.. but then an immense heat rushes through my body. It almost hurts which means it's really hot.. my body starts to involuntarily twitch vigorously. It's almost like a seizure but I'm conscious and I'm not flailing that much. I clench my teeth and let out a growl scream that gets swallowed by the lava..  but it echos through my head loud and clear. My hands shoot out of the lava and I grip the sides of the rock.. hard... I pull myself up so I'm sitting.
"Mark! What's happening?" I hear Jack panicking... I look over to him but my eyes close involuntarily.
"It actually burns!" I groan as I try not to scream out.
"Your burning blue" I open my eyes again and look at him... I look down at my arms to see the blue flames encasing my body... Oh no. I stand up then I quickly vault the side of the "tub" into the little area that Jack made me for changing.. I kneel there as the pain dims.. but so does the fire.
"Find Chica..." I pant. I hear people rush out of the cave... I kneel there for another minute or so and the fire is completely gone.. I sigh and am about to stand but I hear people running and yelling towards us. I look up to see Ken carrying Chica in animal form into the cave.. she looks hurt.
"Into the tub" I say.. then just before he gets her in a terrible pain consumes me for a split second as a pop goes off and the bright blue flame flashes at the same moment.. the last thing I see before I go unconscious is Chica burning in dust. I open my eyes to see the same thing I do every morning... am I dead? I sit up quickly then I gasp as the cold air hits my lungs.. I look around then I see it's dark.. I look to the back of the cave to see everyone asleep. What happened? I get up then I put my clothes on before I head out if the cave.. I am about to step into the snow but it melts before I even touch it.. weird. I continue walking as the snow melts around me.. I then find a frozen pond.. I look into it but it starts melting immediately.. I catch my reflection in the water.. I run my hand through my hair. Blue? My eyes widen.. I've only heard tales of this happening.. a man's pet died then he gain it's power and became even hotter and stronger than before. The blue flame... but Chica. I sigh and drop to my knees as tears fill my eyes.. I don't care if I'm stronger.. why did she have to die? I should just throw myself into this pond and end it now. The power will eventually reach me anyway.. that's what happened to the few other people.. they started murdering others because of how strong they were.. and they went crazy. Well its a good thing I'm not in a place with much people.. but I've got to leave before I hurt them.. or Jack. I stand then I inch closer to the water.. melting more ice.
"Mark?" I turn to see Jack.. he moves closer looking curious.
"Stay back" I sniffle.
"Why? What's going on?" He asks.
"I've only heard legends of this but I have never seen ends well"
"I don't understand" he steps closer.
"I'm more powerful and burning even hotter than before... I'll eventually go crazy and hurt you" I continue "they say you start murdering people because of the power but you go crazy because we can't even stand the heat.. it fries your brain" he looks at me with horror "I feel it burning already"
"So what are you going to do?" He looks like he's going to cry. I turn back and look into the pond as I move forward.. I watch as the water starts to steam and evaporate.
"Damn!" I stomp.
"You were going to end it?" He asks.. I sigh and turn.
"I can't touch anything that is able to burn or melt.. how is this going to be better than dead?" I ask.
"So... that means.. you can't touch.... me?" I sigh and my face softens.
"I would rather not try" I point out as I watch him take a step closer.. I step back then I fall backwards into the pond.
"Mark!" But I only hit dry ground.. I stand and look back as the water shock waves back and disappears.
"Medivh!" I call out as I stand up.. a light flashes then he appears.. he sees me and his eyes widen.
"Oh no.. Chica?"
"She's gone.. is there any way I can get better?" I ask. He reaches out and grabs my hand then hisses and pulls away.
"We'll there is a treatment but it's not definite because the others died before they completed it"
"Let's go.. now"
"Warning.. there is a lot of pain involved and hours on end of working" he warns.
"I don't care.. anything to get me better"
"Well.. if your willing anything.. let's start now" he touches my shoulder then I teleport to into the sky.. falling. I'm so high I'm the air is really gold and there's no oxygen.. I feel myself cooling down as I go through snow then rain in the sky but once I can breathe again I get hotter... I see an ocean now.. I'm getting good closer. But I never hit... once I get close enough the water starts evaporating in a tube.. so there's water around me but I'll never touch  it. I then freak out as I get close to the ocean floor.. well... I'd be lucky if I died now.. painlessly. I am about to hit the ground when I get teleported again and I hit the ground but not as hard as it could have been. I stand up to see I'm in a metal room that looks frozen but I don't feel it.. I stand there for a while wondering what's the point of this? I then watch as several machines start spraying frost and water into the room.. I sit down and yawn as I feel no difference in temperature at all.
"So you are just trying to kill me? I thought there would have been a more 'spiritual' way to meditate and control my heat output" I says as I sit cross legged with my arms on my knees, palms open and facing up.
"Yes but that way is what made people mad with power.. they could only control the burning everything they touch but otherwise they were still burning inside" I hear Medivh's voice
"Oh.. well.. I hope I get better because I already feel like I'm going insane.. I was scaring Jack" I sigh then I feel myself cooling down slowly.. I then get an idea..I take all my clothes off so there's nothing keeping me warm. I sit there for a half hour so I'm completely cooled off and laying in a ball on the floor shivering.
"How much longer?" I try to call out.
"Another half hour them in going to throw you back into the cave but don't step a foot in your lava bed or we'll have to do this again" I hear Medivh say... I sit up and nod.
"Will it work?" I ask as I rock back and fourth.
"May or may not.. who knows?" He says reassuringly.. I sigh.
"Great.. might as well make me find my own way home" I say under my breath.
"Actually I had thought about it... I might make you do that"
"Shit" I put my hands over my face. I sit there for a half hour longer before suddenly I get teleported into the middle of nowhere in the snow.. I am only in my boxers. I stand, shivering as I look around.. well.. which way? I turn in random circles with my eyes closed then when I stop I head in that direction. I walk for only an hour or more before I find a small frozen over pond..I walk over to it then I sweep snow away from it.. I look at myself in the ice... the red in my hair is only on the tips.. crap. I could die if it completely fades.
"Medivh! What the hell are you doing to me?!" I yell into the air... I then flinch when I hear a loud scream of what sounds like a monster. I turn in several circles before a spot what looks like a t-rex but it's snow and ice. I think quickly as it sprints at me full speed.. when it gets close enough I move then I grab it's legs but it throws me really far. I grunt as I hit sharp ice and rock.. I get up then I just decide to run as fast as I can. I run for a couple minutes before it catches up and grabs me.. I feel it's teeth sink into my leg.
"Aaaahhhhgggg!" I put my hands on its jaw then I summon up as much fire as I can to melt it's jaw.. I fall and hit the ground then the thing runs past but turns. I look to my right to see in the distance a cave... is it? I try to push myself up to my feet but using my powers drained much of the heat I have left so I'm weak. I start dragging myself as fast as I can.. I then start to hear yelling in the distance.. I look up to see Jack and some of the others running closer to me... the Dino screams then it jumps to stomp on me so I begin rolling with all my might to get out of the way.
"Hey Iced T come here!" I hear Jack yell... but because I get distracted I feel him stomp on my lower legs.
"Aaahhhhhh!" I scream at the pain.. I feel my last flame go out... I go unconscious. I wake up to an intense heat going through my body.. my muscles tense and I gasp as I feel lava soaking into my body. I actually focus to see Medivh and Jack holding a stone bucket.
"I'm not ment to be out here... I'm not ment to be alone.. without another of my kind" I weakly state as I start to relax as the warmth soothes me "all I've been is trouble since we got here"
"It's okay, all I care about is that you're okay but for now I'm just going to keep splashing you with lava.. you can't bathe" Jack explains.
"How are you able to stay with me and be so positive?" I ask with a chuckle.
"I think this will work because you're already only regular body temperature for a fire element" Medivh nods.
"Good... but I wish I still had Chica" I say as I feel a tear slide down my face.
"I know" Jack nods and crouches in front of me.
"I love you so much you know that?" I smile.
"I love you too....I'd kiss you but I don't want to burn my lips off" Jack points out.
"It'll hurt only as much as your first time" I wiggle my eyebrows at him and he blushes.
"I'm gonna go" Medivh says then he's gone.
"Good riddance" I smirk as I sigh and close my eyes.
-The End-

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