Im sad... A/N

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I'm so sad right now.... I had such a good idea for a one shot but.... I can't use it. I got inspired by a septiplier story then I saw that the author was saying no to people using ideas based off the story... I decided to ask because my idea isn't really that much similar to the story they are writing..... But.... They said no... When they said that I literally broke into tears. I had such a good idea too... But whatever... I had also started writing it too... Here's what I had so far... I thought it was funny so I can't delete it...
-Jack's POV-
I step through the door only to get pushed back against the wall.... Mark has my hands pinned above my head against the wall. Mark has his mouth presses to mine.... I decide to have some fun... I knee him in the chest then with one swift move I grab his hands and bend them behind his back... He is pressed against the counter.
"Hey what was that for?" Mark asks as I press his head against the counter.
"You have the right to take your clothes off" I say with a smirk.
"Just because your a cop doesn't mean you can tell me what to do..... Do you even have your badge?" Mark asks. I reach into my pocket then I pull my badge out... I show him... Mark sighs.... I smirk.
"Y'know... I have you in the perfect positifon to do whatever I want to you" I say as I press my pelvis to Mark's butt.
" Please do" Mark says as he pushes back against me, making me moan a bit.
"Would you like me to cuff you?" I whisper into Mark's ear.
"Yes please" Mark begs seductively.
"Nah... I'm good" I say as I let Mark go then I walk up to my room.
"Awe... C'mon please" Mark begs as he follows me up to my room.
"I'm to tired.... I think I'm just gonna sleep" I say as I take off my belt.
"What happened today?" Mark asks me as he starts unbuttoning my shirt for me. I sigh.
"Well I gave out few tickets to some speeders.... I uh... Arrested someone for steeling a car.... And uh..." I pause with a sigh. Mark slides my shirt off of me... I look down to the floor.... Mark looks at me with worry.
"What else happened roo?" Mark asks as he places a kiss on my forehead... I sigh.
"One of my fellow officers committed suicide.... In front of us all" I say as
That's literally where I got to then I asked them.... 😭😢😓😧😲😵.... I'm really depressed now.

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