unfinished Smut

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This is exactly what the title says, it has been sitting in my notes for so long but I just didn't feel like finishing it... so SMUT WARNING!!
-Jack's POV-
"God fuck yes Mark.." I moan as I ride him, my hands on his chest as he grips my hips.
"God you're so tight" he grunts as I feel him thrust up against me.
"I'm getting close.." I whine then Mark grabs my erection and starts stroking me. I am in heaven then I hear the door to my dorm open so I grab the blanket at my feet and pull it up over both of us as I get up off of Mark. I look up to see Felix with his eyes covered as he reaches onto his bed and grabs his earbuds.
"Fuck man!" I yell as he hurries to get out of the room.
"You could have forewarned" he defends then heads out. Once the door is closed I whine and let out a frustrated sigh.
"I was so close"
"It just means you get enjoy it again and longer" Mark chuckles at me with a sigh because I know he was ripped off too. He pushes me off of him then he gets up on his knees and presses me to the wall, his chest pressing into my back "and we can try something different" he says into my ear. I look back, his lips meet mine then he presses into me again so I moan into his mouth.
"Mark go fast, please" I say as I regain the pleasure quickly.
"Beg" he growls.
"Fuck. Mark. Please!" I beg loudly because him going slow almost hurts. I whine and reach back gripping his hips as I grind back against him creating more friction "Mark..."
"Ok fine, because you're so fucking adorable" he chuckles then starts thrusting hard and fast, I move my hands to press to the wall as he reaches around and I feel him pumping my erection.
"Oh god! Fuck yes!" I scream as as I get so close to my climax but I get ripped away again by a knock on the door. Mark pulls out then I groan in frustration. I slip on a long shirt then I only slightly open the door, I see Wade, one of Mark's friends "What?"
"Is Mark there? He said he'd be in his room at 3... it's 3:30" he asks.
"Yes he's here" I sigh then I look back to see Mark go into the bathroom "he'll meet you at his dorm" I then close the door and head back over to the bed where I lay under the blanket and sulk.
"Jack... I'm sorry but I got to go" I turn to see Mark dressed, I sick my lip out at him.
"You can't just finish me off quickly?" I ask practically pleading.
"I'm sorry but I'm gonna be late if I don't go now"
"Fine" I sigh then I sit up as he comes over and quickly kisses me before heading out. I sigh then I get an idea. He's gonna be in Math for the next couple hours so I'm going to make him pay for leaving me. I grab my phone then first I text Felix.

When will you be back?

Not for a couple hours, I'm in the same class as Mark btw

Right. I forgot. Okay that's fine.

I then get up and lock the door before pulling the shirt off of me and going over to my dresser, I dig through the bottom drawer until I find what I want. I grab the long plastic dildo that I only had to use before I got a boyfriend, so this might seem a bit strange after a couple years of not using it. I grab lube as well then I lay back down onto my bed. I take out my phone and go to camera I stick the dildo in my mouth and I suck on it as if it were Mark's. I take a picture and I send it to Mark who will be just getting into class now. I then set it down and put some lube on my fingers before I stick my index and middle fingers inside of me, I moan as I pump them in and out of me. I take another picture and send it then I get an idea on how to really get him.

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