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Ok I finally found one thing that I thought was a good idea... I laughed a lot while writing this! Let's just change my words to I might not post as often but I will post eventually. So yes I put myself in this story... What I had a good idea... Just read! Btw... Pretend I'm 25 in the story... Okay? Okay!
-Leda's POV-
I am sitting on the couch watching X-Files on Netflix.. I sigh as I look up the stairs at Mark's room... His door closed because he's recording... I sigh again as I turn off the tv and the PlayStation then I head up to the door. I hear laughing inside.
"No Jack please don't I'll show you where Bob is! Please!" Mark screams as he makes a disappointed huff signaling that Jack shot him... Ahh prop hunt. I quietly open the door.. I step in the room unseen then I close the door making sure not to make a sound.. I get down on my hands and knees... I crawl over behind his bed then I slowly stand up and just stare at him without moving. I see him glance at me then double take.
"Holy Christ... My heart just gave out... Do you know how creepy you look?" He laughs as I start giggling then I lay on his bed on my belly my head propped up on my hands as I kick my legs back and fourth "hmm? No I was talking to Leda she scared the shit outta me"
"Are you done yet?" I ask with a pout. Mark smirks at me with a sigh.
"Guys give me a sec.. Brb" he gets up then moves over towards me "is somebody lonely?" He presses a quick kiss to my lips then stands back up and goes back to his computer "I'll be done soon but I want to finish playing"
"Ok" I sigh grumpily as I get up and leave the room closing the door a little too hard... I head to my room then I close the door and just lay on my bed. Mark has been recording with Jack a lot lately... He never has time for me because when he's done that he's tired to texting him! If Mark likes Jack he should just tell me I'd be fine with that because frankly... I ship Septiplier! But it hurts because he rarely sleeps with me anymore... I miss cuddling him and I hate that he's keeping things from me!! Uhg... Just stop thinking about that... I have to talk to him... What if he's been cheating on me? That really hurts... I feel tears run down my face then I get up and go into his room.
"Mark... We need to talk.... Now" I say.
"Okay.. I just finished... Are you okay?" He asks as he gets up and moves closer I just step away.
"What haven't you been telling me?"
"I.. Don't understand what you mean" Mark says.
"Don't lie... What's been going on between you and Jack? Please tell me" I step closer and put a hand on his shoulder.
"N-Nothing we're just friends.." I cut him off.
"Mark if you like Jack and possibly vice versa just tell me... It hurts more that you aren't telling me things that off you told me outright that you wanted to leave me for Jack" I explain... He sighs.
"Okay yes... I like Jack but he doesn't know it and I am afraid to tell him... I do love you though I also don't want to leave you" I hug Mark as he buries his face in my shoulder.
"There that's all you had to do... It just really hurts that you spend more time with him and I didn't know why.. If it was me or.. But now that I know it's fine... I understand"
"You're not upset?" He asks.
"No because frankly I ship Septiplier" I grin as he smirks at me.
"Now why don't I help you talk to Jack?" I suggest... He laughs at me as I push him back into his computer chair then I crouch beside him as I pull up Skype.
"So are we not together?"
"Well... I guess but just know if he rejects you I am here and I will come back" I smile at him as he nods nervously.
"Okay... What do I say?" He asks.
"Want me to write you a script?" He laughs at me.
"No I just need some idea of what to say... I don't want to be too outright but I don't want to be too subtle" he explains.
"I don't know just be completely honest" I say as he nods again.
"Ok I think I got it... Thank you.. I'm gonna say this in advance... Thank you for either trying or succeeding in getting me with Jack" he smiles as he pulls me onto his lap and hugs me.
"No problem" I giggle as I get up then I head to the door "I'm gonna be outside the door if you need help"
"So you'll be listening... Okay fine but if things get to personal plug your ears or leave" he says.
"Ok so I should also start looking for an apartment..." I sigh as I roll my eyes.
"You don't have to... You could just stay here as a friend"
"I don't think Jack would like that very much" I point out.
"If he doesn't trust me.. He doesn't truly love me" I raise an eyebrow at him and he looks at the ground "right"
"That one backfired didn't it?" I smirk as I cross my arms.
"Yeah... Anyway shoo... I'm gonna call now" he waves me out as I sit on the floor my back against the door as I listen quietly.
"Remember to unplug your headphones!" I yell as I remember he normally Skypes with headphones in.
"They're out! Don't worry!" I sigh as I hear Jack.
-Mark's POV-
I start sweating as Jack answers.
"What's up Mark?"
"Uh... Hi... I uhh... Need to tell you something" I scratch the back of my neck as I blush.
"Jack I don't know where this is gonna lead but... I.. I like you... More than a friend" I sigh as a weight is lifted off my chest. I watch as a smile grows on his face... I raise an eyebrow.
"Mark... I have a crush on you too... But what about your girlfriend?" I smirk as I turn the webcam so its facing the door... I get up and when I open the door Leda falls onto her back... She looks up at me and smiles.
"Hi" she giggles.
"She's the one who made me call you" I look back at the webcam then I go and sit in my chair turning the cam back to me... Leda joins me at my side.
"Really? You're not upset?" Jack laughs.
"What can I say? Always have and always will be a fool for Septiplier" I grin as Jack laughs and shakes his head.
"I still don't know who I should choose though... I love both of you a lot" he sighs.
"Choose Jack! I'm handing you the decision but you're not taking it!!! Just do it!" I practically yell.
"Ok geez... Jack will you be my boyfriend?" I ask as I watch Leda grin from ear to ear.
"Yes... Definitely" Jack laughs.
"Woooo! Yes! Septiplier is real!" Leda yells with her hands in the air as she runs out of the room. I can help but burst into laughter along with Jack... It takes about 20 minutes for us to calm down.. I then smile at Jack.
"You should come down for a week" I suggest as Jack smiles and nods.
"Ok.. When?"
"Whenever you have time... Y'know with prerecording videos and all that" I point out.
"I'll start prerecording tomorrow and I'll see when I get done" he explains.
"Ok well talk to you later?"
"Yeah I need some sleep" he yawns with the cutest face ever.
"I love you Jack"
"I love you too... Markimoo" he giggles as the call ends... I look over at the door to see Leda bouncing up and down on her toes with excitement.
"I feel so pumped I don't think I can sleep" she says.
"Calm down there Fangirl" I say as I get up and hug her "thank you for being so understanding and just you"
"Awe... I'm glad I have the opportunity to be your friend and I'm glad I had the opportunity to be your girlfriend" she smiles.
"My pleasure... Now I need to start prerecording tomorrow so I need sleep... Goodnight"
-Leda's POV-
"Goodnight" I sigh "I'm going be sad to give up kissing you"
"I'm sorry but I can't do anything about that"
"Oh well... Septiplier away" I whisper with a giggle as I head to my room. Ahh yes it does not matter how close I get with my favorite YouTubers... On the inside I will always be a Fangirl.
-The End-

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