The Little Girl who Brought us Together

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I don't know what to call this so I'll take suggestions and idk if this is that good... It's cute tho. Anyway school for me is coming soon so I might not have as much time... Well I'll see.. I'm going into high school and I'm excited!
-Mark's POV-
"Where are you?" I sing as I open my eyes then look around for the blue eyed girl... I smirk as I move around slowly.. I hear a giggle then I turn my head quickly to see the little black haired girl start running "where do you think you're going?" I chuckle as I run after her. I pick her up and she squeals as I hold her tight.
"Daddy put me down!" She laughs as I start tickling her "No! Pwease!"
"Fine" I give in as I set her down and I crouch to her height "what would you like to do now?"
"Tag! You're it!" She giggles as she touches me then runs as fast as her little legs will carry her... I let her get a head start. I just speed walk after her to make it fair but I book it when I see her going towards the road.
"Chloe No! Stay away from the road!" I yell as I spot a car coming full speed... I can tell you I've never ran that fast in my life... I jump at her and push her out of the way but I get hit and the next thing I know I'm laying meters away from where I got hit. The car is no where in sight but I can see some man on the phone and he has Chloe with him... I cough up blood onto the road. Everything hurts.
"Excuse me sir can you hear me?" I hear his Irish accent... I start fading from consciousness.
"Daddy?!" I hear Chloe scream... She's one smart 3 year old so she knows something is wrong when I don't respond.
"Hit.... And.... Run?" I ask to the best of my ability as I try my hardest to force myself up.. I get onto my hands and knees the the guy sets Chloe down.
"Be careful and Yeah I think so... He didn't even slow down when Chloe was on the road" he nods as Chloe hugs me around the neck... I wince and grunt but I hug back. I look up at the guy and my eyes focus... I realize who it is... It's Jack.
"Oh Jack.... I'm sorry... My eyes didn't recognize you" I say as I hold my breath in... I hear sirens coming closer.
"It's alright... I'm if you'd like I can take care of Chloe while you're in the hospital" he crouches and I see his eyes are glazed over with... Tears?
"Yeah..." I breathe as I feel myself finally slipping consciousness... I fall and everything blurs then I'm out.
-Jack's POV-
I pick up Chloe again as I am pushed out of the way by the paramedics and cops that are here... I tell the cops everything they need to know then I take Chloe back into their house. I just sit watching movies with her.... Trying to calm her down the slightest... I mean I can't blame her... I'm scared as all hell too.
-Mark's POV-
I groan as my eyes flutter open to see I'm in a hospital... I feel a neck brace that's restricting and a cast on my leg as well as my wrist but besides that everything just hurts... I'm probably just one big bruise. I see a nurse come in... She smiles then steps back out into the hall... Probably to get the doctor.
"Alright Mark... How are you feeling?" The doctor asks as he steps in with a clipboard.
"I've been better that's for sure"
"Yes well... You're lucky to be alive because you had significant almost life threatening injuries yet Mr. Mcloughlin said you got up onto your hands and knees... You must have a high pain tolerance" he explains.
"I don't know I guess... Or maybe I was relieved that I was hurt instead of my daughter"
"Probably adrenaline helped" he smiles.
"How long until I'm healed?" I ask.
"You will have the neck brace off in a week if everything goes fine... The leg one off in two weeks but the wrist one is probably almost two months because you actually broke it the others were just fractures surprisingly" he explains.
"Then what was the life threatening injuries you were talking about?" I ask confused.
"Internal.... You have three broken ribs that punctured things but we got everything under control and that should be healed enough to move around in two weeks but you'll still have to be careful and not lift anything heavy... Nor your daughter" he mentions.
"Ok" I sigh "can I make a phone call?"
"Yes I suppose you can.. Here's your phone" he hands me my phone then leaves... I scroll through my contacts to find Jack's in there... I call.
"Hello?" I hear what sounds like a tired Jack and crying in the background... Oh Chloe.
"Jack it's Mark"
"Oh thank god your okay... Please talk to Chloe... She hasn't stopped crying since you were taken to the hospital" Jack says.
"Ok put her on"
"Chloe.. Do you want to talk to Daddy? He's okay and he's on the phone" God him saying daddy... I wish he'd call me that... I shake my head then I sold myself.
"Daddy?" I hear Chloe.
"Chloe baby... I'm okay"
"Daddy! When are you gonna be home?" She asks sounding so scared.
"I'm gonna be home really soon but when I'm home I'll still need time to heal... But listen to me sweetie... Please calm down and stop giving Jack a hard time.. Can you do that for me?" I say.
"Ok... Will he take care of you when you get home?" She asks.
"I don't know... Maybe for some things" I chuckle at the question... But I secretly want to say yes "alright well I gotta get some sleep so that I heal...."
"Ok well Jack wants to talk to you again... Bye daddy" she says.
"You still there?" I hear Jack.
"Yeah although I might not be soon...."
"What? Why?" I hear Jack panic.
"Calm down... I meant because I'm so fucking tired" I laugh at him.
"Oh ok" he chuckles "you scared me for a second"
"Ok well whatever you need to say... Say it later... Bye" I hang up with a yawn as I almost immediately fall asleep.
-Jack's POV-
I wake up to see Chloe cuddled in my arms fast asleep... I smile at the blue eyed girl.... There's one thing I don't understand and that is why does she look like a mix between me and Mark? She is not my child that's for sure.... Mark had a one night stand with some girl but when she got pregnant she gave Chloe to him and left... I feel so bad that he had to take care of a baby all by himself and he wasn't ready for it. Some times he would come across the street to my place for help or I would take care of Chloe so he could get sleep.... She kinda feels like my child as well. I really like Mark too... I mean I have a crush on him so him being in the hospital is scary... Whatever I don't think he's into guys so I just put it to the back of my mind... I'm fine with just being the babysitter. I sigh as I stand up still holding her then I go up and put her in her bed... When I leave I head into Mark's room... I'm sure he won't mind.
-1 week later-
-Mark's POV-
I open my eyes to see someone standing at the end of my bed... My eyes focus and I see a creepy nurse just standing there... I blink and she's gone. I sigh... These god damn meds are making me see things and I feel more like crap when I take them... That's why for the whole week I haven't let Chloe see me... Jack has come in once not too long ago. My neck brace has been taken off and so has my leg cast... It healed way faster than they thought.. I see the door open and the doctor comes in... He smiles.
"Can I please get off these meds today... I'm trying to feel better not feel like I'm dying anyway" I say in a harsh tone.
"Ok yes fine... We won't give them to you today" I nod then sigh in relief "alright do you want to try walking again?"
"Yeah sure" I say as I throw the blankets off me then I swing my legs over the side of the bed.
"Go as slow as you need" I nod as I push myself up off the bed... I cringe as the little bit of pain in my right shin... I stand for a few seconds before I move forward but when I put pressure on my right foot it gives out and I hit the ground with my chest hard.
"Do your ribs hurt?" The doctor asks in concern.
"Yeah but I think it's just the bruises" I push myself up so I'm sitting against the wall... I look out the window to see Jack.. I smile. The door opens and he comes in but I see Chloe behind him holding his hand... I grin as she sees me... Her eyes light up and she runs at me... I grunt as she hugs me tight.
"Daddy I've missed you" she says not letting go "I thought you said you were coming home soon.."
"I will... I'm getting much better... So very soon I just need to master walking again" I chuckle as she giggles.
"Is that why you're on the floor?" Jack asks with a laugh as I see the doctor exit the room leaving us.
"Yeah.. My right leg keeps giving out"
"That's what happens when you skip leg day" we laugh.
"Ok sweetie... Can I try and get up? Also the doctor say I shouldn't lift anything too heavy.."
"So that means me?" She asks.
"Yes sadly" I smile at how smart she is... She moves off of me and Jack moves closer incase I need help. I get up so I'm standing... I then take one step then pause, one step then pause... I continue until I'm at the bed where I sit on the edge.
"So how you feeling?" Jack asks as he picks up Chloe then places her on the bed beside me... She just hugs me tight.
"Well... Better than a week ago but I'll feel better once the meds are out of my system" I sigh.. Jack looks at Chloe then he picks her up and opens the door.. He sets her outside then I see him talking to a nurse. He closes the door then comes back in.
"Ok now be completely honest how are you feeling?"
"Like shit but like I said it's because of the meds... I don't hurt but I feel like I'm dying anyway... I see things because of the meds so I asked the doctor he said I don't have to take any today" I explain.
"Hmm... So when do you think you'll be out if the hospital?" He asks moving closer.
"I don't know... Maybe in the next week" I shrug as our eyes meet.
"I guess we can just hope right?" He sighs as he looks away nervously.
"Thank you for taking care of Chloe... If not for you I don't know where she'd be" I smile.
"No problem... How could I say no to taking care of that little girl" he chuckles... I smirk as I push myself up to stand.. I make a move. My hands go to the back of Jack's neck as I fit my mouth to his... He kisses back and his arms go gently around my neck.. My hands move down to his hips.. I break the kiss and I just rest my forehead on his.
"You like guys?" Jack asks.
"Yeah I'm Bi and I could tell you liked me by the look on your face" I smirk as he blushes.
"Yes and I was just as scared as Chloe..." He closes his eyes and I see a tear run down his cheek.
"Well don't be... I'm fine... I'm gonna be home soon... And I might need your help.. More than I'd like to admit" he giggles slightly.
"I'm okay with that... Even if it means I have to help you get dressed" He laughs as I smirk.
"So... Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask.
"Of course" he smiles then pulls away... I sit back down as he heads to the door. I lay back as Chloe comes running in again then she jumps up onto the bed beside me.. I smile as I start tickling her.
"I promise I'm gonna try to walk again soon but I might hurt myself more if I fall" I say as she giggles and squirms around.
"Daddy stop!" She squeals.
"Ok" I let go of her but hugs me quick her one hand hitting my sore ribs.. I cringe and inhale sharply... She pulls away and looks at me.
"Sawry daddy" he looks sad.
"It's okay just be more gentle" I finally exhale as she cuddles up beside me... I hug her then a nurse comes in with food.
"Chloe come on... We should probably go and let daddy eat and rest" Jack says as he picks Chloe up off the bed.
"Bye daddy... Love you" she waves.
"Love you too" I smile as she turns then Jack blows me a quick kiss.. I wink at him.
"So I've been told to not give you your pills.. You're okay with that?" She asks.
"Yes... I asked to not take them" I nod.
"Okay just wondering" she smiles as she leaves... I eat then I decide to sleep.
-1 year later-
"Daddy! Papa!" I hear Chloe scream as she hops onto the bed between me and Jack. I grunt as she hits my side... It still hurts even a year later... I also still kinda limp but not much.
"What's wrong?" Jack asks her as he hugs her tightly.
"I had a bad dream" she cries softly into his shoulder.
"You're okay... Whatever it was is not real" I say as I rub her back.. She nods as she starts calming down.
"Let's go back to bed" Jack says as he gets up and takes her back to her room... I just lay with my hands behind my head... When he comes back he just smirks at me as he climbs back into bed.
"Are you gonna be able to go back to sleep?" He asks as he rests his head on my chest.
"I'm not tired anymore" I sigh as he smirks at me.
"It's not that... You just want something from me"
"Possibly" I grin.
"Well tomorrow when Chloe's at school we can but tonight lets sleep" Jack says as he closes his eyes.
"Fine" I sigh as I hug him tight.. I smile "goodnight babe"
"Goodnight" he presses a kiss to my cheek... I also feel the cold metal of his wedding ring on my skin... I smile widely as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
-The End-

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