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Again from the story I mentioned before..
-Mark's POV-
Knock! Knock! Knock!
My eyes fly open... I look over Jack's head to see my mom standing in the doorway.
"I let you sleep in an extra half hour so you should really get up" she says.
"Ok" I say quietly so I don't startle Jack. I slowly sit up.. With Jack still clinging to me... I hold onto him so he doesn't fall.
"Jack.... Time to wake up" I say calmly as I kiss his forehead.
"I don't wanna" he mumbles in a little kid voice.. I smirk.
"Come on Jack.... We have to go to school today" i say to him... I then feel him tighten his legs and arms around me.
"I'm too warm" he says as he presses his face into my chest.
"Jack.... We have to go we have exams today" I say as I stand up... With Jack hanging on to me tight.
"I'll only get off if... I can shower with you" he says... I feel him smile into my chest.
"Moving kinda fast aren't we?" I say with a smile. He looks up at me.
"I see that smile... You want to.. You just don't want to admit it" he says as he lets go of me and stands beside me "come on... It will be faster than having two separate showers"
"Fine but be quiet because I don't want my mom to know" I say as we head to the bathroom. When we get in I grab two towels from the closet and I set them on the counter.... I then take off my shirt and my pants leaving me in my boxers. I turn around and I see Jack completely naked and staring at me... I blush then I look away. Jack pushes me back against the wall and presses his lips to mine... He snakes his fingers to the waistband of my boxers and stars to pull them down.. I just let him. I push him back.
"We really should have our shower... Because we have about half an hour to get ready" I say as I turn on the water then I get in.
"Damn.... Your even sexier without clothes on" Jack says as I turn to see him staring me up and down. I grab his arm then I pull him in... Once he's in I press my body to his and I start kissing his neck. Jack puts one hand on the back of my head and one hand on my chest... My hands are on Jack's hips pulling him tight against me. I start to grind against him... He lets out a groan and he starts to pull at my hair. I move from his neck down to his collarbone.. I suck in several places until I get a groan out of him. Jack then pulls my head from his neck and presses his lips to mine. I then push away from him.
"We need to shower" I say as I grab the shampoo.
"Fine" he says with a smirk. Jack takes the shampoo from me before I can even get stuff out of it.... He puts shampoo onto his hand then raises an eyebrow at me.
"Turn around" he says to me... I obey him. I then feel him run his hands through my hair... I just stand there and let him wash my hair.. It feels good anyway. He finishes soaping up my hair then he pushes me under the water and rinses it.... It feels nice when someone else does it for you. I then wash his hair for him... After I rinse Jack's hair out he grabs the bar of soap and he starts soaping up my chest.
"You have to do that" I ask him with a smirk.
"Any excuse I get to feel up your abs" he says with a smile. He starts moving down my torso... He reaches my V line but I grab his hand and I pull it away before he goes further.
"Why not?" He says like a little kid arguing.
"Not yet" I say as I turn off the water and step out. I grab one towel and I throw it at Jack... I take the other one and I wrap myself with it.

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