A Normal Day in HighSchool

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-Mark's POV-
"Hey Roo" I whisper in a quiet cute tone that makes Jack giggle and smile.
"Stop being so adorable... You know it's gonna be hard to stay away from you especially since you're not in my class for first period" Jack pushes me against the wall... I just lean forward and lick his nose.
"I can't help it... I just love you so much and you're so adorable as well" I say as Jack let's go of me and we continue walking to our classes.
"Ok well... I would say text me if you want but I don't want a boner like last time... Do you know how hard that was to hide and it hurt" Jack points out... I just laugh.
"Don't worry if it happens again I'll help you get rid of it" I say and a deep seductive tone as I lick my lips... Jack pushes me.
"Just stop.... Douche bag" Jack giggles as I stop to go into my class and Jack continues walking... But before he's out of my grasp I smack him on the ass.. He yelps.
"See you next period" I smirk.
"Maybe not" he glares at me jokingly. I get into my class and I sit in my seat just as the bell rings.... I then pull out my phone and completely ignore everything and everyone.

How does your ass feel? ;)

Fuck you! You know that's one of my kinks!

Oh so do you have a boner rn? ;) >:)

No thankfully but I thought I was gonna.

Oh... Well don't worry by the end of this period you will.

No! I'm just gonna ignore you and actually pay attention to the teacher... Bye.. :)

Ok then at lunch I'm gonna fuck you in my car... In the back seat ;)

I'm gonna rip all of your clothes off... Then in gonna lick up and down your neck as I finger you... After that I'm gonna stick my tongue into you... I will push your legs back then slam into you as hard as I can while tugging on your hair... I also have some of your "toys" in my car from when you came over yesterday so I can use those too... ;)

Jack? If you don't read my texts then you won't know what's coming for ya at lunch... Imma do that either way

Hello? Please! I'm bored!

Fine! Let's just hope you don't read your texts until later.. :) ;) >:)

I put my phone away then I actually try and pay attention but all I can think about is what I will be doing to Jack later... Uh oh... I feel myself getting a boner.. Just pay attention to the teacher and it might go away. At the end of class I successfully got rid of my boner and now I just have to sit my way through next period until lunch. Me and Jack have next period in the same class so I head to the locker room then get changed... I then wait in the gym on one of the benches. Jack then walks in and sees me... He smirks at me I smirk back... He sits next to me on the bench.
"How was last class?" He asks.
"It was boring yet fun" I say as Jack gets up and does some stretches.
"What did you text me?"
"Stuff to get you hard" I chuckle as Jack giggles "oh by the way... Wanna go out for lunch?"
"Yeah sure... You driving?" He asks... I nod as the bell rings. The teacher comes in and we begin our class... We run around and get all sweaty... Nice this will make my plan even better.. I chuckle at the thought.
"What's so funny?" Jack asks as we continue running laps around the gym.
"Oh nothing" I smirk as the class finally ends "yes! Lunch" I cheer a little too loudly so Jack looks at me strangely.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm just hungry that's all" I say... There is some truth in that statement... I am hungry but not for food. Jack shakes his head and laughs we go get changed but neither of us shower.. One I don't want to and two Jack has a free period after lunch so he's just gonna go home to shower. We walk hand in hand to my car... We put our stuff in the trunk of the car then I pull Jack into the back seat with me without hesitation or warning... I lock the car... I'm so glad the windows on my car are all tinted. I start by kissing Jack... I push my tongue into his mouth as I take no time to get us both naked.... I then move my mouth down to his neck... I run my tongue up and down the side of his neck slowly.
"M-Mark... What are you?" Jack attempts to speak but his words get caught in his throat and they turn to a moan as I hit a sensitive spot. I smirk as I continue licking and sucking on his neck... I then take two fingers and push them into him slowly... Since he's my little slut it doesn't hurt him one bit and he moans from the overwhelming pleasure. I then slowly trace my tongue down Jack's body to his erection... I lick from the base to the tip then I move down to his entrance... I push my tongue in as my hand slowly strokes his erection.
"F-FUCK MARK!" Jack yells as he is now a sweaty, horny mess. I decide that I can't wait any longer so I push Jack's legs up and I push into him... I start thrusting hard and fast... We both start moaning so loud that I bet people outside for lunch can hear us clearly.
"M-MARK! I'm gonna..."
"Hold that thought" I say as I lean down and put my mouth over his member... He then releases into my mouth. I swallow it as I thrust a couple more times before I cum into Jack.... I collapse onto Jack as we both try to catch our breath.
"Holy fuck that was hot" Jack pants as he wraps his arms around me. Just then the bell for the end of lunch rings.
"Fuck... Can't I just skip this class and go have a shower with you?" I ask as I get up and put my boxers back on.
"No... You should go to class... Learn" Jack says as he quickly puts his clothes back on... In only a couple minutes we are both dressed and we step out of the car.
"Can I take your car?" Jack asks me as he batts his eyelashes.
"Fine but don't crash... I don't want a wrecked car or a wrecked boyfriend" I smile at Jack as I hand him the keys.
"Thank you Boo" Jack says as he presses his lips to mine.
"You better thank me later" I smirk as I walk back towards the school.
"Is that all you think about?" He asks.
"I can't help that your so good and so sexy" I reply as he gets into the car. I continue to walk into the school... The halls are empty so I'm gonna be late... I start jogging to my class... When I enter everyone is giggling and whispering to their friends... The teacher is just glaring at me.
"Did I miss something important?" I ask as I take my seat.
"No, but everyone heard your little happy time at lunch... In your car" the teacher says.
"Yeah? Ok so? Your point is?" I ask.
"Who was on the other end?" Some boy jokes.
"Who do you think?" I ask.
"Jack?" The boy says.
"Yeah" I nod "now can we please get to learning" I nod towards the teacher.
"Thank you Mark... At least you have respect for your teacher" he says with a smile as he starts the class. I pull out my phone and sigh... I have a message from Jack.

You can fuck me like that anytime :)

My pleasure... Oh btw everyone knows about our little naked party in the back of my car... ;)

Nice ;)

Geography is so boring :(

I know... But you not being here while I'm lay on my bed naked is even more boring ;(

I might just run home ;o

My ass is l so fucking sore already... That was the hardest you've fucked me yet ;)

Oh just you wait ;)

Oh boy... K well see you soon babe

Ok... See you soon ;)
-The End-

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