Elementals (Part 1)

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Here's a longer story for you guys and a SMUT WARNING!!
Long ago four elements of people lived together but nobody was happy... Water elemental would dry out or freeze from fire and air, earth would get mad at fire for destroying nature, and fire couldn't stand water because they would get put out. So 20 years after elementals appeared on earth they split ways and created their own homes never seeing an element unlike theirs (unless you were the ruler) and living peacefully... Fire lived in around volcanos and set fires to all the trees and grass in sight to make it their home, water lived in the water making their home one of the biggest, air lived well on the clouds in the air since they could fly and earth lives in a beautiful forest that everything thrives in.... Everyone one is happy to this day... Except for two lonely beings.
-Mark's POV-
I open my eyes to see nothing but an orange glow around me and a warm burning sensation from head to toe.... I sit up and take a deep breath of air... Well more like smoke to be honest.
"Mark.... You slept in are you feeling well?" I hear Chica, my pet, say while in her human form.
"Yeah I'm fine I was just up late last night thinking about stuff" I say as I motion for Chica to turn around... I step out of my 'lava bed' and I wipe myself down with a towel because I don't want my clothes catching on fire... After that I put my red tank top on with my light brown pants that go up to my knees... Then I head out of my small house. Chica runs beside me in her dog form.... As we get closer to the centre of town I see there is a group of people and In the centre I see the king for the fire elementals... I step closer then I see him look my way then smile.
"Mark will go!" He declares to everyone then they all sigh in.... Relief?
"Go where now?" I ask in confusion. Llane the king moves closer to me then looks me in the eye.
"Medivh the ruler has asked each element to present one of their own for a check up.. To see if we're healthy, to see if we are teaching you properly and to see how you control your powers and since I know you're quite bored here I chose you to go and possibly meet another element" Llane explains to me.
"Yes!" I grin widely "will you take care of Chica while I'm gone?"
"Of course... You must leave at once... Head to that portal its waiting for you" Llane says pointing to the portal.
"Okay" I say as I jog to it... As soon as I step inside I get teleported into a white room I squint because I'm used to dim firelight.. I then can't breathe. There's no oxygen my fire is being quenched I need oxygen... I fall to my knees.
"Oops sorry Mark I forgot fire needs oxygen... The others don't" I see Medivh appear.. then something changes and i can breathe again.
"What about earth don't they need oxygen?" I ask Medivh who is now right before me.
"They create their own... Water doesn't need oxygen since they can breathe water they can breathe anything and air is used to this" he explains... I nod.
"Where are the others?"
"You're the only brave one whom came first.. The others are still deciding" he chuckles at me... I smirk.
"What... Are they afraid of you?"
"Yes... They think that because I have so much power that I would hurt them if they make one wrong move" he laughs.
"I'm not afraid... I'm excited to meet you because I'm so bored with my life I wish I was like you so I could go between elemental homes" I mention.
"I can see that... The last thing I want is for one of my children to be sad" Medivh says as he paces his hands on my shoulders... I guess technically we are all children to him because he created us.
"So am I really here for a check up?" I ask.
"I wouldn't lie... But I also asked for specific people Llane just made it sound like he could choose anyone" he points out as there is a flash of light then I see a girl appear... She looks around 18- 19.... Water. Normally I should be afraid of water but I'm not although I see she is terrified... She is wearing a blue one piece bathing suit, with long blonde hair that looks wet and she looks like she's struggling to stand... They probably never are on land so it makes sense.
"Amy... This is Mark" Medivh introduces us... I nod to her and she waves a little. Just then another girl appears... This time she's about my age and she's air. She doesn't look scared maybe just a little nervous but that's it... She wears a light brown skirt with a white crop top... She has long blonde hair.
"Signe this is Mark and Amy" Medivh once again introduces us... We all smile at each other as Signe moves over to Amy.. She's very light on her feet. Then the last element comes in... A guy about my age.. He's earth. I smile at him he smiles back.... He's wearing green 'parachute' pants with a light brown crop top like thing... He's so god damn beautiful. That bright green hair on his head and those blue eyes that I could stare into forever.
"Mark this is Sean but most people call him Jack" Medivh smirks at me as he noticed my reaction to the boy showing up. Everyone back home already knows I'm gay and they all take it fairly well... It's just too bad he's an earth element because it's forbidden that two different elements are friends let alone lovers... It's only happened once before and all the elements thought that execution was the best route... It's a shame.
"Alright so you know why you are here right?" Everyone nods and he continues "ok so I will start by taking Amy with me.. You three can talk and hang out until I call the next... It will be a while" we all nod as he takes Amy into another room I just sit down in the nearest corner to me. After a few minutes of me and Jack staring at each other he finally gets up and comes over to me... He sits down beside me.
"So.. You're Mark?" He ask in an Irish accent that makes me almost faint.
"Yeah.. And you're Jack" I nod... He smiles and nods back. We both start talking about things we like and our personalities... Then we get into how our homes are boring.
"Signe come with me please" I hear Medivh say as Signe gets up and heads over to him... They head out and it's just me and Jack alone.
"Ok... Jack?"
"I'm gonna be completely honest here... I'm gay and I like you" I say as I look at the ground. We sit in silence for a while before I look up only to have his lips press to mine... I pull him onto my lap only to be surprised that he isn't in pain from burns... But.. I don't question it I just close my eyes and deepen the kiss.
"Ew!" I hear a girl shriek.. But before I can see who it is I get get splashed with water... Jack only gets wet but I struggle to breathe because the pain is so breathtaking.
"Uhhh.. What... The.... Hell... Was... That for" I say in pain as I push Jack off of me and I crawl onto my hands and knees.
"That's forbidden!" She yells as us... I cough as I collapse to the floor.
"Mark!" Jack runs to my side I then cringe as I feel more water spray me down "stop it!" I look up to see Jack use vines to push her back against the wall hard.. He pins her there.
"What is your wimpy water ass gonna do to save yourself huh?!" Jack yells as he wraps a vine around her neck and starts to squeeze.
"Jack! What are you doing?!" I hear Medivh because I can't see anything anymore.
"She hurt Mark with her water!" He screams as it turns into a cry.
"Mark?" I hear Medivh as he picks me up but I'm weak so I let my body go limp.
"I-I...... Can't..... See" I choke out quietly.
"It's okay... You'll be fine... Just don't try to move" he says as I feel heat course through my veins again... Slowly my vision comes back and so does half of my strength... He sits me against the wall and signals for me to stay so I do. I look over to see Jack drop Amy and run over to me... He wraps his arms around me.
"No crying... You'll hurt me" I say as I see that his eyes are glassy and glazed over.
"Sorry" he smiles as he wipes his eyes with his shirt.
"Amy is that why you hurt him?" Medivh asks as he turns to Amy.
"Yes... It's forbidden" she nods scaredly.
"Don't tell anyone of what happened here or I will personally come and murder your whole family followed by you" he growls "I will take care of this not you... Especially since you're younger than them!" He then waves his hand and she's gone.
"Mark... Are you......" That's all I hear before I pass out.
-Jack's POV-
"Mark?" I say as I look at his face "he's Unconscious"
"Most fire elements who have just gotten extinguished will go unconscious usually" Medivh smiles as he pushes me back he picks up Mark then I follow him into the next room where a bed appears then a couple chairs on the other side of the small room.
"Come.. Sit... Talk with me Jack" Medivh beckons to me. I head over then I sit in the chair across from where he's sitting.... He glances at the unconscious boy behind me then to me.
"So... What made you fall in love with Mark?"
"Well at first glance his looks but his personality sealed the deal... Then he told me he loves me and I went for the kiss... That's when Amy came in and sprayed us" I explain.
"Well... It's sad that someone came up with the idea to put it in their kids minds that it's wrong to be with an element unlike your own they also killed elementals that had the power of more than one element... I thought about stopping it but by then it was to late" he sighs.
"But they fear you so you could stop it right?" I ask... He sighs.
"I could... But... It risks an uprising or a riot" Medivh explains.
"Oh.." I pause and think "so what do you think we should do?"
"I'm not sure... There's two options I can think of off the top of my head but neither I like... 1: stay up here with me 2: split up and forget each other"
"There's gotta be another way" I beg as I look back at Mark who stirs in the bed.
"Well..... I'll talk to each of the leaders and see what they think about elements mixing" he says as he gets up then leaves the room so it's just me and Mark.
"Where's Medivh?" I hear Mark ask from behind me.
"He left.... To talk to the leaders about what they think of elements mixing" I say absent minded as I stare at the empty chair in front of me.
-Mark's POV-
I stare at the green haired boy that looks like he's having a conversation in his head... I sit up and I push myself out of the bed with a few grunts of remaining pain. I walk over and I crouch in front of Jack staring him right in the eyes.. He focuses on mine and comes back to reality... I place my hands on his knees.
"Jack.... Whatever happens we will be fine... We will find somewhere to go and live together" I say reassuringly... Jack smiles at me then places a hand on either side of my face pulling me closer. He leans back and continues pulling me towards him so I'm now straddling his lap... My forehead pressed to his... My eyes closed... My hands running through his hair... His hands pulling me so I'm pressed tight against his body. I feel my body heat up to a temperature that I've never felt before even for me being a fire element... I fit my mouth to his.
"Ehem..." We both look in the direction of the noise to see Medivh... He raises an eyebrow at me and smirks "well..... must've been serious... Right Mark?" I look at him confused but then he points at a mirror in the room... I get up and move over to it to just see a fire in my eyes fade back to my normal eyes... I blush.
"It's natural for fire elements" he smiles as I see a golden retriever run at me.
"Chica!" I yell happily as I hug her and she licks my face "I missed you girl"
"Sam you little rascal!" I hear Jack as I look over to see Medivh hand him a little Hedgehog with one eye.
"So how'd it go?" I ask Medivh.
"Not too well.... So I've decided something different... I gathered several others you're age who are bored with their lives or have a love in another element" Medivh explains as we walk out into the other room to see a group of people our age.
"What do you want us to do?" Jack asks as I hide behind him because of all the water elementals.
"Live as a family protect each other... You are gonna live a life of action... Constantly running from monsters...."
"Monsters?" I ask.
"I am sending you to a world that used to have an element... Ice... But it got overrun by monsters and you are going to take it back and create a home for those who want to be like you and love freely" Medivh finishes explaining. Everyone's faces light up at the thought of fighting monsters and living freely... But I get worried... The thought of cold brings me down... Also the water elements must not love cold because they could freeze. I also look around to see in the only fire elemental... Why?
"Alright good luck and just call my name if you need me" Medivh says before teleporting us to this new land. As soon as we get there we land into snow and it starts melting around me... It turns into water and it hurts.
"Ahhhhgggg!" I yell as I get up and try to run but I am already weak so I just fall face first into the snow. Jack rolls me over but there's not hope... There's no other fire elements to help regenerate my heat.... I see Jack make a blanket of leaves then he puts me in it but as soon as I hit it it starts wilting and shriveling because of my heat. They all start running and trying to find a warm place where's there's no snow but that's almost Impossible.
-Jack's POV-
We've been walking for about 4 hours and can't seem to find a place to get out of the cold snow... The water elements are starting to freeze a little bit each hour... I look back at the once again unconscious Mark who's hair is now black and chard... Not the usual bright fiery red and I can barely feel the heat coming from him when normally is easy to. The air elements are melting the snow with warm air... Well as much as they can but we're out in the middle of no where... Not a cave in sight... But I'm thinking that caves will be full of monsters. Mark would be able to defeat any of them easily since their ice and snow that can melt with heat. We continue walking for about another 2 hours before we find a cave.. We head in and the air elements clear out the snow... Since I actually see rock I create I bed for Mark to lay in... The other earth elements make more grass and beds for others.
"Mark.... Please don't die on me... Please... I love you so much and I need you hear" I cry quietly as I press a kiss to his lips... They're so cold.. I then listen closely to his breath "good.. Keep breathing for me" I whisper as I press a kiss lightly to each of his eyelids.
"Medivh! Please help just one small favor!" I yell only to have a fellow earth element named Ken put his hand over my mouth.
"Shh" he puts a finger over his lip then points down the cave.... My eyes widen as I see some faint stirring in the distance along with growls.
"We have to stay quiet or we'll all be dead" Ken's boyfriend Felix a water element whispers... I nod. Just then I see a shadow at the entrance of the cave... Medivh! I get up and run over to him... He sees Mark the looks as if he's mentally scolding himself... What?
"I'm sorry I forgot that it was this cold here because the last time I was here it wasn't this bad... But I have other things I have to get back to so I'll help you just enough to get you back on your feet then I must go" he explains as his voice echoes through the cave.
"Shh!" I shush him as the monsters eyes now glow in the distance signaling its awake.
"Don't worry" he says as he takes the bed I made for Mark and builders up the walls to create a tub kinda thing then he fills it with lava... At first I panic because lava burns things but then I calm down because I learned that's what fire elements sleep in to keep them warm.
"Here's clothes for him since his will burn in the lava" Medivh smirks at me as he sets the clothes on a little rock shelf beside the 'bed'... I nod at him. I then get a little.... Distracted.. At the thought that he's naked in there.
-Mark's POV-
I open my eyes to see I'm in... A lava bed? I sit up and take a deep breath but I cough when I get a lung full of cold air... I look around to see Jack and all the others... I then hear a roar and I look back to see a monster.. I'm guessing I have to take care of it.
"Jack... Can I uh... Have some kind of curtain.... So I can get dressed" I say as I notice the pile of clothes beside me... I can only assume Medivh helped me out here... Because no one else can.
"Yeah of course" he smiles as he puts up a curtain of leaves... I get out and quickly put on my clothes I also find a small cape like thing... I pick up the fabric but I am in awe when I feel the amount of heat coming out of it... Must be to keep me warm... I put it on.
"Ok... Let's do this!" I yell as I create a fireball that heats up the cave. I
"Be careful" I hear Jack say as I head deeper into the cave with my ball of fire melting the snow and ice around me. I reach a point where I can clearly see the ice dragon thing that is oh so dangerous.
"Hey buddy... How are you... You look a little frozen.. Is that from fear or are you cold?" I smirk as i run at him then I spray fire into his mouth as he screams at me. He melts away but there are bones left over... Weird... I burn them and I melt the rest of the ice and snow while I'm back here.
"Mark? You okay?" I hear Jack coming closer... I sneak up behind him then I hug him tightly.
"Ggggrrrrrrr.... I gottcha!" I laugh as Jack jumps but hugs me back.
"Mark I'm so glad you're okay" Jack smiles as he presses his lips to mine.
"We should move back here.... It'll be warmer" I say as Jack puts several logs into the middle where I set them on fire.
"I could try to move your bed back here if you'd like" Jack suggests.
"Nah... It's fine where it is... That way the heat will melt any snow or monsters that want to come in" I say as I look him up and down seductively as the others come back here because they overheard out conversation.
"Glad you're okay Mark" I see a water element say... I step away as he was going to touch me.
"Thanks..." I say as I turn and walk back to my bed... Jack stays with them and helps get everyone a nice place to sleep while I sit at the very entrance of the cave melting snow and just thinking. After a bit a feel a hand on my bare back... I took my shirt off a while ago... I turn to see Jack looking tired.
"Everyone's asleep" he says as I stand up and we move towards my bed.
"Where are you sleeping?" I ask as I lean against the wall... I pull him into my chest hugging him.
"I don't know.... I'll probably have to go back down with them... But I don't want to... I wish I could sleep with you but I can't" he says as I feel his fingers trace the part of my V-line that's showing.
"What are you trying to start?" I ask as I just stand against the wall my hands hanging at my sides... Jack slips his fingers under the waistband if my pants then he starts sliding them down. I lift his chin to look at me... I press my lips to his as he continues to slide my pants down until they're around my ankles leaving me naked... I feel one of Jack's hands wrap around me and he starts slowly pumping me... I moan quietly into his mouth as I slip his shirt off over his head.
"Do you have any normal liquids in you?" Jack asks seductively and I can only guess what he's talking about.
"Yeah but they're way warmer than yours.... Kinda like my saliva" I smirk... I lean into his ear and whisper "it might burn" I then push him onto the ground and pull off his pants in one movement. I look into his eyes and he nods before I push into him... He moans but I cover his mouth to muffle them so nobody wakes up... I then start thrusting
"Faster... God fuck... Harder" Jack quietly moans as he had taken my hand off his mouth.. I gladly obey his wishes and I pound into him hard and fast as we both get closer to our orgasms... A few thrusts later Jack cums onto his own chest followed by me cuming into Jack.
"Oh fuck.... You weren't kidding" he grunts... I chuckle.
"It'll go away soon... It won't damage anything" I pant as I collapse onto him. After a few minutes I get up off him then I step into the lava... I sit there as I watch Jack get dressed then he comes over to me.
"It still burns by the way... I'm just used to the pain now" he says as I look up at him... I chuckle.
"For a fire element it doesn't hurt one bit.... Get on my level" I grin "I love you"
"I love you too goofball" he smiles as he kisses me then lays down in the bed of leaves he put beside my bed.
"Tomorrow we start our mission and I promise I won't let the cold drag me down anymore" I say.
"You better not break that promise" Jack smiles at me as he drifts off to sleep... I lay back into the lava and let the warmth take me under.

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