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HELLO ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE OUT THERE! I'm back with a story! Idea by: TrustyMcCoolGirl1999 sorry I've been gone for so long. I just haven't been in the mood to write septiplier for a while, I forced myself to write this for you and so it may yet again be a while but who knows? Anyway, enjoy!
-Jack's POV-
I yawn as I glance at the clock for the thousandth time. How can the class be this fucking long?! Math is drawing on so long. I  glance back to the teacher who is talking non-stop, then to the boy and girl in the front corner practically making out. They are soul mates, everyone can tell. I wonder how you know who your soul mate is? I've never felt super attracted to someone before if that's what it is, and none of my friends have found their soul mates. I can't ask anyone what it's like. I heard that apparently your connection to your soul mate only activates once you're both 16, I turned 16 last week but haven't noticed anything strange. I look over to the empty seat across the room, I wish Mark was here. He went on vacation with his family so I haven't seen him since before my birthday, I sigh. I then feel an odd sensation on my left forearm. I pull up my sleeve and look to see a drawing on my arm, it's appearing currently as if someone is drawing it now. I look closely at it to see what it is, it's a symbol? It's the Horde symbol from W.O.W. then the Alliance also appears next to it. So, my soul mate plays World of Warcraft. My eyes widen then I smirk. My soulmate. That means my soulmate is 16 and that means I've met them before if I can see what they are drawing on their arm. I look around the room, I only know a few girls that play W.O.W, unless... No. My soulmate wouldn't be a guy would it? I didn't think that was possible. The bell rings and snaps me out of my thoughts, it's time to go home, thank god. I get up and gather my stuff before quickly heading out of the room into the crowded hallway. My eyes glance around at forearms looking for someone who has the same pattern on their arm as mine. I unsuccessfully find my mate by the time I reach my locker. I hesitantly grab my bag putting my stuff in it. As I grab my one binder a paper slices my finger giving me a pretty bad paper cut.
"Ouch" I hiss as I put the binder away before sticking my finger into my mouth. As if this day couldn't get worse. I sigh before I make sure I have all my stuff before I head out to find my brother waiting for me in his car. At least Mark comes back tomorrow.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I groan and roll over as I wake to the annoying sound of my alarm. I whine not wanting to get up, but I stomp out of bed anyway. Once in the bathroom, I take my shirt off then notice the drawing on my forearm is gone, but instead I have pretty good drawings of claw marks on my left bicep. After I shower and the marker does not come off I decide to wear a sweater over my t-shirt, I'd rather not advertise to whomever my mate is that I'm right here. I eventually go through my morning routine of eating, sitting around for several minutes, making my lunch and packing my bag before my mother drops me off at school. I let out a big yawn as I stand I'm front of toe school. Am I ready for this day? No. But in I go! I start following the crowd then once I get close to my locker, my mood increases immensely. Mark is standing at my locker with his adorable grin. Adorable? I've never thought about it that way before, more like contagious.
"Mark!" I smile and I hug him tightly, he hugs back.
"I missed you" he grins then eventually let's me go. I open my locker "so what did you do for the past couple weeks?"
"Nothing new that's what"
"Marky!" We both turn to see Felix just before he barrels into Mark.
"O-kay!" Mark grunts as he hugs Felix back "Hi, Felicia"
"I'm glad you're back" he smiles, Felix is so fucking awkward, and gay for Mark. I laugh as I grab my binder for first class.
"Okay you two love birds, let's get to class" I close my locker after making sure I have everything.
"Lets go!" Felix shouts. Mark and I both laugh as we hang behind loud mouth Felix, following him to our first class.
"So, what work did I miss for... all of our classes?" His face goes pale as he thinks about all of the work he will need to catch up on.
"Don't worry I can come over after school and help you with all of it" I volunteer.
"Okay, thank you"
"Although you could probably get it all anyway" I mumble.
"Okay so...." Mark starts to tell me a story as we sit down in our English class. He talks for a few minutes and I do pay attention, but then, I can't stop staring into his eyes. It's almost like they're pulling me, I snap out of it when Mark hisses in pain "ouch"
"What happened?" I ask.
"Oh nothing, I just jabbed a paper cut I got yesterday on my finger" he explains.
"Interesting, I got one yesterday too" I laugh as I show him mine from yesterday. What a weird coincidence.
"Okay, class" our teacher says to start the period.
"Fuuuuuck" Mark groans as he puts the 15 English sheets into his locker as we grab our binders for science.
"They're all easy" I comment.
"Only if you've read the last 20 chapters" he argues.
"Then we can read them after school together" I suggest.
"But you've already read them"
"So? I will read them again for review for our exam soon"
"Okay, if you say so" he shrugs. We then head to our next class where we sit in our usual seats in front of our two friends Bob and Wade.
"Mark!" Both of them say at the same time after seeing him.
"Me!" I smile and sit down putting my books down.
"Nah, we saw you yesterday" Bob says. I chuckle then me and Mark both turn our chairs around to face the others.
"How dare you saw such a thing to my baby boy" Mark fake gasps and hugs me too tightly.
"Let go of me!" I try to break free of his grasp as I giggle.
"So, what did you do?" Wade asks. I groan and roll my eyes as Mark goes into the same story I heard earlier. I turn around then I pull out a marker and draw a small snake on my forearm while I listen to Mark behind me.
"What are we doing today?" I hear some girl ask our teacher.
"A group project" everyone stops talking a looks up, most groan but I smile "now that I have everyones attention, yes we will be starting a group activity" our teacher goes into explaining that we will have to disect a fish and a big bullfrog. In groups of 4. Everyone looks around at everyone else preparing for our groups then the teacher hands out some sheets that give instructions before we are able to break off into our groups. The four of us all set up our workspace then Bob and Wade take off their sweaters before grabbing blue sanitary gloves. I take off my jacket without thinking then I immediately pull the gloves on and look at the first task.
"So, steady you guys. We can't destroy any of the organs" I comment, when I don't hear anything I look up to see Bob and Wade staring. Mark is also oblivious to their eyes as he puts his gloves on while reading the sheet.
"Yes, we have to remove the organs all intact" he says then looks up at them "what?"
"That's what I'd like to know" I add.
"When did this happen?" Bob asks unsure.
"When did what...?" Mark slowly processes the question, we are both confused. Wade points to both our left arms. I look down then to Mark, my eyes widen and so do his.
"How did you-?" He starts.
"So you're-!" I stumble over words as we back away slightly from eachother in shock.
"You just found out?" Bob asks. We both look to him.
"Yes!" We say in sync. I shake my head then move away.
"Nope, no, nope. This is fucking weird!" I try to process the thought of having a guy soulmate, I've never heard of it!
"Oh my god!" Both mine and Mark's eyes find Amy, just a popular girl who has found her soulmate already "Jack and Mark are mates!" She laughs drawing the classes attention. I feel a ball in my throat at the sudden bad attention drawn to me, and the fact that people are mocking me. Mark's eyes meet mine because he knows me well, he knows I'm shy and sensitive.
"Everyone quiet down and go back to work please!" Our teacher saves us from more torment for now but I don't dare say that it's done. This is just the beginning. After everyone leaves I go to the teacher.
"Can I go to the washroom?" I ask, she nods so I head out throwing my gloves in the garbage as I pass by it. I am a little ways from the class when I hear footsteps behind me.
"Jack. Wait." I feel Mark's hand on my shoulder so I spin to look him in the eyes, mine briming with tears.
"This will be all over the school by the end of the day, I'm not sure if I can handle being laughed at" I cry.
"I know, but I don't think there is anything we can do..." he sighs then reaches forward and links his fingers with mine "but I don't mind you being my mate" I let out a shakey breath as his left hand comes up to the side  of my face.
"Are you sure?" I stupidly say before he presses his lips to mine.
"You don't realize how long I've wanted to do that" Mark whispers.
"Me too, but I guess I didn't know have bad I wanted to until now" I say as my tears dry up.
"Ill protect my mate from pain if you'll let me"
"Of course, I'd trust none other even if you weren't my mate" I smile then fit my mouth to his again. Who knew my soulmate would be my best friend? I giggle at that fact and the fact I finally found my soulmate.
"Lets go back to class, shall we?" Mark suggests.
"Yes, let's"
-The End-

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