It's Always Fun and Games!

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Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a while I just have been distracted doing other things... Also this is short because I kinda got tired of writing it... Oops. It was supposed to just be fluff but I didn't know what else to write and it was really short so I thought.. Why not put smut in it? Ok ok enough talking.. Bye! SMUT WARNING!!
-Jack's POV-
I open my eyes to see a raven haired man fast asleep next to me... His face soft and calm... His breathe slow and steady.... I just lay there admiring every small detail of his beautiful face for as long as I can. I am so glad that I can call this man my lover, my husband, my best friend... I love him so much and nothing will take that away from me not yet. I smile remembering the day he asked me to be his boyfriend, the day I asked him to marry me and our wedding day... I feel happy tears run down my cheeks.. I sniffle a little.
"What you thinking about?" I hear Mark ask as he opens his eyes to meet mine... The brown, chocolatey color in his eyes instantly warming to the soul and heart.
"Our wedding and other happy occasions" I say in a quiet voice as I smile at him. He smiles as me... A smile that I fell in love with.. The kind hearted, warm smile that makes my heart flutter... He then props his head up on his on hand.. His elbow on his pillow. I lean in and press my lips to his lightly... Then without warning Mark wraps his arms around my waist then picks me up.. I squeal as he sets me down ontop of him... I start giggling as I straddle his hips. He puts his hands to the back of my neck.. He pulls me down so that our foreheads are pressed together... I close my eyes and listen to both of our breathing.. I inhale his scent and let out a shaky breath.
"I love you so so much" I whisper.
"I love you too" he smiles as he presses his lips to mine. I get up off him quickly then I start running out of the room.
"Catch me if you can" I giggle as Mark gets up and starts running after me. I run down the stairs and out the back... As I pass by the pool I trip... I fall so I'm laying on my back.. Not to mention we're both still in our boxers... Mark catches me off guard by sitting on my hips straddling me.
"Gotcha" he smirks... I blush at the look in his eyes.
"Mark? What are you planning?" I ask raising an eyebrow. All of a sudden Mark pushes his hips forward... I moan as he grinds against me... I push Mark off of me... Then I get up and run again... I head to the couch. Once I reach it I flop down on it on my belly... Mark reaches me then he spanks me... I bite my lip then moan quietly.
"Are you asking to be fucked?" He asks seductively.. I bite my lip as I look up at him. Mark pulls down his boxers and takes them off completely... He starts slowly stroking himself... I then groan at my erection... I'm laying on it and it hurts... I turn onto my back as I slide my boxers off without second thought.
"M-Mark... Please... I need you" I stutter as I try not to start jacking myself off. Mark smiles as he opens my legs wider then he's on his knees in front of me... I feel him slowly push into me... I moan as I feel him instantly hit my prostate. Mark continues to thrust into me hard and fast as I come closer to my high.... The feeling of Mark inside me is a feeling like none other... A few moments later I cum onto my chest.. Mark following just after me.. I feel him spray his hot load inside of me. He pulls out then he just falls down on top of me breathing heavily... I place several kisses on his face.
"Ok... I think I'm ready to start the day now" Mark laughs as he sits up.
"Yeah me too"
-The End-

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