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-Jack's POV-
"I'm sorry for what they did to you" some teen girl says to me... My ears flick then turn towards the voice as I have my back turned outward and I am hugging my knees to my chest.
"Apologies won't break me from this cage or bring Mark from hiding" I say.. My voice hoarse from previous crying or screaming.
"Mark?" The girl asks her voice almost getting drowned out by everyone else looking at me in either disgust, fascination or anger.
"My lover.... He got away and is in hiding probably" I say as I tear falls down my face.. I haven't seen Mark in over a year and I still cry for him every night... I literally scream until my voice gives out.
"He's like you?" She asks quietly.
"Yeah" I then turn to face her "why are you talking to me... I'm just another stupid animal in the zoo... I'm probably the least fascinating one too" I give a weak smirk as I show my pointed sharp teeth.
"Why did they this to you?" She asks as she gives a look of horror at my condition.. I'm thin, pale I have cuts and bruises all of from trying to escape either my cage or the grasp of others... I'm also just wearing a black cloth brief kinda thing which I hate... I have brown ears and a tail that has bald patches on it.
"Why does anyone come to see me... I'm a mess of an animal... You should all go look at animals worthy of your attention!" I yell at everyone as I curl in a ball and start crying "I just wanna go home and see my love, I wanna get a good sleep, a nice warm shower, warm clothes.... Things I haven't felt for so long!" I cry as I start pounding on and climbing the bars of the cage "but no! I'm just another stupid animal that deserves this!!"
"Hey! Get off me! Fucking let go of me!" I stop as I hear screaming coming from the back of my habitat where the grass area is and the door that goes outside... The voice is familiar... I jump to the ground then I slinkily walk on all fours towards the doorway that leads from the metal cage to the back area. I look to the back to see a guy with black fluffy hair... I catch his scent... Then he turns to see me.
"Jack?" He asks as he starts moving towards me quickly.
"Mark!" I yell as he runs at me... I stand up and open my arms.. He runs into me and hugs me tight as we fall to the ground our mouths connected.
"Not only are they animals they're fucking faggots too?!" A guy says... Mark looks up and hisses at him.
"What did you fucking say?" He growls as he moves up to the cage bars and eyes the guy that said it as others leave because they have little kids or they don't want to see this.
"Mark... Don't waste your time when you could be wasting time with me" I whisper seductively in his ear... He turns back to me then presses his lips to mine as he pushes me back into the enclosure closing the metal door that separates the enclosed space from the cage. We fall into the grass him on top of me... Our hands roaming each other's bodies and our tails wrapped around each other holding the other close.
"M-Mark... I've waited too long to feel your body again don't tease me" I lightly moan as Mark kisses my neck and chest.
"Me too" he pants as he bites down on the side of my neck... I moan. My tail hooks itself in Mark's only piece of clothing and pulls it off his hips and to his knees... Mark then uses his teeth to pull off my article of clothing... I moan as I feel his breath on my erection.
"Mark.... Fuck me already" I breathe as he doesn't hesitate to push into me... I cover my mouth to quiet a moan as my eyes roll into the back of my head from pleasure that I haven't felt in forever.
"Moan for me... It doesn't matter if they hear... They put us in here" Mark grunts.
"B-but..... T-th-there's kids" I stutter from moans trying to escape.
"So what... They won't know what's going on" Mark growls as his tail comes up and brushes the side of my face... That always turns me on so much... I moan as I dig my claws into his back. Mark continues to pound me mercilessly... Our moans become louder as we get closer and closer to our orgasms with each thrust.
"Ohhhh.... Fuckin Christ! M-Mark... I.. Uhhhhh!" I moan as I cum onto my stomach.. Followed by Mark spraying his seed inside of me... Every moment feels like heaven even after my high... Mark is cleaning off my stomach with his tongue.
"I haven't felt that good since the last time we did it" I pant.. Still catching my breath.
"I feel bad for you... You look so thin and pale" Mark slides my undergarments back on me then he pulls me into a hug placing kisses on my forehead.
"What is going on here!?" A familiar voice yells at us "we had complaints about loud noises that were explicit! What the hell do you think you're here for.. To mate!? No! Now get out there!" He cracks as whip towards us... I get up and run out to the cage because I've gotten whipped far to many times and I don't want to again. Mark follows me out because he saw me run... I end up sitting in the same place I was in before he came... Hugging my knees in the corner. Mark is just standing at the bars looking out into the crowd.. He just sighs before crouching... He is smelling the air.
"This is just sick..... How is this legal?" Mark says.
"It's not" I hear a girls voice again... I turn to see the same girl from before... I move closer to the bars where she is.
"How do you know?" I ask.
"I looked it up... There have been a few cases like this around the world and they've all ended up with the Neko going free and the owner of the zoo going to jail" she says as she grabs the bars and looks me right in the eyes.
"You should know better than to look an animal in the eye" I growl... She immediately looks away "I think I've been treated like an animal for so long that sometimes I act more animal than human"
"Oh Jack... Just so you know I cried myself to sleep every night" Mark says as he sits beside me his back pressed against the bars I move over and I fit myself between his legs... My back to his chest... I lay my head back then I close my eyes.
"Hey girl..." I say to the teen.
"Does nobody know about us is that why we aren't free?"
"Yeah... That's why" she sighs.
"Then tell someone about us" I say as I feel myself drifting off.
"Umm... Well o..." That's all I hear before I fall asleep.
-Mark's POV-
I get startled awake by loud.. Sirens? I feel the boy in my arms jump as well... We both immediately get up and look out and around our ear and noses going to work to find out anything... Our tails flick in anticipation on what's going on. Because it's night time we can see shine of what looks like police lights reflecting off other habitats.
"Where are they!?" We hear yelling "hello? Sean Mcloughlin and Mark Fishbach!?" Me and Mark look at each other with excitement.
"Yes! Hello! Over here!" I yell as we cling to the bars.
"Please get us out of here!" Jack yells. We then see cops as they come closer... They shine a flashlight at us then others go around the back to open the door.
"Nobody's hurt?" The cop asks.
"Well pride... But physically I'm just thin and under fed" Jack says.
"How long have you been here?"
"I only got here today" I say.
"I've been here... Almost a year" Jack says as we hear the door open out the back. We both step away from the bars and look all the way back to the door.... It's open and there's a cop waving us to come... We both start running at the door... I run through the door and the feeling of being free is good after just one day so for Jack it must be amazing... I look back at the door to see Jack stopped right inside the door.
"Mark?" He calls as he looks around the corner like he's being cautious.
"Jack what's wrong? There's nothing to worry about"
"Yeah well easy for you to say... You haven't been locked in a small space for a year... That cage is the only thing I trust now... I just.... Promise I'll be safe?" He points out.
"I promise you... I will protect you" I say as I take his hand and slowly lead him out "let's go back to our place... Where we can be free and do what we like... No bars, nobody else and all the food you can eat" I smile at him... He smiles back as he calms down.
-The End-

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