The big step

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This the first septiplier story I ever wrote... I didn't post it but I will now so here... This is in 3rd person POV.
"Hey guys, what's up?" Said Jack as he met Mark, bob and wade at the entrance of the airport.
"Jack, what's up bud?" Replied Mark as jack hugged Bob then Wade.
"Nothing much" answered Jack as he came in to hug Mark .
"Well it's good to see you" says Mark.
"Yeah, it's great to see someone besides these two idiots " says Bob jokingly.
"Hey" complaines wade.
"Aww, c'mon you luv us" replies Mark as he pats Bob on the back.
"Ladies your all pretty but it's 10:00 and I want to go to bed cuz I've had a long day" interrupted Jack as he walks towards an empty cab.
"Alrighty"Mark agreed as him Bob and Wade followed. They all were staying in the same hotel so when they got to their floor they stopped.
"Sorry that we didn't get to hang much when I got here but I'm just so tired and I need some rest" Jack said in an apologetic voice.
" that's ok Jack I think we all could use some rest" replied Bob.
"Yes I know i could use some rest, good night" said Wade as he walked to his room followed by Bob going to his room.
" good night I guess?" Asked Jack.
" I guess but I have so much energy and I'm happy to have all my friends together again" said Mark sadly.
" tomorrow I'll get up early and then we can have fun ok?" Asked Jack.
"Ok, good night" replied Mark as he hugged Jack. As Mark hugged Jack he slipped a note into his shirt. Jack went back to his room and when he took of his shirt the note fell to the floor.
"What the hell?" Said Jack as he picked up the note to read it 'hey Jack I don't know about you but all the fan fictions and septiplier stuff is getting the best of me. do you feel the same? - Mark ' "do I?, I don't know" said Jack aloud to himself. Jack pulled out his phone and started to text Mark ' hey Mark I read your note I can't really give you an answer cuz to be honest I have no clue what I'm feeling but remember I do have a girlfriend '
Mark texted back ' oh ok well I hope this doesn't make our friendship awkward at all I just was asking'
Jack replied ' no of course it won't lets just keep it in the back of our minds for later discussion'
Mark answered 'ok deal good night '
After that they both when to sleep. The next day Mark was the first to wake because he basically couldn't sleep after the conversation he and Jack had. So Mark got ready and left before anyone else got up. After a while of walking (with a hood on so no one else could notice him) he found himself in an ally where no one could see him, crying.
"I'm so stupid, why did I have to give him that note, I probably ruined our friendship" Whispered Mark angerly as he hit the wall with his fist. Mark just sat there crying for who knows how long.
"Jack, wake up!" Said Bob through the the door.
"Jack" echoed Wade as Jack gets up to open the door.
"What's wrong guys?"
"MARK is not in his room, do you know where he is?" Bob asked.
"no I don't, would he do something like this?" Replied Jack as he pulled out his phone.
"not that I know of, cuz he normally would tell us or wake us up first" stated Bob.
Jack texted Mark ' Mark where are you are you ok'
No reply
'Mark is this about last night if it is I'm sorry I didn't and don't know what you want me to say'
No reply
"God dammit Mark " whispered Jack as he put on his shoes, " ok let's go find Mark." They split up and go around looking for Mark for about 20 minutes before Jack walks down an ally and starts to hear crying.
"Mark? Mark, is that you?" Called out Jack as he comes to find Mark in a ball sitting on the ground crying.
Jack messages bob ' I found Mark '
Bob ' where is he'
Jack 'in an ally'
Bob 'why'
Jack 'I don't know, I'll let you know at the hotel'
Bob 'ok'
Jack sits beside Mark.
"Mark, why did you do this, is it because of our conversation last night?" Asked Jack quietly as he brushed marks hair.
"if this makes you feel better to be completely honest I feel something too, I was and still am a little afraid to say this" says Jack as Mark looks up with red, teary eyes.
"Really?" Asked Mark with a shaky voice.
"Yes" sighs Jack as he puts one hand on either side of marks face to push the tears away. Jack then pulled marks face towards him to rest Marks forehead on his own with their noses touching. They sit like that for a minute before Mark goes for the kiss. After that Jack gets up and helps Mark up and they walk out of the ally with hoods up and holding hands hoping nobody would recognize them.
Jack gets a text from bob ' where are you'
Jack ' just go back to the hotel we'll meet in my room'
Bob 'ok'
They finally get back to the hotel.
"Jack I just want to go to my room, I don't want to tell them and I don't want to talk to them right now" whispered Mark as Jack stop to look at him.
" I don't wanna tell them either but what are we going to say when they ask what was wrong?" Asked jack.
" uh, I don't know, tell them i sleep walked?" Said Mark.
"We both know you don't and Bob would figure that out quick" pointed out Jack.
"True" agreed Mark.
"I have a good idea, why don't you tell them you were trying to sleep but you had to much energy so you went for a walk and was going to come back when I found you" suggested Jack as they started walking again.
"Yeah, I guess" agreed Mark, "but can I still go to my room to calm down?"
"yes I guess I'll just have to hold them for a while" said Jack as they got to their floor. Mark goes to his room to rest and Jack goes to his room to talk to Bob and Wade.
"Jack where's Mark?" Asked Bob as Jack walked in his room.
" he's in his room to rest" replied Jack.
" ok so what happened to him why did he leave?" Asked Wade.
"He said he couldn't sleep so he went for a walk but I found him just as he was gonna come back" answered Jack as he sat on the bed.
"Oh really, that's all?" Said Bob "then why is he not here telling us himself?"
"Because he's now tired after being up almost all night" replied Jack as wade started walking towards the door.
"Well I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna go to my room and sleep some more" said Wade.
"Yes me to all this running around is tiring" agreed Bob as him and wade left to their rooms. Jack waited 4 minutes after the door had closed then he sprang up from the bed and opened the door. He looked both ways down the hall and no one was there so he stepped into the hall closed the door and headed into marks room.
"Mark?" Jack said quietly.
"Jack!" Mark said excitedly. "why are you here?"
"We're alone, they went back to sleep" whispered Jack.
"What do you want to talk about?" Asked Mark.
"no talking" said Jack as he fit his mouth to marks. Mark placed his right hand on the side of jacks face and pulled his forehead to his own. They sat with their foreheads and noses touching for a while.
" I've decided my answer" said Jack " I say yes".
"Really?" Asked Mark as he pulled Jack's mouth to his own. They made out for a while until Mark pulled off Jack's shirt then Jack pulled off Mark's. They laid down on the bed still kissing, Jack laying on top of Mark. They just laid there Jack's head resting on Mark's chest, Mark's arm around Jack's waist. They lay there kissing and talking for about 3 hours before Jack looks at the time.
"Oh god, it's 12:00" says Jack " we should get up cuz the signing is at 1:00"
"Yeah, I guess we should but I don't want to" sighs Mark.
"I still want to have a shower and get changed and eat" replied Jack.
" awww.., ok fine" sighed Mark " I'll see you after then?"
"Yes, let's get ready then go grab something to eat on the way" said Jack as he put his shirt back on and headed for the door. Jack looked back smiled and left. He looked down the hall towards Bob and Wade's rooms.
" hmmm... Mabye I should go see if they're awake?" Whispered Jack to himself as he headed to Bob's room.
"Bob, are you awake?" Asked Jack through the door. "Bob?" The door opens.
"Yes Jack I'm awake... Now" replied Bob as he rubbed his eyes.
" sorry I just wanted to wake you cuz the signing is in an hour" stated Jack.
"Oh ok thanks I'll get ready, what about breakfast?" Said Bob.
"Well all grab something on the way to the signing" said Jack.
"Ok" agreed Bob as Jack moved towards Wade's room. He woke up Wade and told him the plan, Wade agreed. After that Jack went back to his room and had a shower and got changed but just as he put his shirt on he got a text. He looked and it was from his girlfriend. ' hey how's everything going are you having fun so far babe'
" fuck I forgot about her in the little moment me and Mark had" said Jack angrily.
Jack ' hi everything is great, going to a signing in half an hour'
Jacks girlfriend ' that's good have fun keep me up dated'
Jack ' ok'
Jack put his phone away.
"Fuck!" Said Jack "oh god, I have 2 people I like I can only keep one." Jack went over to Mark's room.
"Mark? Are you decent?" Asked Jack.
"Yes why" replied Mark as Jack opened the door and went in.
"Tell Bob and Wade I'm going early I need a walk to think some things through, ok?" Said Jack.
"Well, can I not come with you?" Asked Mark as Jack turned towards the door.
"Sorry.. I just have stuff I need to think through alone I'll let you know what after, ok?"Jack said as he turned kissed Mark and then left. After that Mark also sat to think, wondering what Jack was thinking and if this is right.
" was it me?" Mark whispered to himself.
Jack walked all the way to the same ally Mark was in, he stopped looked at it then continued to a restaurant closest to the signing. Jack got a tea and just sat at a table alone.
"What do I do? I wish there was someone who I could tell who could help me" whispered Jack as a tear fell from his eye and ran down his cheek.
Mark sits in a ball on his bed as a tear runs down his cheek.
"What has happened to my life?" Both Jack and Mark whisper to themselves as tears run down both cheeks.
"Mark " said Bob "Mark "
"Come in " replied Mark as he pulled his shirt on.
"Mark are you ready to go?" Asked Wade "are you better from this morning?"
"Yeah I'm good I don't know what was wrong with me" replied Mark "oh by the way Jack already left, he said he needed some space to think about things"
"What things?" Bob asked
"I don't know I think it might have to do with his girlfriend" guessed Mark " that just a guess though"
"Ok well let's go we'll find him" Wade said as they all walked out of the room. They walked down the street towards the signing and along that street they saw this little restaurant and went in Jack wasn't there anymore thought cuz he had gone to the signing to set up already.
"He must be at the signing already" Mark suggested as they ordered 3 coffees and some food for the go.
"Hey Jack what's going on?" Asked Bob.
"Hey guys glad you finally came" replied Jack.
"Jack so what's going on with you now?" Wade mentioned.
"Oh nothing I just needed to think for awhile" said Jack.
"About what?" Asked Mark as they all sit in their places to get ready because it's 10 mins to 1:00.
"Nothing important" Jack said frustratingly.
"You can trust us Jack" bob said in an apologetic voice as Jack and Mark looked at each other.
"I'm not ready " Jack said quickly. "Ok so just end it there, I'm gonna go to the washroom brb"
Jack got up and left.
"Mark, you go ask him what's up it seems you two are closer then we'll ever be to Jack" stated bob.
"Alright" replied Mark as he got up and followed Jack. When Mark reached the bathroom he saw Jack washing his hands. Mark went over grabbed Jack on both shoulders spun him around and pushed him back against the wall.
"ok , Jack tell me what's going on" Mark said firmly as a tear runs down Jack's cheek.
"I can't decide" whispered Jack "I can't decide between you and her."
"What?" Mark said to himself.
"I can't decide between you and my girlfriend!" Jack yelled as he started crying.
Mark pulled him in and hugged him tight.
"Ok, it's ok we'll figure this out" Mark said reassuringly as Jack cried in to his arm. After that Jack wiped his eyes and Mark pulled him in for one last kiss before the signing.
"I love you" whispered Mark so quietly Jack could barely hear it.
"I love you too" Jack whispered back as they leave the washroom. When they go back out and sit down there's a crowd outside the door ready to be let in in 4mins.
"Mark so what's up with Jack" bob whispered to Mark.
"He wouldn't tell me either" replied Mark.
-1 MINUTE- said a voice over the intercom.
"You ready guys!" Said Wade aloud.
"Hell yes" said Mark.
"As ready as I'll ever be" agreed Jack.
"Yeah" agreed Bob as they open the doors.
They do signings and have fun for about 8 hours. From 1:00-9:00.
"Well that's the first one" said Bob as he tried to clean up his quarter of the table.
"How many signings do we have this year?" Asked Wade.
"I think only two cuz we do have the panel tomorrow and then one last signing on Sunday then it's over" replied Mark.
"Really, that seems short" said Jack.
"Yes kinda" said Wade as they all finished cleaning up their stuff. After they finished they went out to a bar and had some drinks for about 2 hours. When they got back to the hotel they were all drunk.
" goodnight guys " said wade as he stumbled to his room.
"Yeah good night" echoed bob as he also went to his room.
"Come to my room" whispered Jack.
"Ok" replied Mark as he and Jack entered Jack's room. Once they got in Jack pushed Mark back against the wall and started kissing him madly. Mark ripped off Jack's shirt Jack ripped off Mark's shirt then Mark pushed Jack back towards the bed Jack laid with his legs off the bed. Mark climbed on top of him and started kissing him on the neck, down his chest then kissed every single one of his abs slowly. Jack then flipped over so he was on top of Mark, Jack started at his abs doing the same as Mark had done to him but Jack kept going down. He kissed slowly around his belly button then slowly went lower over his lower belly to his upper pelvic area. Jack goes to unbutton Mark's pants when.
"Jack, not yet we need to take it slow, we need to get comfortable with each other in a different way like not just as friends" Mark pointed out " ok?"
"Yeah your right" agrees Jack as he stands up.
"Well we really need sleep for tomorrow" says Mark " so good night?"
"Yes, good night" replied Jack as he kisses Mark. Mark walks over to the door.
"I love you" whispered Mark.
"I love you too" Jack whispered back as Mark walks out of the room. They all had a good sleep so the next day they weren't tired at all. The panel that all four of them have starts at 2:00 and ends at 5:00.
"Good morning " says Jack as he meets Mark, Bob and Wade in the hall.
"How did you guys sleep" asked bob as they start walking towards the stairs.
"Good" replied Wade.
"Great" replied Mark.
"Pretty good" answered Jack as they get to the main floor. After that they go to the same place for breakfast that they were at last time. They eat in this time. They finish quick.
"What do you wanna do until the panel?" Asked Jack.
"go to the arcade?" Suggested Bob.
"Maybe" agreed Mark " Wade what do you think"
" are you actually asking for MY opinion?" Said Wade shocked "I vote to sleep"
"Ok to the arcade it is then" says Mark as they head to The arcade. They get to the arcade and play games for about 2 hours then they head back for the panel. The panel starts.
Mark~"Hello everyone I'm Markiplier and this is Jack, Bob and Wade!"
Bob~"hey guys this is Muyskerm"
Wade~"hi guys this is Lordminnion777"
Jack~"sup dogs this is Jacksepticeye in the house!"
Mark~"alright everyone settle down were gonna be answering some tweets that are chosen by the people behind the scenes!"
They all go through answering stupid questions but there is one that sticks out.
Wade~"what are some of the weirdest things that happened in the group that haven't been explained?"
Mark~"hmmmm.. I can't think of any can you guys?"
Bob~"actually I can think of two that happened in the last two days right Mark, right Jack"
Jack~"yeah, yeah don't need to bring those up"
Bob~"I need to answer the question, unlike you"
Bob~"and Mark, I'm actually going upfront myself and saying the answer not getting someone else to do it for you"
Mark~"Bob stop"
Bob~ "no Mark you stop I've asked for an answer several times from both of you and you've given me nothing"
Mark~"Bob stop or were gonna stop the panel"
Meanwhile Jack is sitting behind the chair with tears in his eyes.
Bob~"no Mark if your not gonna tell us what's going on you deserve to tell everyone out there"
Jack~"STOP IT!"
Mark~"Jack are you ok?"
Jack~"what do you think"
People can definitely tell Jack was crying.
Jack~"all you guys want to know what's been going on I'll show you, if my girlfriend is watching this I'm sorry"
Jack speed walks over to Mark grabs his face and kisses him in front of the world.
Crowd~"what!?" "Wow?!" " "Awww!"
Mark and Jack hug each other tightly and tears come from both their eyes.
"That's what's been going on?" Asked Bob.
"Yes are you happy now" Jack said quietly into the mic.
"I think we're gonna end this panel here" Mark says with a soft deep voice while still hugging Jack "bye, bye"
~The curtain goes down ~
"Guys I think we should split for now to let us all calm down" Mark whispered while him and Jack walk away from them. Bob and Wade go to walk around some more but Jack and Mark go back to Jack's room. Jack and Mark both sleep for a couple hours. Jack laying on Mark with his head resting on Mark's chest.
"Mark, Jack, can we come in" asked Bob.
"Yes" Mark said in a tired voice. As Jack rolls off Mark and sits up. Mark gets up and sits on the edge of the bed.
"What do you want?" Asked Jack.
"Uh...I came here to apologize about being a dick and making you tell everyone your secret" Bob said sincerely "one thing I don't understand why didn't you tell us?"
"We weren't ready and plus Jack was having trouble with deciding between me and his girlfriend" replied Mark as they hear a buzz from Jack's phone.
"Oh no " Jack said scaredly as he looks at his phone and cringes "I think I better call her cuz I have a lot to say and I'm not typing it all out"
"You sure you want to just yet?" Mark asked.
"I should cuz she said she's confused and has so many questions, Mark can I go into your room to call" Jack said.
"Yes sure and I'll answer as many questions as I can for you guys" replied Mark.
Alright I would tell both sides but that's to much quotations so I'll show Jack's side.
Jack~"hi it's me Jack"
Girlfriend~"oh hi Jack why did you call"
Jack~"cuz I have to much to say and I don't want to type it all"
Girlfriend~"oh ok well can you answer some of my questions"
Jack~"yes I'll try my best to answer"
Girlfriend~"between you and Mark who asked first?"
Jack~"well, Mark asked me about how I felt about this septiplier stuff, and I said I didn't know how I felt, then Mark went off crying, and that was the first time I kissed him"
Girlfriend~"oh ok so Mark asked first but you made the first move?"
Jack~"yes I guess so"
Girlfriend~"ok so what was going through your mind being with me and Mark"
Jack~"well to be honest I had forgot about you until you texted me the first time cuz after that I was down in the dumps because I couldn't and can't decide between you and Mark although I think I do know now but it still breaks my heat to even think of getting rid of one of you two"
Girlfriend~"so your gonna choose Mark aren't you?"
Jack~"yeah mabye......aren't you upset?"
Girlfriend~"well yes a litte but this is your decision and if it's what you want I'm happy for you, I still want to be friends cuz your a cool guy plus I think you and Mark together is kinda cute"
Girlfriend~"yeah it took me a couple hours to figure out and accept what you said and did, but I'm ok now"
Jack~"oh my god that makes me feel so much better that you said that, I mean I still am sad but to have you accept it is good"
Girlfriend~"well that answers enough questions, I'll let you go but keep in touch"
Jack~"alright I will talk to you later"
Jack hung up and sprinted back to his room. As he got in the door he heard laughing.
"What's up?" Asked Jack.
"Oh we're just joking around, were back to normal!" Replied Mark "what about you?"
"Great! She said she's ok with it and we're still friends" Jack answered as he ran over to hug Mark. They fell to the bed laughing followed by Wade, Bob just stood there laughing. They laughed and had fun for a while until 10:00.
"I don't know about you but I'm hungry" said Jack.
"I'd like to go out to eat but if we do we would be mobbed" replied Mark.
"How about me and wade go get stuff and bring it back here" suggested Bob.
"I think we all would be mobbed for answers" states Mark.
"Order out pizza?" Suggested Wade.
"Yeah that sounds good" agrees Mark.
"What about beers?" Asked Jack.
"Ha ha ha" laughed bob.
"Um.. Mabye there is a liquor store with delivery?" Mark assumed as he searched on Google.
"I'll order the pizzas" says Bob as he looks for a pizza place close to them. They finally get pizzas delivered and Mark finds a liquor store that delivers drinks. They have fun, they laugh and they play games. They party from 10:00-12:00. Bob and wade eventually go back to their own rooms but Mark stays with Jack. They just sleep the rest of the night. The next day Jack looks over at the clock.
"Oh god, Mark it's 12:30" Jack says struggling to speak.
"The signing is at one again?" Mark said quietly.
"Yes" Jack replied in a croaky voice as he got up. Mark got up also.
"Should I have a shower or am I good?" Asked Mark.
"Unless you want to smell like beer, yes" replied Jack as he grabbed his towel and headed for the bathroom. Jack is about to close the door when he notices Mark just standing there.
"What's wrong? Asked Jack.
"Um....can I come in?" Mark asked in a quiet voice.
"Sure" replied Jack as Mark walked in to the bathroom with him. They take off there clothes not looking at each other since it's the first time they've seen each other naked and it's a little awkward but they quickly move past awkwardness. When Jack sees Mark's entire body he pushes him back against the wall and kisses him one hand on his shoulder one on the wall above them.
Mark has one hand on Jack's hip and one on his chest between them. Mark pushes Jack back onto the floor still kissing. Mark on top of Jack with both hands on the floor beside Jack's head. Jack has one hand on Mark's chest and one hand on Mark's butt. Mark starts to kiss Jack's neck then goes down his chest, down his abs to his lower belly.
"Mark we should probably have our shower now" Jack whispered because he's breathing is quite heavy and fast.
"Ok" Mark said as he stood up and helped Jack up. They stepped into the shower and turned it on Jack was closest to the shower head so he was just standing then Mark wrapped his arms around Jack's shoulders letting his hands hang down to Jack's chest. Jack put his hands on Mark's hands then they linked fingers. They showered then got out.
"Do you need to go back to your room?" Asked Jack.
"Yeah I don't have any clean clothes here" replied Mark.
"Ok well here is a towel just put it on and run across the hall" said Jack as Mark put on the towel. Mark nods and runs across the hall to his room getting there before anyone saw him. Jack and Mark both get dressed and ready in a flash. When Jack is done he goes out in the hall just as he closes and locks his door Mark comes out.
"Hey good looking" says Jack as Mark smiles.
"Flattered but what about Bob and Wade" replies Mark as he walks towards Bob's room.
"Bob?" Mark said through the door "Bob are you awake?"
The door opens.
"What's up Mark?" Bob asks.
"It's 10 minutes to the signing" Mark says in a panicky voice.
"What why didn't you wake us up earlier" Bob says as Jack walks back from waking up Wade.
"We thought you were already awake" Mark argues.
"No time to argue" says Bob as he closes the door.
"So, do we go?" Asks Jack.
"Sure" replied Mark as they both walk holding hands not afraid to show their love.
On their walk to the signing there was a lot of people who just stared at them in shock and some people crying from happiness. Some people screamed bad things but most screamed good things. They finally got there and the crowd around the door was double what it was last time. They went to their seats.
"Ready to be buried alive with questions?" Asked Mark.
"I guess but do we have to answer them all" replied Jack.
"If you don't want to you don't have to" answered Mark.
" I rather answer all questions on a vlog with us together" Jack said.
"Yeah I'd like that too" agreed Mark as they opened the doors. They answered lots of questions and finally Bob and Wade got there about 20 minutes into the signing. The rest of the signing was boring except for the last part.
"Listen everyone!" Jack said into a mic he got "there is one question we got constantly witch is are me and Mark together and my answer is yes!" Jack passes the mic to Mark.
"Also people have been telling us to kiss we've both turned it down cuz we're gonna go out with a bang!" Mark says as him and Jack get up on the table " we're going to right now"
Mark puts both hands on the back of Jack's neck and Jack puts his hands on Mark's chest in between them. They both go for the kiss and they stay like that for a minute before they stop, turn and wave to the crowd. The crowd erupts in cheers. They jump down and leave. When they leave through the back of the building Mark and Jack cry tears of happiness.
"I can't believe we're free" Jack whispered to Mark.
"I know, just yesterday morning we were hiding our love" Mark whispers back.
They go to a bar and get drunk once again then head back to the hotel for one last night. Once they get back to the hotel as usual Bob and Wade go back to their own rooms and Mark and Jack go to Mark's room. As they get into the room Mark pushes the door closed and says
"I want your body"
Mark then pushes Jack on the bed Mark takes Jack's shirt off the he takes off his own. Mark then takes off Jack's pants and goes up to kiss him. Mark moves down kissing every inch of his neck then his abs. But he keeps going down stoping at the edge of Jack's boxers.
"What's wrong?" Asked Jack.
"This just feels weird" replied Mark.
"Ok well you don't have to" said Jack.
"But I want to it's just weird, I don't know how girls do this " Mark said as Jack laughed.
"Ok well just think of what you want to do not what your feeling" Jack suggested.
Mark takes a deep breath and pulls off Jack's boxers. They "mess around" for a while not caring if anyone else hears them. After all it is they're last day together for a while. They finally decide they should be done because Jack looks at the clock and its 3:00 in the morning.
"Mark I think we should sleep its 3:00 in the morning" Jack says breathing heavily and fast.
"Ok yeah I'm kinda tired" Mark agrees as he takes his lips of of Jack's nipple. They both get up and climb under the blankets and go to sleep Jack resting his head on Mark's chest. The next day.
"Jack, Mark?" Bob said as he knocked on the door "can we come in?"
No answer
Bob and Wade just go in anyway. They find Jack and Mark asleep looking so comfy and happy together. Bob and Wade smiled.
"Should we leave them?" Bob whispered.
"No because they need to know we're gonna go" Wade whispered back. Bob grabbed the end of the sheets and pulled them all the way back onto the floor. (By the way Jack and Mark had put on their boxers before the went to sleep.) Jack and Mark jumped.
"Ahhhhh!" They both screamed.
"Ha ha ha ha ha"bob and wade laughed.
"Ha ha very funny guys" Mark said sarcastically.
"Now what the hell do you want" Jack asked.
"We're leaving now we thought we should tell you so you know where we are" bob said sadly.
"Oh ok, but it's 11:00 I thought we were all gonna leave at2:00" Mark said.
"Yes but we've decided to give you guys some time together instead of dragging us around to do stuff" Bob replied.
"Really, but you don't have to" Jack said.
"Well the truth is watching your love has made us want to go to our loves" Wade said.
"Oh ok then, I guess this is goodbye for me for now because I know Mark will see you guys sooner than I will" Jack pointed out as he got up to hug them " I hope this isn't awkward hugging me with just boxers on"
They all laughed. Bob and Wade left the room and left the hotel.
" ok so what do you want to do now?" Mark asked. Well I know what you want to do but I'm tired, so I'll sleep" Jack replied as he lays down on the bed.
"Well I'm hungry I'll go get us food" mark says as he kisses Jack then gets up. Mark puts on his clothes from the previous day and goes to the nearest restaurant to them and grabs two large coffees. As he's walking back people keep stopping him to tell him their happy for him and Mark. And some people still stare at him. He made it back to the hotel and when he came up to the room the door was open and Jack wasn't in the bed. Mark looked over to the bathroom and the door was closed.
"He must be in there" Mark whispered to himself " but why was the door open?"
Mark walked over to the bathroom door and knocked on it.
"Jack are you in there?" Mark asked.
No answer
Mark opened the door and inside there was blood everywhere on the walls on the floor and everything was thrown around which was a sign of struggling.
"Oh god, JACK!" Mark yelled but he didn't see Jack until he looked in the bathtub. Jack's throat was slit, he had been stabbed several times in the gut and was in a pool of his blood.
"NOOOO!" Mark screamed "JACK NO!"
Mark started crying and panicking so much that he even started thinking about taking his own life. Mark looked over at the pieces of broken mirror on the ground.
"Jack I'll meet you on the other side" Mark whispered as he picked up the glass and hesitantly put it to his throat.
"I'm sorry" he whispered as he slid the glass across his throat. Mark just laid there to let himself die. As soon as he died he wakes up to find that he had gone back to sleep with Jack once Bob and Wade left.
"Oh god" said Mark as he started crying from his nightmare. Jack wakes up.
"What's wrong?" Jack asks as he brushes Mark's hair.
"I had a nightmare" Mark barely whispers with his voice trembling " it was that I came home from getting coffee and you were dead in the bathroom, but I took my life to be with you at the end"
"Oh my god" says Jack in an apologetic tone as he hugs Mark "well don't worry cuz I'm right here, it's just a nightmare"
Mark and Jack just sit there hugging they don't bother going back to sleep after that since it was 1:00.
"Mabye we should pack up and get ready to head out" Jack suggests as he gets up and grabs his suit case. Mark and him have a shower, get ready and pack up their stuff. After they pack their stuff it's about 1:30 so they get a cab, stop and grab some coffee then head to the airport. They just sit there for a while talking and holding hands some people even come up to them to ask for a picture.
An announcer calles Jack's flight number.
"I guess I have to go" Jack whispers with his head on Mark's shoulder.
"Awww, well come to my place at some point for a week" Mark whispers back.
"Alright, well bye" Jack says as him and Mark get up. Mark kisses him one last time.
"I love you"whispers Jack.
"I love you too" Mark whispers back as Jack leaves and their hands separate. A tear runs down Mark's cheek. He sits back down and waits until his flight number is called. They both make it home. Their lives go back to normal with a little twist in their love life but other that that they live just like they had before.

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