Las Vegas

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I'm sorry to include current, heartbreaking topics into this but it's the most inspiration I've gotten in a while. Also this is very short I just didn't know how to make it longer. Idea sorta by: septicsans and QueenOfNerds713. It's not too much of the idea that you two suggested because I don't think I could make one not sound silly where Mark is being protective.
-Mark's POV-
My thoughts panic wildly as I speed down roads in my car wanting nothing more than to be there as soon as possible. Why did I not go with him? He was there with a couple friends though, I thought he'd be safe. Nobody could have predicted this would happen, yet I feel like it's my fault. I look up as my eyes spot the 'welcome to Las Vegas' sign, good I'm almost there. I've been driving for 3 hours straight, right after I got the call I threw a bunch of clothes in a suitcase and started driving. Adrenaline is still apparent in my system so I am very impatient as I come up to a red light. There is a lot of traffic right now due to the incident, it's so much worse than it usually is and I believe all the extra traffic is people going to the hospital. With some impatient muttering and grumbling I eventually make it to the hospital and am lucky enough to find a parking space, I almost sprint through the front doors.
"Excuse me? Where can I find Sean McLoughlin? I'm his husband" I frantically ask the woman at the desk who had just hot finished dealing with another family.
"He just finished surgery so he might still be sleeping, but his number is 205" she explains.
"Thank you" I nod before I head off to the nearest elevator, I am barely able to jam myself into the packed elevator. Once it reaches the second floor I quickly head down the hall then into the room she told me, I stop when I see my husband unconscious in his bed. He looks pale and possibly weak, shit, how much blood did he lose? I slowly approach and take a seat next to him, I grab his hand.
"Mark Fischbach I presume" I turn to see a doctor.
"Yes" I nod.
"I just wanted to come tell you that he is going to be just fine, he was shot in left thigh and it didn't go too deep. He should heal fairly quickly" the doctor explains.
"Okay, good. Thank you"
"Now, I need to go into another surgery, I'll come back later to check on him" he mentions before he heads out the door. I sigh and look to Jack, I can't help that tears start rolling down my cheeks.
"I thought I was gonna lose you, and I couldn't.... I wouldn't be able to live with myself" I cry "but I'm glad you're going to be okay" I stand and press my lips to his forehead before settling in the chair. I sit there for the next few hours either just thinking or looking at stuff on my phone. Everyone knew that Jack was going to this concert so on any social media platform people are asking if he is okay. They ask me and hi directly but I'm not going to tweet anything yet, I feel like Jack should maybe be the one to do that. I eventually start to doze off seeing as I've had a tiring and stressful day. I then get denied that sleep when I feel a hand squeeze mine, my eyes shoot open to see Jack awake with a small smile on his lips, I return the smile.
"How do you feel?" I ask.
"Okay, but my leg still hurts"
"The pain won't go away for another couple days, but the doctor says you will get better" I mention.
"How long have you been sitting here?" He asks.
"about 5 hours" I smirk.
"How can you sleep in that chair?"
"I can't well" then he stops and just looks me in the eyes.
"I'm happy I get to see you again, I thought I wasn't going to" a few tears drip from his eyes.
"I'm happy you didn't leave me yet" I stand over him then I press another kiss to his forehead, then his cheek, then his lips "I love you so much"
"I love you too"
-The End-

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