Mark X Jackie Shots

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So Jackie is the female version of Jack and these are a few short stories with her and Mark. SMUT WARNING!!
-Jackie's POV-
I shiver then open my eyes to see the blanket is off of me, the window and blinds are open and Mark is gone.
"Stay there princess" I look up to see Mark with a camera in his hand "I was just getting started" he grins.
"How dare you disturb my sleep for your own pleasure" I giggle as I stretch out then I  pose for him. My legs bent and my hips turned to the side as my arms are over my head resting there... my head to the right.
"Yeah.. that's good" he snaps a couple shots "now... ehm.. could you remove the uh.. bra and panties" I giggle as I get up onto my knees as he moves closer... setting the camera down on the nightstand.
"You want a photo shoot... I'll give you one... but" I pull him into the bed.. he's also on his knees "the window has to be closed because I'm freezing"
"Then I'll do anything you want" I whisper as I tug at the waistband of his boxers.
"So.. You'll do me? If I ask you to that is..." he looks away like he didn't say that's what he wanted.
"I'll do you however you want... wherever you want"
"Ride me in a public park?" He grins... I giggle then I push him backwards onto the bed. I slip my panties and bra off quickly but I pin Mark's hands down beside his head with my hands.
"Hmm.. since you couldn't decide... how about I do what I want.." I put my feet on his hands so that my hands are free "so I'll give you one last chance to choose what you want but we have to stay in this position"
"Stick your fingers in yourself" he says in all seriousness.. not even cracking a smile... his brain must be so lust filled. I lick my lips as I push two fingers into myself and I start thrusting them in and out quickly... I head falls back slightly, my mouth hanging open as moans escape.
"Are you wet baby? Tell me how wet you are..."
"So fucking wet... ohhh Mark" I moan as I get closer and closer.
"Cum for me" Mark growls. I arch my back and moan out his name as I reach my orgasm.. then in that moment of weakness he pushes me up off of him.. I am now on my back, him over top of me "let's see how wet you are now" I put the two fingers in his mouth that were inside of me.
"Why don't you use your tongue and find out?" I give him a daring look because for some reason I don't think he'll do it. He raises an eyebrow then moves down the middle of my chest and belly pressing light kisses every so often until he reaches my pussy were his tongue pushes past my lips just in far enough to reach my clit.. I shudder then he moves down further and pulls his tongue out. I look down to see he's sitting back on his knees again.. he slides his boxers off and throws them to the floor.. I push myself closer then up so my legs are wrapped around his waist. My arms are over his shoulders and on the back of his head holding me up... his hands on my lower back. I reach behind me and line him up with my entrance before I slowly sit down so that he's fully in my. I moan and my fingers dig into his shoulders as I move up and down against his thrusts.. they start to get faster.
"Oh Mark.. Fuck! Yes God!" I almost scream from the pleasure. Several thrusts later I moan as I climax then Mark cums into me.. his nails also digging into my back. We sit like that for a few minutes breathing heavily  as we try to calm down and catch our breath.
"I love you" Mark breathes... my breathing hitches as I try to process those words.. I pull my head off his shoulder as I look into his eyes. Yes I may have said I love you but I'd only be given a kiss in return... this is the first time he's said it first instead of quiet and in response.
"I love you too" I smile as my voice cracks and tears come to my eyes.. he chuckles at me and presses his forehead to mine as I pull him backwards giggling.
"So much"
-The End-

-Jackie's POV-
"Don't die" Mark says adorably looking up at Amy who is sitting beside him.. I'm sitting behind another computer so nobody can see my face. I'm actually Mark's girlfriend but he let's Amy make people think they are... I don't know if he knows how much it hurts me or if he doesn't care. I watch them finish up that game before Mark gets up and moves over to me.. I smile at him but he walks past me to the kitchen and doesn't see me. I frown then get up and stomp towards the front door... as soon as I'm out I slam it... he hasn't talked to or acknowledge me for almost the past 9 hours. I don't even know why Amy's here?! If she's not family!? Maybe she has family here? I don't know... but... she's an editor. Isn't she? I gave up going to see my family on Christmas in Ireland to be with him because he begged... but this isn't fun at all! I turn to walk down a street when I hear what sounds like someone running behind me.
"Jackie?" I hear Molly behind me... I turn and look at her as if I want to kill someone "what's wrong?"
"Did you not see Mark?!"
"Which part? Him flirting with Amy or ignoring you?" She asks... I roll my eyes then I continue walking.
"I don't know why I agreed to come when I could be with my real family right now and I would be happy!" I say through clenched teeth.
"Have you guys been having problems lately?"
"Not in his mind" I stop and cross my arms "for him life's been great"
"I'll ask Wade to talk to him but after the stream please... we wouldn't want to let personal problems get in the way of charity..." I nod to her as I wipe my eyes.
"Ok... I'll just go.. do... something" I say as I pull out my phone.
"You can come back... you don't have to be in the same room as them" Molly suggests.
"Ok" we head back to the house.. when we step inside I deek into the next room so they don't see me but I hear them ask if everything is okay.
"Everything's great... she just had an emergency phone call and accidentally slammed the door" Molly explains. I find out that the room I slipped into is Wade's office.. I sit in his computer chair as I spin and look at Molly.
"Thanks.. for coming up with an explanation... God knows I couldn't have" I chuckle as I pull out my phone "I'll just stay in here if that's okay with you?"
"It's fine" she smiles as she turns to leave, closing the door behind her. I turn and look at the computer setup Wade's got... it's nice.. I look at his headphones... hmm I don't think he'd mind. I unplug them from the computer then I put it into my phone... I listen to music for only a few minutes before I find myself falling asleep... I just let myself. I feel hands grab at mine frantically.. my eyes shoot open to see Mark.. I pause the music that's still playing then I brush off the headphones as I look at his worried face.
"It's about time you even give me the slightest amount of attention" I say as I sit up straighter "so you done having fun with Amy figured you'd move to your 2nd choice next"
"I'm sorry babe... I really am. I don't know what was going through my head.. I guess I figured you didn't want to be mentioned so I play along with the charade" he sighs "and I wasn't acting any different with her than friends do"
"What about ignoring me when you took a break or went to the kitchen?" I ask as I cross my arms.
"I'm not feeling the best lately and you know that..." he sighs "I know it's not a very good excuse... I'm not sure okay? But there is one thing I can tell you.. I love you and only you. Amy is just an editor/friend like Ethan and I never saw her tweet saying our relationship would be private"
"Is the stream over?" I ask.
"No I'm just taking a quick 'break'" he says as he stands.
"Ok then.. on stream tell them I am your girlfriend and Amy is not... it doesn't have to be a full blown explanation.. just those words" I stand up and our eyes never once break "I'll even be there... I can do more talking if you want"
"Ok... I have an idea.. you sit beside me for a game and I mean really beside me... then I'd someone asks in chat which they will then I will answer okay?"
"Deal" I nod "but only after you tell them will we be good. So don't ask"
"That's fair" he grins as we walk out... we then go and Mark sits down on the couch... I squeeze in beside him.
"Ok I'm back... and with another person" Mark smiles "It's like an endless crowd of random people... I just chose this one.."
"I am not random" I cross my arms and look at the camera.
"Ok... I'm gonna get this out now so it's in the clear" he inhales "this is my girlfriend Jackie. Amy is just a friend and I should have cleared everything earlier but I didn't want to get to much into personal life and I guess I hadn't been paying attention much to your comments or Amy's tweets making it look like we were together" he glare over at Amy... there is a long silence but I rescue it.
"Let's get back to the actual reason we're here!" I laugh as the tension in the room relaxes.. Tyler starts talking about the charity having Wade and Bob back him up. Mark looks at me and smirks "that couldn't have gone any better"
"I'm happy" I smile... he chuckles as he leans over to me.. I am confused for a second but then he presses a quick kiss to my lips.
"You deserved that" he then looks back at the camera... we play more Jackbox party games until the stream is over.
-The End-

-Jackie's POV-
"No! Fuck off will ya!" I yell as Bob's helicopter shoots as my plane "I worked hard to get this!" Then it goes down and explodes... I sigh and frustrated sigh.
"Awe is my poor baby upset?" Mark mocks me.
"No... your baby's... hmm... due in 6 months and 1 week" I smirk as I get the news out.
"Ok... that's oddly specific but... what exactly does that mean?" Mark asks.. I laugh and roll my eyes as Bob and Wade laugh their guts out "What's so funny?"
"Oh my god Mark! You're so oblivious!" Bob laughs.
"What?!" He starts sounding defensive as his voice gets higher.
"Jackie... I take it he doesn't know yet?" Wade asks as he calmed down.
"Obviously" I laugh.. then there is a long silence and when I find Mark's character it's not moving "Umm... Mark?"
"Y-you're... p-pregnant?" He asks sounding nervous.
"That's why I've been gaining weight... and a belly" I nervously laugh.
"Umm guys... We're gonna go"
"Yeah you should probably talk this out" Bob says as we end chat. I then turn in my chair to see Mark almost stumble into my recording room.. he gets onto his knees then places a hand on my belly. He looks up at me then smiles before he rests his forehead on my belly.. I feel him place soft kisses to it.
"I'm surprised it took you this long to figure it out" I giggle.
"I guess I just wasn't expecting it so I didn't look for it"
"How were you not suspicious after that one night?" I ask.
"It's was one night. How was I supposed to know you could still get pregnant?" His voice gets higher. I laugh and put my hands on his cheeks.. he looks up and smiles at me.
"It's doesn't matter I'm happy.. I'm ready to be a father"
"I'm glad... I was worried you'd freak out and not want one"
"The worst that would happen would be me worrying that I'm not gonna be a good father" he explains as he stands up and presses his forehead to mine "I love you"
"I love you too" I smile widely as I press my lips to his.
-The End-

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