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-Mark's POV-
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and I'm here with Jack!" I smile as I pull him so he's sitting on my lap... I grunt as he basically falls onto my groin.... I push him off as I double over in pain and I put my hands over my crotch.. Jack is behind me laughing really hard.
"That what you get for pulling me involuntarily onto your lap... I didn't want to because it's Weird so I just fell onto his lap" he laughs.
"Thanks... I'll be in pain for the rest of the day... I think you popped... A ball" I start laughing at the last part... We both laugh for so long before I feel better and we've both calmed down.
"Ok so to continue with what we wanted to say... Jack will be staying with me in L.A. For about a week if you haven't heard already because we've both been constantly mentioning it like the giddy, little kids that we are" I say as Jack gets on his knees beside me... I stop and look at him pretending to be confused... I then back up as he looks at me.
"What? You don't want a brojob?" Jack asks "it'll make you feel better"
"No thank you" I laugh as I kick him onto the floor and I start tickling him with my feet.
"No! Stop! Please! No! No! Stop! PleASE!" Jack squeals as he tries to get me to stop.
"Ok fine... Only because I don't want to murder you" I sigh as he just lays there panting.
"I'm good!" Jack says as he gets up and looks into the camera "oh god! My hair!" He says as he fixes his hair.
"Anyway! So we're gonna be recording videos and vlogs that probably won't go up till next week.. Well... The vlogs might go up the same day as recorded but who knows! Expect the unexpected!" I finish saying.
"Fuckin... Septiplier Away!" Jack says with a blank face.
"Ok then" I look at him "do you wanna say anything?"
"Nah... I already said all I need to" we both start laughing "wait! I almost forgot... Dicks!"
"Yes... It's very important... Don't forget that...Dicks!" I agree "ok that's enough stupidity... Bye!" I say as I end the vlog... I just quickly edit it together and half an hour later I upload it.
"Ok so what first?" Jack asks looking eager.
"Umm.. Well earned relaxation.. Because after a week of preparing videos I need to sleep maybe watch some movies and relax" I say as I turn on my chair so I'm facing him.
"Sure... I'm gonna ask anyway but have you got beer or something?" Jack asks.
"Yeah... I can drink I just have to take something prior to" I say as I turn off my computer then I head downstairs with Jack on my tail.
"Really? That's cool.. Then why don't you do drunk mine craft anymore?" He asks.
"Eh... It was fun but I'm just done with that" I say as I hand him a beer then I take a pill that will help break down the alcohol.
"Alright well what do ya want to do? We should go into the pool" Jack suggests as his eyes light up.
"Yeah if you'd like" I say as I grab a beer then I head back up to my room to change. Me and Jack head into the pool and we hang out for about 4 hours and in that time span we post about 2 pictures to Instagram each and drink about 7 beers each then we're really drunk.
"Y'know Jack you should really dump Signe for me" I slur my words as I look up at the dark night sky.
"Yeah well you gotta dump Amy ya dumb dumb" Jack mumbles but I still understand.
"What time is it?" I ask as I get out of the pool then I grab my towel and I dry myself off when I head in I can barely read the clock but I think it says 10:30... I turn around to tell Jack but I get met by a pair of lips. I immediately pull Jack closer to me as he starts grinding against me.
"I think we should go out" Jack says.
"Okay... But after I bang you" I wobble as I immediately pull down Jack's swim trunks and I bend him over the nearest table... I push my trunks down to my thighs then I push into him and we both moan... I don't wait I start thrusting fast and hard into him.
"Oh Fuck! Mark Harder! Yes!" Jack screams and soon I'm pounding Jack so hard that the table is slowly moving across the floor.
"Fuck Jack! You're so god damn tight... I'm close!" I moan really loud.
"MAAAARRRRRRRRRR!" Jack screams as he cums down the side of the table and onto the floor... I moan as I cum into Jack.
"Holy fuck... That was amazing" I pant as I pull out of him and I step back... Jack stands up then kisses me sweetly.
"So fucking amazing" he grins "ok now let's go... We can clean that up later" Jack says as we head upstairs and get changed into nicer clothes then I call a cab... I make sure to grab my wallet then we head out to the cab. We get the cab to just drop us off downtown anywhere and so when we get out we just start walking down streets randomly talking and making a list of things we should do or get...
1. Get a Tattoo
2. Go to an adult shop and buy something
3. Get a Piercing
4. Go buy more alcohol
And so starting at one we head to the nearest tattoo parlor... We both get matching tattoos that say septiplier in cursive with a heart above it... We get them along our v-lines, mine on the right... His on the left, just hidden under our waistbands.... Best idea ever! Next we head to an adult shop and we look at all the 'toys'... At the time it's a really great idea but I know I'm gonna regret it tomorrow.. I buy a whip and a blindfold while Jack buys a shock collar and hand cuffs.
"Next to get piercings!" I say as we exit the store we were just in.
"Yay! I wanna get one of my nips pierced!" Jack almost screams and when he notices this we both burst out laughing.
"I might get an eyebrow pierced.. Like with a snakebite" I slur my words.
"No we should both get our belly buttons pierced" Jack suggests.
"Okay... I say it should be black" I add as Jack nods then we enter the place where we can get pierced... We get our piercings then I get the guy to write the info he told us about cleaning and not taking it out onto a piece of paper because I won't remember anything tomorrow.
"Y'know for being drunk I sure am thinking ahead... You wouldn't think I could but whatever... So what do ya want to do now?" I ask as we walk down the busier than ever streets.
"Ok well think ahead about this... We should get married" Jack throws at me... At first it's kind of a shock but then it sounds like a good idea for some reason.
"I say yes! But we need rings and we need to find a place where we can" I say as I check the time.. 1:40. We then spend another hour and a half asking people and searching for a ring place first than a place where we can get married. We find both if those and by 3:40 we are married and have the rings to show it... The next hour just blurred by as we buy more alcohol, head home, use those toys we got then fall asleep. I wake up to see Jack asleep on to of me... But I'm naked, he's naked, there's several sex toys on the bed and there's cum smeared across our chests and Jack's face.
"Holy fuck.. What did we do last night?" I ask as I get up then I push Jack off me and he falls onto the floor.
"What the fuck?!" Jack looks at me with wide eyes... I shush him because I have a bad hangover "oh suck it up... What the fuck happened last night?"
"Well I'm guessing we got drunk... Went out... Got a tattoo and a piercing... Also to an adult shop then came back here and fucked" I sum up my thoughts but then I run my hands over my face and something cold make me jump "Jack show my your left hand"
"Why?" He lifts it up then he sees the ring "we got fucking married!?"
"Holy shit..." I grab boxers from on the floor then I head downstairs and I grab my phone off the table but then I see another puddle of white on the floor... I sigh then I look at my phone to see a bunch of texts from Amy, Bob, Wade and many more people... I then go to Twitter to see the pictures me and Jack posted last night... A picture of us at the tattoo place, the piercing place then a picture of us with our rings saying we're married.
"Jack! We need to make a vlog!" I yell up the stairs as I go up to see Jack also on his phone.
"Yes but there's a list of things before that... Shower, call our girlfriends or whatever they are now, text everyone that texted us, clean this place up then vlog okay?" Jack mentions.
"Yeah you're right... You shower first I'll clean this place up" I sigh.
"No.. I'll help clean.. This is half my fault... I was the one who made us both start drinking anyway" Jack mentions.
"Ok well I'm gonna start cleaning before I shower" I say as I head downstairs and out the back to collect the bottles from beside the pool.. When I come back in I put them in the recycling bin then I turn around to see a worried and scared looking Jack.
"Umm......" Jack bites his lip then looks at the ground "do.. You want to stay married? Or do you not have any feelings for me whatsoever?"
"I can't answer that right now because I have a bad hangover... I'm pissed that I have to clean this up, my belly button is sore as fuck and I'm just as scared as you are right now... I don't want to say anything I'll regret so let's just get everything sorted and straight before we make that decision because most likely our girlfriends will dump us anyway so.... I don't know" I say as I get a cloth then I wipe the cum off the table and floor. Jack then heads upstairs back to my room and when I get up there he is cleaning up things... About half an hour later the place is clean.
"Ok... Who's showering first?" I ask as I throw a towel at Jack.
"Could we shower together?" Jack asks with sad puppy dog eyes.
"Yes" I sigh at Jack as he gets a smile on his face "you dork" I chuckle as we head into the bathroom then strip down... I turn the water on and we step in.
"I'm sorry I got us into this mess" Jack says as he washes my hair for me.
"It's okay.. At least we had fun last night" I chuckle as Jack's hand runs down my chest but once he touches my belly ring I flinch and clench my teeth.
"Sorry... Mines pretty sore still too... I love your tattoo though" Jack chuckles as his fingers run over it I look at his.
"It had to fucking be septiplier" I laugh "thank god we didn't show anyone our tattoos or piercings... We just told them we got them.. but they saw our rings" I say as I look at the plain gold band on my finger that has 'I'll always love you ~ Sean' on the outside.
"I'll always love you too" I smile at Jack as I lean in and press my lips to his "I don't care what our ex girlfriends think... I think I've decided who I'm staying with... I've always felt more comfortable with you than her"
"Me too" Jack smiles widely as he presses his forehead to mine.. The water runs down between our faces rolling off our lips.
"I even love the tattoo placement... Gives you something to look at while giving me a blowjob" I laugh as Jack hits me on the chest lightly.
"If that's what it was for then you should have gotten 'I love you' instead" Jack jokes as we turn off the shower then we get out and dry ourselves off.
"Maybe I will" I smirk as I wrap the towel around me then I head to my room while Jack heads to the guest bedroom where his stuff is... I get changed into my lucky flannel then sweatpants.. I then sit down at my computer and open up Skype but I go to my messages first.
Hey uh... Can I Skype you to explain?

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