Too Late?

720 22 3

-Mark's POV-
"See ya tomorrow guys" I smile as Jack, Felix and I part ways to our hotel rooms... I go into mine then I lock the door... I sigh as I plop down onto my bed then I pull out my phone.. When I go onto Twitter I see a bunch of people saying things like 'Mark! Felix might steal Jack from you!' And 'Omg Mark if you're Bi as well then I'm gonna freak out so hard (in a good way)' at first I'm not sure what they mean so I kinda just brush it off thinking people are just being silly like always. I then come across a video Felix posted on Twitter it has Jack in it... The caption is 'very important news' what's so important I couldn't be in the video? I click on it.
"How's it goin bros? My name is PewDiePie! And today I'm here with Jacksepticoi we are at a convention.. So I just wanted to say that as you know me and Marzia broke up about a week ago.... And so I wanted to share that I am Bisexual like Jack" I pause the video unsure if I want to continue watch for fear of one particular sentence that will make me throw up... As it is my heart is pounding... I continue.
"Yay! LGBT!" Jack cheers "umm... But also... He asked me to be his boyfriend and I said I'd think about it" I pause then throw my phone as my insides churn and I feel a ball in my throat... Tears fill my eyes then they spill over un willingly. I curl into a ball and cry harder than I've ever cried... Well besides my dads death... God dammit I waited too long to ask him. I eventually cry myself to sleep.
Knock Knock Knock
My eyes fly open at the sound of knocking at my door... I just lay there.
"Mark it's me.. We gotta go.. you slept in" I hear Jack on the other side of the door... I get a ball in my throat as I hear his voice.. I just again cry into my pillow quietly not saying anything.
"Mark... You okay? If you're ignoring me this is not cool" Jack says as he pounds on the door.
"Mark come on" I hear Felix... I then get angry at him... I slam my fist down as hard as I can onto the bedside table.. I create a big crack I the table and it feels like I broke my hand.
"Mark... What was that? Are you okay?" Jack asks "I'm gonna go get someone to open the door if you don't answer" I sit up then I head to the door... I unlock it then I open.
"Thank god you're okay... Were you... Crying?" Jack asks... I just stand there and back and fourth between the two of them.
"Mark... Oh my god... What happened to your hand?" Felix asks as he grabs my wrist and looks at my left hand closer "it looks broken"
"It most likely is" I say as I point at the side table "I smashed it off the table"
"On purpose?" Jack asks... I just nod "Mark let's go to the hospital and get your hand looked at but you're scaring me"
"No... I'll go on my own since I'll be leaving today" I say.
"What's going on that has you so upset?" Jack asks with concern.
"Goodbye" is all I say before closing and locking the door.
"Mark! Don't do this we can help"
"No you can't!"
"Why not?"
"Because you're the problem!" I yell as you can clearly hear my voice break and I start crying as I sit on the floor my back to the bed "just let me calm down please... I'll explain later"
"Okay... Bye" Jack says before I hear his footsteps walking away.. After about half an hour I calm down and I start packing my stuff back up then I take it out and I put it in my car. I then head to the hospital to learn I did in fact break my hand.. Badly actually... So it's put in a cast and I'm put on pain killers then I drive home which is an hour drive. When I get back home I take my stuff inside then I just lay on bed on my phone on Twitter... The amount of people asking me why I didn't show is incredible so I decide to tweet something.

Guys sorry I bailed on you but I will explain why in a video soon and it will be the complete truth... I'm just not ready to say yet I need to calm down and @Jacksepticeye @PewDiePie I'm sorry for earlier I was just overwhelmed.

I lock my phone and I set it aside then I just fall asleep.
Ring Ring Ring Ring
I jolt awake then I grab my phone and answer immediately.
"Hi Mark... It's Jack"
"Oh hi... What's up?" I ask.
"I just wanted to know you're okay because I've been messaging you and you won't answer" he explains.
"Oh sorry I fell asleep after I put out that tweet... Um I did go to the hospital and my hand is in a cast for the next couple months probably" I mention.
"Oh so you did break it... That sucks.. So um I'm not forcing you but you ready to talk yet?"
"No... Well yes.. I don't know... Yes but I'm afraid" I say.
"Of what?" He asks. I think hard about what I could say but I decide to just not talk about it.
"Umm... Never mind... You'll know soon enough.. Goodbye"
"Mark! No don...." I then hang up... For the rest of the day I lay on my bed.. Do nothing except the essentials and I think about how I'm gonna do this video. The next morning I get up then I immediately set up my stuff to record the vlog... It takes 10 minutes then I'm ready to admit my feelings to 13 million people... I start recording.
"Hello everybody My name is Markiplier and today I am here to explain several things to several people... To those who wanted to see me at my signing yesterday... To everyone for not putting videos up and finally to Jack and Felix about what's been going on in this big brain of mine" I point out with a sigh "they're all connected but different in certain ways... Ok so let's start at the convention... Sorry to everyone who was heartbroken about not seeing me I just had somethings on my mind and I wouldn't be able to stay focused... I also broke my hand in the midst of my emotional breakdown... I smashed it off the bedside table at the hotel I was in" I chuckle a little bit.
"Umm.. Ok now for the videos I have them done I just was to lazy to upload them even though I could have put them on a timer... Oh well... Now lastly this is what will explain everything that's been going on and I will start by mentioning that.... The reason I have not had a girlfriend since quite a while ago is because I am Gay" I bite my lip as I say those words to millions of people "and... I may or may not have a huge crush on Jack... So when I saw that video on Twitter about Felix and Jack I literally threw my phone across the room and cried the hardest I have for a while now" I say as I start to tear up "in that moment I wanted to die... My heart was shattered that's how much you mean to me Jack...... And I hated myself for waiting too long to tell you how I feel" I sniffle as the tears come faster now... I smile "then I got mad at Felix and that's when I smashed my hand off the table but I know it's not his fault it's mine and Jack I don't know if you feel the same or if I'm making a complete fool of myself and I ruined our friendship but please know I respect your decision and I don't want my selfish feelings getting in the way of that" I wipe my eyes.
"This video will probably be unedited since I just want to get this out so that's all I need to say and yeah I'm gonna lose subs because I'm gay but at this moment I don't care... Anyway I will see you all in the next video... Buh bye" I then stop the camera... The only thing I edit is the audio from my mic to the video but that's it I then upload and wait for people to watch. I just lay on my bed for about 20 minutes before I get a Skype call from Jack and Felix... I bite my lip and only hope for the best as I answer... Jack and Felix's faces pop up.
"Hi Mark" Jack smiles weakly.
"Mark... I just want to say I'm sorry... If I had known I wouldn't have said any... I know how much closer you two are" Felix apologizes.
"Don't be sorry it's not your fault I didn't come out sooner" I point out "and Jack... I'm not putting any pressure on you... make your decision in your own time"
"Yes and if you want me to make it easier I'll step down" Felix adds.
"Felix... Why are you so willing to step out?" Jack asks.
"Because I ship Septiplier so hard and I want you to be happy" we all laugh a little.
"But what about you... You won't be happy" Jack points out.
"Nah.. I'm happy by myself... Plus it'd be a lot easier on me than having a long distance relationship"
"Not that long distance... Me and Mark would have a harder time than me and you numb nut" Jack laughs... I smile at his laugh.. I then feel myself falling asleep.
-Jack's POV-
"Jack... Look at him" Felix whispers as I look at Mark to see him falling asleep "go to him"
"What?" I ask.
"Go to his house for the next day that you're here... I think he loves you more than I do.. Go with him... It'd be worthwhile" Felix says as I continue to watch Mark sleep.. I smile at how cute he looks "I also think you love him more than you do me"
"Ok you've sold me you don't need to go further... I'm gonna go.. Bye Felix" I say as I end call then I start packing up my stuff I call a cab then I check out if my hotel room.. Once the cab arrives I get in and I give Mark's address. After about an hour I arrive at his place... I pay the driver then I get out and head to the door to find it's unlocked... I go in then I lock the door and head up to Mark's room to find him still asleep with his computer turned on.
"Mark... Wake up" I say in his ear as I turn off his computer... He lifts his head and looks at me.
"Jack? What are you doing here?" He asks tiredly as he gets up. I don't say anything I just fit my mouth to his wrapping my arms around his neck... His hands grip my hips pulling me closer... When we part he just buries his face in my neck... I gently rub circles in his back.
"I love you Mark and I'd love to be your boyfriend" I whisper.
"I love you too... So so much that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I never got the chance to tell you how I felt" Mark says as he pulls back and presses his forehead to mine our lips just centimeters apart.
"By the way... I was waiting to decide when Felix asked me because I had you on my mind... I was gonna ask but I didn't know if you even liked me" I mention.
"Really? That makes me so happy" Mark smiles as he pulls me in top of him on the bed.
"I'm happy too... That we're finally together"
-The End-

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