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Sorry for me being gone I've just been writing other things and I had to force myself to start writing this but I love how it turned out. Hope you still are here and haven't left me because I don't update often. Story idea inspired from a conversation between me and Attitudeiplier
-Jack's POV-
"Jack?" I look up from my phone then I get up and open the door to the guest room I'm using at Mark's place.
"What's up?"
"Umm.. just bare with me and listen even if I stutter too much please?" He asks as he comes in then turns back to look at me nervously. I nod but I feel kinda scared. Is he sick? Did I do something wrong? "Okay so.. I-I-I met you over YouTube for the first time and I thought you were cool and didn't think anything different towards you then. But because we've been together so long I-I-I think that I started questioning myself" he pauses and sighs "I think y-you are handsome and beautiful at the same time. I've never felt so attracted to another person this much because I love your personality, your looks, your voice, you home country. I l-love... you" he is now blushing and there is a thick tension in the air. My heart is racing a million miles away minute and right now nervous Mark is actually quite adorable. I can't speak so I just move forward then I press me lips to his, my hands on his chest. His hands to to my face as I feel him smile into the kiss, when we break we both smile.
"I love you too" I whisper.
"So will you be my boyfriend?" He asks.
"Yes" I nod and Mark fits his mouth to mine again. This is one of the happiest moments of my life.


"Sean?" I hear Mark call from downstairs "can you come down here?"
"Yeah, just a sec" I call back as I save what I was editing then head out of my recording room and down stairs to see Mark dressed up. I give him a suspicious glare but I don't say anything.
"Sean, would you like to go on a date? Tonight?" He asks with a nervous smile.
"Yes of course but why do you seem so nervous?" I giggle.
"I guess I just never want to disappoint you my dear" I look at him in awe of how he can possibly get any cuter.
"Okay well I'll be right back" I smile before I turn and head up to my room. God I'm so lucky to have Mark Fischbach as my boyfriend. I sigh with a giggle.

Right now Mark has me blindfolded while he drives us to... wherever we're going tonight. I'm not scared whatsoever like some people say, I trust him completely and I'm actually excited. Whenever Mark blindfolds me he goes all out to make whatever it is amazing.. if you know what I mean. The car then stops and I hear Mark put it in park.
"We're here" he says but I just stay put knowing if I ruin his plan in anyway he will get payback. Usually tickling me to death like the little kid he is. I then hear my door open and I feel his hand take mine before I get out, he then takes my other hand once the door is closed before leading me to wherever. I can feel his face close to mine so I giggle before I feel a kiss on my noes. God why is he still so adorable? Eventually he stops then I lightly run into him since he didn't tell me to stop walking, we both laugh. I wrap my arms around his waist then he lifts the blindfold off and our eyes meet. I smile up at him before he leans down and fits his mouth to mine, I then break the kiss and I try to look past him but he keeps pulling my face into his chest. I laugh but continue trying to push away.
"Mark! I wanna see!" I whine then he let's go so I move away and I stop in awe. We are on a small boardwalk that opens up more at the end, there are beautiful white lights everywhere and at the end is a small table for the two of us. I grin and look back at Mark who is smirking at me.
"This is amazing!" I say before Mark takes my hand and we walk down towards the end, I look out to the ocean and feel the light breeze blowing past.
"It's all for you" Mark whispers in my ear so I giggle and pull him to me stopping.
"I love you so much... even saying those words over and over don't ever express how truly in love I am" I say as our foreheads meet.
"I know, I love you so much too. But I think being by each other is enough to say it" he then sighs "I was going to do this later but I just can't" he smiles then pulls away and gets down on one knee. My eyes widen as tears fill them, I also feel a wide grin form on my face.
"Sean William McLoughlin, usually people go off on a spiel before they reach the final question but I do that everyday. So.. will you do me the honor of being my husband?" He asks as he has tears in his own eyes. I chuckle.
"Yes! A billion times yes!" Mark puts the ring on my finger before he gets up and hugs me tightly, we are both crying messes but this is one of the happiest moments of my life.


"Baby?" I look up to see Mark now standing in front of me with his hand out for me to take "ready to dance?" I nod and take his hand before stepping onto the beautiful dance floor. We begin slowly turning and swaying while dancing actually pretty good. I feel the veil I am wearing for fun blowing around as he spins me. I giggle at remembering the actual ceremonie, I decided to wear the veil since I was going down the Isle which made everyone chuckle. I am wearing a white suit though. Also what made everyone laugh was when the pastor said bride on purpose so I laughed into the kiss knowing Mark told him too. That adorable idiot. I then snap back into reality realizing that we are now swaying, my head on his chest.
"I love you Mark" I whisper before looking up at him.
"And I love you my beautiful Bride" he grins at me. I fit my mouth to his and close my eyes as we stop moving. This is one of the happiest moments of my life.

Life is built on moments good and bad. Hold on to the happiest moments though because ultimately those lead to more of the happiest moments, and I never want to forget a single one.
-The End-

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