Award Show

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A lot of you voted for this one so I hope this is to your liking because I feel like i pressured myself into making it good and up to the standards of how people hoped it would be.... Idk... Hope you like it!
-Jack's POV-

Hey buddy... good luck out there!

Thanks Mark... It's special because it's coming from someone who already did this

Yeah? What? Not because I'm a good friend!?

Calm your tits. But yes also because your a friend... I'm so nervous.

Why? What's to be nervous about? You're gonna do fine!

You think so... I hope so, but I'm nervous about reading the script

Well.. I'm not supposed to say anything but don't tell anyone I told you.... I'm in Texas

What!? Really!? I'd like to have hung out! Why are you here?

Sorry but I wanted to surprise you and everyone here... And I'm here because... *cough* award....

Your winning an award!? They didn't show who is winning when we rehearsed

Yeah.. When I did it we found out just as the audience did

Well it's three hours till the show starts... Can't wait to hand you your award... Fucking Septiplier away n shit

Ha! I'm sure all the fans would love it but we can't make a scene this isn't our panel

Yeah I know... Ok well gtg see ya!


I set my phone down then I look over to Signe... She is on her phone with the cutest smile ever.
"Whatcha doin?" I ask as I walk over to her.
"I'm just looking through some photos" she says as she looks up at me.
"Of us? Or...."
"Me and a friend.... When I went with a friend to that concert"
"Oh yeah.... Well... I'm gonna get dressed and go now" I say as I head over to my suitcase. I grab my suit and I put it on the bed.. I then strip down to my boxers.. I put on the suit then I put on my shoes.
"How do I look?" I ask with a smirk.
"You look great.." Signe mumbles as she stares at her phone.
"Yeah babe?"
"What are you actually doing? Are you texting someone?" I ask as I walk closer to her.
"Well I wasn't before but then my mom just texted me... Do you have a problem with that?" Signe snaps a little to harsh.
"No.. I just.... You're always occupied on your phone... You hardly talk to me unless I start the conversation" I say as I give her a sad look.
"I'm sorry... I guess I have haven't I? I just get sucked into my phone... I'm sorry" she says as she sets her phone down then gets up and hugs me. I hug her back and smile... I then lean down and peck her on the lips.
"It's okay I just love you that's all" I smirk.
"I love you too... Now you should probably get going... I'll start getting ready now then I'll come as soon as I'm done" Signe says as she heads to her suitcase.
"Alright I'll be waiting" I say as I grab my phone and head out the door.
-skip to the award show-
"Hello everyone! How are you all?" I ask as the crowd cheers.
"Alright... It's nice to see a pumped crowd... Now let's give away some awards shall we?" Rachel says as we both look to the TelePrompTer with our script on it. One by one we announce winners and hand off awards... By the time we know it we're at the half way break where Starbomb and TWRP plays. I head back stage to where I see Signe facing away from me talking on her phone... I know it's bad to snoop in on people's conversations but I can't help it I just want to know.. So I just stand behind her without saying anything.
"I know... I will break up with him soon... Yeah I'm living with him but I can move... I don't have much stuff in his place yet" Signe says as I hear a guys voice on the other side "not yet... I can't do it now... It would break his heart and ruin the show" is she.... Cheating on me? I feel my heart shatter and fall into the pit of my stomach... I get a lump in my throat but I'm also now filled with rage.
"I fucking knew something was up!" I say through my clenched teeth.
"Sean? Oh... Um it's not what it sounds like" she says as she ends the call then turns and looks at me.
"Oh really?! Then what is it?! Huh?! You think you can just get away with what I heard and pretend nothing happened?" I say as tears now run down my face "your right about one thing... It does hurt me.. And the show will be ruined because I can't continue... I guess we're over then"
"Sean I'm sorry" I hear her say as I head out the back door to the small alleyway behind the building. I sit with my back against the wall, on the ground, hugging my knees as I ball my eyes out.... Why today? I know she said she was gonna wait but... Not like this! What do I do now?
-Mark's POV-
We're all sitting quietly waiting for Jack and Rachel to come back out... But only Rachel comes out.
"So... I'm gonna be continuing this by myself or until Jack feels he can but he's having some problems and doesn't feel like he can continue" Rachel says. The whole crowd bursts into confused yells and people that look in shock... I feel worried and confused... He was fine earlier what happened? I hope he's okay.... Rachel gets everyone to settle down then she continues and does very well on her own.
-Jack's POV-
I am now back inside because I was being seen outside by fans so I came back in... I also wanted to hear how Rachel is doing on her own. I hear her talk about the most entertaining online personality award then I think of Mark.. I immediately feel strength when I think of him... As the nominees are being shown I wipe my eyes and make sure I look fine but then I walk out to beside Rachel.
"Jack... You think you can do this?" Rachel asks in surprise.
"I don't know but I have to give this award out" I sigh as the video cuts out and the lights turn back on. Everyone cheers as they see me so I smile as best as I can... I take a deep breath then I move up to where the mic is because I took mine off.
"The winner is a man I look up to, a man who gave me strength to come out here now and give this award, a man who has come along way from his past..... And a man I think I love" I say the last part with all the strength I can "Markiplier" Mark comes up onto the stage and I'm about to step back with Rachel but Mark grabs me.
"Is that how you feel?" Mark asks.
"I don't want to fill the show with my problems...." I get cut off by a loud cheer from the crowd. Just then Mark smirks deviously at me... I give him a confused look then he pulls me to him and presses his lips to mine.. The crowd goes wild. I then do something I never thought I would... I break the kiss but then I grab Mark by the collar of his shirt and I pull him off stage.. Everyone laughs and cheers. When we get backstage Mark pushes me back against the wall... He fits his mouth to mine then he pushes his tongue into my mouth. I feel so amazing right now.... I am kissing Markiplier the man that made me bi... And I have more strength than ever.
"Ok well wasn't that a turn of events... Septiplier Away?" Rachel laughs as she gets a huge cheer from the crowd "ok well I'm not sure what's going on back there but I'm sure he's preoccupied so I'm gonna continue on my own?" Mark breaks the kiss then nods to me. I smile then I grab the mic.. I attach it to my suit then I head out beside Rachel... People cheer.
"Okay enough drama let's move on" I smile as I continue with more strength than ever.... I completely forget about Signe and my problems for the rest of the show.
"Ok well... I guess that's it for the award show" I say with a sigh.
"I know... I don't want it to end.... But I'm sure you want this to end as quickly as possible because.. Y'know you have some drama to take care of" Rachel says with a smirk.
"Pfft... I have no idea what your talking about..." I hear cheers from the crowd... I get confused. I go to say something but I feel my hair stand on end... I turn around to see Mark standing there... I jump.
"God dammit! I fucking felt my hair stand on end" I say as I shove Mark.
"Sorry... Not sorry" Mark says into the mic on my suit.
"Get outta here! I'm trying to end a show!" I say as I push him away.
"I think Mark is just trying to have a better review on his hosting than yours so he's sabotaging your show" Rachel says.
"Yeah! Shoo!" I say as I push him away.
"Fine" Mark pouts into the mic on the stand "I thought you loved me" Mark smirks because he knows he has me in a situation I can't get out of.
"I do" I say with a little blush creeping up on my face.
"Then say it" Mark says looking at me like its a challenge.
"Oh you fucker" I growl "your gonna get it"
"Oh I know.... You still haven't said it"
"We're not even together...... Yet" I whisper the last word just loud enough so everyone can hear.
"Oh really? I thought the make out session in the back was a sign that we were together" Mark teases making me blush.
"Ok that's enough... I'm done... Thanks for coming" I smile as I start walking to the back.
"Hey! We have time! Get back here and love me!" Mark yells into the mic.
"Rachel let's just end this" I say as I walk back out on stage.
"How about the three of us?" She suggests. I nod then we all look at the very last line of the script.... I breathe.
"This has been the south by south west gaming awards 2016... Thanks for coming and we hope to see you next year!" All three of us say in sync.
"Yeah! That was amazing" I cheer.
"And Remember...." Mark whispers and pauses "SEPTIPLIER AWAY!" I grab Mark then I basically drag him behind stage. When we get behind stage I tell Mark about everything that went on and surprisingly I didn't cry once... It's because Mark gives me strength... We head back to Mark's hotel and I decide I'm gonna stay with him since Signe is still here. We are laying on the bed watching tv when Mark rolls over and looks at me.
"So Jack"
"Will you be mine? Since I should ask officially" Mark says as he rolls his eyes.
"Of course I will" I smile as Mark pulls me on top of him "y'know something"
"What?" Mark asks with a confused look.
"I love you" I say.
"I love you too Jackaboy"
-The End-

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