Miscarriage (Part 2)

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5 months later
-Mark's POV-
It's early morning and I just finish editing a video for tomorrow... Jack is out walking Chica so when I get out I dart for the bathroom. I throw up but the feeling is so familiar that when I am done I grab my phone.
"Hello?" I hear Jack.
"Jack how close are you to the nearest store that would have pregnancy tests?"
"What?!" His voice gets louder "okay hold on I'll be right home... Don't move!" He then hangs up.. I sit down on the couch and start laughing. A few minutes later he returns with Chica then throws a box at me.. I catch it then grin at him.
"A little excited are we?" I ask seeing him panting almost like he ran home.. Which he probably did.
"Shut up and go take the test" he growls.
"If you boss me around maybe I won't" I say as I stand up and cross my arms.
"Okay I'm sorry... Please" he sticks his bottom lip out. I smirk then I head to the bathroom as I do what I need to then I wait with it in the sink.. Watching patiently... I close my eyes.
"Come in and look at it.. I can't" I say knowing he's at the door.. I hear the door open and then a squeal followed by getting squeezed by Jack "positive?" I uncover my eyes and look at his huge smile.. He presses his lips to mine aggressively. I hold his face in my hands as his arms go around my neck... He buries his face into my chest as I feel him smile against my skin.
"Let's hope this is it... But we have a long wait to find out" I state.
"Should we go to your doctor?" He asks looking up at me.
"At some point" I nod "but for now let's just get on with our day"
"It's gonna be so hard" Jack whines... I smile as I press my forehead to his.
"You'll get through it because after.. we have an even longer wait" I press my lips to his as I back him up against the wall "but who says we have to do anything productive today?"
"Oh... Do I bottom?" He giggles "it's been a while" I am about to say something when I hear my phone ringing from the recording room.. I sigh and roll my eyes. I let go of him and go grab my phone.
"Hi Mark... how are you?" I hear my mom.
"Oh hi mom... I'm good..." I sit down in my chair as I turn to see Jack standing in the doorway.
"So any success?" She asks.
"Y'know have you gotten pregnant?" She clarifies... My face heats up and Jack raises an eyebrow at me.
"Um...." I'm at a loss for words.. How does she know?
"Mark... The last time I saw you and Jack a couple months ago I overheard you guys... Why didn't you tell me? I mean I knew you were able but I didn't think you ever would" she explains as I look at the ground "sweetie I'm sorry about your miscarriage I know it's hard"
"I'm fine" my voice cracks as I remember that day.. I clear my throat "actually I just need to go to the doctors to confirm"
"I'm happy for you... But Mark if you need help just ask... I've had two kids... I know a thing or two" I chuckle as I smile.
"Of course.. I promise I will" I look up to see Jack move closer.
"Alright well I'll let you go... I love you" she says.
"I love you too" I say as I hang up "well.."
"One less thing to worry about?" Jack smiles as he sits on my lap.
2 weeks later
Me and Jack are just laying in bed cuddling and giggling.. I pull Jack on top of me and he presses his forehead to mine.
"I love you" he whispers closing his eyes... I smile.
"I love you too" I then groan and wince at what feels like cramps in my lower stomach... Jack looks at me with concern.. It passes and I shake my head.
"You okay?" He asks as he gets off me... I nod.
"I'm fine" I say as I get up then I am surprised when I don't feel nauseous.. Then realization hits me... I read the symptoms of miscarriage "no" I sit back onto the bed my head in my hands.
"It happened again..." I feel tears run down my face "I need to go to the doctors" I say as I get up and get dressed.
"Again?" Jack looks like he's about to cry.. I crawl onto the bed and hug him tightly.
"We don't know for sure... Just I'll make a quick appointment then we'll know" I say as I rub his back soothingly "wanna come or.."
"I'm gonna stay" he says as he lays back on the bed and curls up under the covers as I grab my phone. I call the doctor and he says come right in so I head there leaving Jack in a ball on the bed... When I get there I head right in and he is waiting for me..I lift my sleeve as he takes blood.
"So you had severe cramps?" I nod "and you no longer feel nauseous.." I head to the washroom quickly and provide the urine sample... Once I'm out I sit and wait until 20 minutes later he comes in with a bad look.
"Dammit.." I say as I once again try to hold it together.
"I'm sorry Mark but it's gonna happen since it's unusual for men to get pregnant" he says as I shake my head not wanting to hear it.
"I'm just gonna go" I say as I head out with an emotionless face... I drive all the way home like that because otherwise I would break down but that's bad in a car. When I get home I don't make it one step after closing the door before I fall into a ball on the ground crying my heart out... I look up through blurry eyes to see Jack.. He kneels beside me so I get up onto my knees and hug him tightly both of us crying. The next couple days we don't record or are active on any social media except for telling them we won't be uploading. I am laying in bed hugging Jack tightly as I try to calm down... Once again Jack is the responsible one.. I then get an idea.
"We should just tell them... Make a vlog" I sniffle.
"Are you sure? I mean if you want I'm fine with it" he presses a kiss to my forehead.
"I just don't want to have to hide it anymore it's not fair to them" I say as I calm down "let's just do it now... I don't care how I look"
"Alright... I'll go get a camera... We can just put it on your channel... My viewers that don't watch you will find the video at some point" he says as he gets up and leaves coming back with  his camera on a tripod where he sets it up facing the bed.
"Hello.. Um... So we're gonna talk about what's going on and its related yo my breakdown at the previous convention we went to" I sniffle and wipe my eyes with my sleeve "and yes I've been crying but I'm sure a bunch of you will understand why...  So about 9 months ago I learned that I have all the necessary internal parts to be able to be pregnant"
"And we actually started trying" Jack takes over "then I guess 2... Weeks before the convention he got pregnant but right before coming to the center he went to the doctor and learned it was a miscarriage" he pauses so I pick up.
"And for about two weeks now... We've been so excited because I got pregnant again... Only to have it taken away once again..." I start crying again as Jack hugs me tightly.
"Alright I think that's enough explanation so... That's why were taking a break.. Until we feel better" Jack says as I let go of him then he gets up and stops recording. I curl up under the blankets as I feel myself drift off to sleep.
Ring Ring Ring
I jolt awake as I grab my phone from the table... I answer it.
"Hi Mark... I'm sorry that this happened again..." I hear my mom say.
"I'm getting better..." I say as I look back to see Jack still sound asleep on the bed... I head down to the kitchen.
"You okay?"
"Sorry I just wanted to move out of the bedroom so I don't wake Jack... But... I'm thinking about not even trying anymore" I sigh as I lean against the counter.
"Mark... Don't give up just because of two faulty tries... It may work out the next time.. But you won't know if you don't keep trying" she points out.
"Yes but if it doesn't work again I just don't think I can go through that pain again..." I sniffle.
"Where's the Mark that has gone through most of his life in pain?" She asks... I laugh "You have gone through way too much to give up now... And besides.. you have a gift that most gay couples can only dream of.. Do throw that away like its nothing" I now have tears running down my face.
"Why are mothers always so right?" I sorta laugh through my tears.
"Mark?" I look up and smile when I see Jack "who are you talking to?"
"My mom called... And boy can I tell you I am so glad she did" I laugh as I wipe my eyes.
"Alright well I'll let you go now" my mom says "I love you so much.. Just keep trying"
"We will... I love you too" I nod as the call ends.
"So what did she say that put you in such a good mood?" Jack asks as he moves closer.. I wrap my arms around his waist. I tell him all about my thoughts then the phone call.
"Why didn't you tell me you felt that way?" He asks as his arms around my neck.
"I wasn't exactly sure how I felt.. It was just a thought" I explain "it doesn't matter anymore though... My mom is absolutely right... I can't throw away my gift and I never stopped before so I can't now"
"3rd time's the charm" he smiles as he presses his lips to mine.
6 months later
"No! Mark come here... Let's beat the shit outta Wade" Bob laughs as we run over to Wade on Gta.
"3 on one! No fair!" Wade screams as we punch him to death.
"Yeah.. Fuck you Wade" Jack laughs... I suddenly feel nauseous.. I take my headphones off and accidentally knock over my mic as I get up and head to the bathroom where I throw up.
"Mark? You okay?" I look up to see Jack as I rinse out my mouth with water.
"I'm great" I smile... Let's hope this time is the one.
"Let's finish the video first shall we?" He grins as we head back to our recording rooms.
"We're back" I say "also sorry for knocking over my mic.. That's probably gonna sound bad in the video"
"So what happened?" Bob pauses and gasps "Was it... Are you...?" He doesn't even finish his sentence.
"I'm not sure though it's a thought" I smile at the camera.
"So wait that was the first time??" Wade asks.
"Yeah although it's a familiar feeling alright... Anyway! Let's get back to the game!" I say changing the subject. We play for another hour or so before we have enough for a couple videos if you split it up. I edit mine already... It's about an hour later when I get done.
"Mark you done?! I made and appointment!" Jack calls through the door... I giggle at how impatient he is.
"Yes I'm done" I say as I shut off the computer before opening the door to an exited Jack who's bouncing up and down repeatedly "oh you!" I pick him up bridle style as I carry him down the stairs.
"Put me down!" He giggles as I drop him then we head out and get into the car... I drive us to the doctors office in about 20 minutes. We get out and head in finding his office before going in once letting the secretary know.. He smiles at us.
"I'm glad you're persistent" he smirks as I lay on the bed "so have you taken a test?"
"No I just thought I'd come here right away since I know the feeling all too well" I explain as he takes the blood sample.. I go do what I need to do then we wait. I pull out my phone and create a group chat with Bob and Wade.

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