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Okay so this has you in it... I got this idea in my head and thought I'd use it.... (Y/L/N) = your last name
(Y/N) = your name. Also some gore but it's nothing I haven't done before
-You're POV-
"Okay officer (Y/L/N).... I'm gonna show you the two prisoners that you need to watch out for... Don't listen to them.. The one can play tricks on you... The other will tear you to shreds if you get close enough to the window... I still don't understand why we don't execute them when they've killed 40 civilians and 80 cops in the two years on the run and the four years locked up" the head guard of this place explains as we get closer "one more thing... These two are a couple so they talk to each other a lot"
"How?" I ask curiously.
"They break the windows and no body wants to get close enough to fix them so we leave it... It's fine though because they can't reach anything to escape" he explains.
"Wow this is a lot to take in" I sigh as we head through another set of doors.
"Here they are.... These two are the only ones in between this door and that one" he says as he points to the doors at the end of each hall "Mcloughlin! Fishbach! To the windows" at first I'm kinda nervous because I'm expecting to see some kind of monsters staring at me but when two normal looking people step into veiw... At first I assume it's some kind of joke.
"They've killed over a hundred people? They look like civilians?" I ask as if it's a joke.
"I can assure you they're not"
"I'm sure they are just mistaken" I say as I step closer to the left door with the black haired man... Mistake. As soon as I'm close enough to the door one of his hands shoot out and grab my throat slamming my head off the door... I hear the other start laughing like a crazy person.
"Oh you... Such naive, fresh, blood" Mcloughlin cackles at the window.
"Fishbach let the officer go!" Lanen the head guard orders pointing a gun basically at me since he's behind me.
"Dark only listens to me.... And I say with every word either of you say he starts crushing" Mcloughlin chuckles through gritted teeth "the only way to leave here alive is to let us at least share a cell" I hear Fishbach laugh deeply in my ear.
"No!" Lanen yells. I feel Mark's hand start pressing on my throat more.. I cough.
"Jus... Let... Em... Share.... A cell" I cough out as he starts crushing more.
"Fine! Mcloughlin you go to Fishbachs since I trust you out here more than him... That animal" Lanen slowly moves over and unlocks the door.
"Dark.. Let officer (Y/L/N) go" Mcloughlin grins as he steps out of his cell and moves slowly over beside... I feel Mark's grip loosen and I drop to the floor.. I immediately scramble as far away from them as I can get.
-Dark's POV-
I step back as the door opens only to have Anti attack me with kisses and he claws at my clothes.
"Keep it down in there... You psychos" I hear Lanen.
"IM GONNA BE AS LOUD AS I CAN" I Anti practically screams in my ear as I suck and kiss up and down his chest and neck... I bite down on his neck and he moans.
-You're POV-
Finally the pain is gone and I can breathe better... I have bruises that hurt but I'm better... I am sitting in an office just outside of the hall where the two of them are... I can still hear them from out here... They're so loud.
"Oh fuck yes! Right there!" I hear Mcloughlin scream.... I grumble in annoyance as I read through their profiles more. To sum them up they're real names are Sean 'Jack' Mcloughlin and Mark Fishbach... They got Married 3 years before they're murdering spree. They were normal people that kept a dark secret... Their dark sides are who Antisepticeye and Darkiplier are... Created by their fans on YouTube... But they were supposedly real... Then one day Dark and Anti broke free from the back of their minds and started killing.
"I have so many questions..." I say as I finish reading the last of the files.. Then an idea pops into my head "maybe I could talk to them about it" I get up then I open the one door slightly... I don't hear anything so they must be done... I creep down the hall then I look through the window at a distance to see them laying on the bed.. Anti on top of Mark... They're wearing their orange prison pants but shirtless.
"What do ye want?" Anti asks not looking at me.
"I was reading you're files.... What are you? What happened to Mark and Jack?" I ask. Dark gets up and charges at the door... Growling and snarling.
"Don't say their names!" Dark deeply growls as I press my back safely against the wall.
"I just want to know more" I say as I look into his eyes "what are you?"
"Dark step down" Anti says as he is now at the door "what do you mean? Everyone has a bad side... Just some are stronger than others and some can be tamed... But us.. No way... Mark and Jack had no hope to keep us back.. I mean we stayed down voluntarily for all of those years... But that one day... We had to break free.. Taste fresh blood"
"So... Are they just in the back of your mind like you were theirs?" I ask.
"Yes and like we could they can see and hear everything we see and hear but we're in control" he grins.
"Ok.. Now explain to me.. Dark.. Is he an animal or something? Does he talk like a person would like we are?" I mention.
"I can I just choose not too because that's what he did... Not me!" Dark growls showing his sharp teeth.
"Mark.. He absolutely hates Mark... So it's best if you avoid his name... Anyway Dark.. I guess the only word you can use is animal... He hunts down prey, holds them in a place where they can't move then decides what's he's gonna do... Usually he looks to me on deciding whether they die or live but if he makes up his mind.... There's no stopping the feast that's about to happen... And yes he's sometimes like a pet that obeys me but sometimes I'm under his control" Anti smirks at Dark.
"I'm afraid to ask... But when?"
"During sex.... He's always dom... Oh when he pounds into me mercilessly.. I've never felt more weak"he breathes as Dark presses him against the door pressing kisses to his chest and neck.
"Ok.. Either we're done here or you stop what you're doing and continue talking" I say as I look at the ground awkwardly.
"Can I go have my shower?" Anti asks as he pushes Dark away and looks at me.
"Are you gonna cooperate?" I counter his question.
"Of course... I.. Unlike him.. Like to be clean" Anti jokes as Dark growls and shoves him while he laughs.
"I like being clean every once in a while... I only like being dirty if it's in the bed" he grins at Jack.
"Or if you're covered in blood" Anti adds with a smirk.
"That too... Speaking off... Where's our food?" Dark growls.
"Um... I wasn't told anything about food so I assume it's not my place to give you food?" I say in confusion.
"Oh you're mistaken" Anti laughs "you are our food" he steps back then Dark runs at the door and it breaks off its hinges I then feel my back and head hit the wall hard.
-Anti's POV-
I chuckle deviously as Dark keeps (Y/L/N) pinned to the wall... Oh I haven't tasted actual fresh blood in quite a while.
"Hmm... What do ya think? Cut open and eaten from the inside or should we start on the outside... Or maybe we'll spare you the pain..." Me and Dark both burst out in laughter "there's always pain" and with that dark presses the sharp nail of his index finger into the officer's chest and starts cutting them open down the middle of their abdomen... The blood sprays all over us as I let Dark eat first. After about 5 minutes there's nothing left but hair, clothes and bones.
"(Y/N)? You..... " Lanen pauses then pulls out his gun "freeze!" Me and Dark immediately charge at him... The only thing I feel after my jaw clamping down on his shoulder is a crunch and a snap.
-The End-
Dark and Anti eat you how do ya feel bout that?! 😈 *Maniacal Laughter*

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