Dr. Fischbach

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-Jack's POV-
I am sitting on the couch playing video games when I glance at the time.
"Shit!" I say as I turn off the console then I grab my stuff and head out the door.. I get in my car and I head to the doctors office as fast as I can. When I get there I go up to the 3rd floor and I find his office... I stand at the door and I hesitate to knock.
Knock knock
"Come in!" I hear his deep voice call out... I open the door to see Dr. Fischbach sitting on a chair, clipboard in hand and his glasses perched on the end of his noes.
"Hi Mark" I smile... He smiles back with a slight chuckle as I close the door.
"Why are you nervous?" He asks standing "it's not like it will be a whole new experience" I laugh.
"I know it just feels different in a doctors office I guess" I nervously sit down on the bench/bed whatever you wanna call it.
"So I took it upon myself while I was waiting to answer most of these questions anyway" he smiles handing me the clipboard... Oh I forgot to mention he's my boyfriend.. We started dating a week after he became my new doctor... Which was 5 months ago. I look over the questions and answers making sure to correct or answer some... When I'm finished I look up to see Mark smirking at me.
"Clothes off Jackaboy" he simply says making me blush like mad as I take the hospital gown... I take my clothes off and put the gown on. I decide to take things into my own hands so I bend over the bench before Mark turns around... I watch him over my shoulder as he turns and smirks at me moving closer.
"Someone's eager" he chuckles as he sticks his finger in my mouth... I raise an eyebrow at him "I don't need a glove... And to be honest I don't know why you're here because I get to check your prostate.. Every night" he practically purrs in my ear. He pulls his finger out because it now lubed up enough.
"Yeah but you can't do any of the other tests that also go with it" I point out. I feel his finger push in and I bite down on my lip to stifle a moan... I also feel myself get hard for each time he presses on my prostate.. I can't help myself.
"Oh god Mark.." I moan then immediately cover my mouth... Mark chuckles as he removes his finger.. I whine at the loss of contact. I watch over my shoulder as he licks his finger off looking at me then he sits down and types stuff into the computer... I look forward and rest my forehead on the table really wishing he would get these tests over and done with so he can fuck the living daylights outta me.
"Alright just a few more quick tests and we'll be done" Mark says as I feel his hands on my butt then I feel him press several kisses on my lower back before his tongue goes down onto my entrance. I cover my mouth as I moan silently... But before I think he's gonna push his tongue in he pulls away completely... I basically bang my head off the bench as I whine in need.
"Just relax... I'll finish you off after I have done what I need to do... Besides its either now or later" he says.
"Why not now and later?"
"Because once a day is enough... But we'll talk about that later" he says as he grabs some things... He does the other tests that aren't as pleasure filled but I'm glad when they're done. I am now just laying on my back as he does stuff on the computer... I stare at the ceiling with my hands behind my head listening to the clicking of the keys.
Ring Ring Ring
I jump at the sound of the phone.. I look over to see him finish typing then pick it up.
"Hello?....... Mhm... Ok.. 20 minutes?..... Alright thank you" Mark glances at me before quickly finishing his typing then closing my files "I have another last minute appointment in about 20 minutes.. But that's more than enough time" he says before locking the door then he starts removing his clothes. I push myself up and off the bench before I remove the hospital gown I have on... Mark doesn't waste time pushing me onto my back, him climbing on top of me. He fits his mouth to mine as he pushes into me with no hesitation... He starts at a slow steady pace. I moan loudly but get cut off by Mark's hand over my mouth... I feel him speed up faster and I feel myself come closer to the edge... I cum onto my stomach as Mark cums into me with a low grunt.
Knock knock
"Mr. Fishbach?" I hear a girl outside the door... His secretary I think "I have some new files for you... It's about your next appointment"
"Just a minute... I'm finishing up with my previous patient" he says as he hops off the bench and starts getting dressed.
"You normally don't take this long for prostate exams..."
"It's Jack" is all he says.
"Oh..." We both silently laugh at the way she said that like she knew exactly what was going on. We finish getting dressed (and I clean off my stomach) then he opens the door to see her looking away awkwardly.
"Thank you and Jack don't worry about paying... Jamie I'll pay for it before I leave, just remind me" Mark takes the USB drive from her as she nods then leaves.. I turn to him and smile.
"I guess I'll see you later?" He pulls me towards him by his hips.
"Why wouldn't you? I love you" he presses his lips to mine.
"I love you too, bye" I smile.
"See ya"
-The End-

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