Fluff Shots #2

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These are both from Pax West going on right now sorry if you don't understand but whatever... The pic above is the first one.

-Mark's POV-
"Mark get in here!" I hear Jack say as he motions for me to go beside him.. The entire Revelmode squad are taking pictures.. I leave Amy and Signe then I move my way over to him. I am standing hunched over so my face is very close to his and he looks so awkward... Their is a very unsettling tension between us.. And I can't help myself when my lips are this close to his. I smile for the picture but when it's done I press a quick kiss to his cheek.. Everyone gasps.. then I get up and leave the room not talking to anyone. When I step into the hall I lean back against the wall and sigh as I think about the possibilities of what I just did... I slide down the wall and hug my knees. I could have ruined mine and Jack's relationships or our friendship or I could have started something better.. I cover my face with my hands as a couple tears run down my face.
"Mark?" I hear Amy step into the hall closing the door... I look up at her and she gives me a sad smile as she sees my tears.
"What's going on in there?"
"Everyone is shocked.. But Jack and Signe are talking" she says as she sits beside me "and now I wanna talk to you.... What's going on?" I sigh as I wipe my eyes.
"I.... Nothing forget anything ever happened go tell them that" I say as I stand up then start moving down the hall further.
"If that's what you want" she says as she heads back into the room but as soon as the door closes I can't hold back the tears. I fall yo the floor then curl into a ball and sob uncontrollably.. I hear the door open but I don't look assuming it's Amy.
"Mark" I hear a familiar Irish accent "please don't say it's nothing because it's obviously not... Please tell me what's going on in your mind" I feel a hand on my back. I turn and look at him as my crying has calmed down... I let out a shaky breath as he places his hands on either side of my face.
"I-I..... I love you" I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. Jack smiles warmly then leans in and presses his lips to mine softly.. When we break our foreheads stay touching.. My eyes are closed as I smile and calm down more.
"Mark... I love you too... But what about our girlfriends?" He asks as our eyes meet.
"I don't know.. I'm just happy that you actually like me back" I grin like a kid with a new puppy... Jack chuckles slightly as he pulls me into a hug... I hug back tightly my head in his neck.
"We'll figure this out.... I love you" he presses his lips to my cheek.. I close my eyes and sigh.
"So we're still just friends for now?" I ask.
"Unfortunately yes" he smiles sadly as we pull away then get up.
"Can I have one last kiss?" I ask with pleading eyes... He giggles then nods before we share a passionate kiss.
"Alright... Now let's go back in and pretend nothing happened.. Literally if they ask just pretend you have no idea what they're talking about" we both laugh as we enter the room full of people that went back to normal... I take a deep breath as we head back over to Amy, Signe, Ken, Mary, Bob, Mandy, Felix and Marzia.
"Hey so what's going on?" Amy asks as she moves closer.
"What do you mean.. Let's go back to the party" I smile as they all look confused.
"Just forget anything happened because everything is good" Jack says with a smirk... We then go back to our normal conversations and forget anything happened.
-The End-

-Jack's POV-
"Since you guys are both tied up... I need Jack and Mark..." Ken gets cut off by the crowd cheering.
"Woah woah... What's happening?" Mark asks confused. I look at Ken with confusion as well... The crowd still cheering.
"Just go stand in front of the table don't worry it's not that" he laughs as we both get up and stand in front of each other "it's a dance off!"
"Now hold on!" I smirk at Mark "Mark wanna do some charades instead... We could uh redo your first one"
"Wait the French kiss one?" Felix blurts out and everyone has the look of shock on their faces. Mark rolls his eyes then steps forward pulling me in with his hands in my hips... My arms go around his neck as we basically make out on stage.
"Septiplier Away!" The rest of the Revelmode crew all say simultaneously as the room erupts in cheers, screams, clapping and crying. When we pull away Mark smirks.
"Now that's one hell of a way to come out" we both laugh as we part.
"It was my idea ya big chicken!" I say as he looks offended.
"I made the first move!" Mark yells back.
"Girls you're both pretty" Doger says as everyone laughs.
"I'm prettier" I bat my eyelashes.
"No you're not" Mark grumbles... I smirk.
"That's not what you said last night" I grin deviously.
"Okay... That's enough so we still didn't get that dance off" Ken points out.
"Unless you want some dirty dancing ask someone else" Mark laughs as I raise an eyebrow at him.. The room cheers again.
"No thank you!" Ken says as he looks at Felix.
"I'll still go" I say as I stand up again.
"Felix? Will you dance for me baby?" Ken asks sweetly as Felix gets up with a sigh.
"Alright.. But I'm not gonna touch you because of your scary ass boyfriend behind me" we all laugh.
"I won't hurt you... Bad" Mark grins evilly at Felix.
"The swear jar means nothing now apparently because we almost had a fucking porno on the stage and the tons of swearing... Sorry little kids but if you watch our stuff there shouldn't be much of a surprise" Emma points out.
"That is very true" Ken nods.
"Ok let's go!" I yell as I am pumped up. I go through with my dance then Felix starts his and makes a wrong move... He starts twerking in my direction and ends up grinding against me. Mark playfully glares at him... I know he won't actually hurt anyone but it's fun to pretend.
"Oops" Felix laughs nervously.
"I'd say Felix loses! So team Fudge wins!" Ken laughs as Mark gets up and moves slowly towards Felix. I run over and steal Mark's seat.. He turns towards me and smirks before picking me up.. I squeal as he sits down and places me on his lap.
"Thank you Jack... You saved me" Felix says as he takes his seat.
"Ok well let's answer some questions.. " Ken gets cut off again.
"I have a question" Felix raises his hand.
"Yes Felix?"
"Jack, Mark... I think we'd all like to know when and how?" He asks.
"No... This is not our panel Felix! Il answer that at my Q&A panel tomorrow! Now we'll leave if you can't stop looking at us" I say as everyone clearly says No.
"No now let's move on..." I roll my eyes as I look at Mark with a smile... He smiles back and moves our mics aside.
"Thanks for the coming out idea... I would have been so awkward" he whispers.
"I love you"
-The End-

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