The Risk

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I surprisingly wrote another quick story... It could have been more detailed but it's okay... Anyway here!
-Mark's POV-
"Wait for it... Yes!! I knew you would do it Jack!" I cheer as I jump up and down watching as the racers finish after the winner... Sean Mcloughlin or Jack as everyone calls him. I never stopped smiling for a second as I sit close to the tv and watched Jack use his tactics then finally cross the finish line first... Like always... He's never lost a race.
"If only I could meet him" I pout as I watch other kids hug him and look excited.
"Who said you couldn't?" I hear my mom ask from behind me... I turn to see here holding what look like... Passes?
"Wait what?" I run over and grab one then I read what it says "exclusive VIP passes? Indy 500?! Thursday - Friday?! As in this week?!" My mom nods then I hug her tightly.
"Happy early birthday... Just so you know you won't be getting anything too exciting on your actual birthday" my mom says I laugh then I head back to the tv to watch.
"Thanks mom! You're the best!"
"No problem sweetie" she says as she leaves the room. It's Tuesday... Can Thursday come already!?
-Jack's POV-
"What a race!" I yell excitedly as I head into my trailer where I sleep.. I flop down on my bed then I almost immediately fall asleep. I wake and look out the side windows... I love my trailer... It's my car trailer by the way... But because I've won so many races I got it modified so that I can sleep in here too there's also a bathroom and more necessities. Today is Wednesday so I just rest for the day but tomorrow I get to hang with a few lucky fans... Oh boy... I don't mean that sarcastically either.. I actually do love meeting fans especially little kids. Please Wednesday be over already!
-Mark's POV-
"Mom! Let's go!" I say as we head out of the hotel and down to where a limo is waiting for is "woah! A limo... So cool" we get in only to see Jack sitting there smiling... My jaw drops as I am unable to speak anymore.. I the realize that I'm rudely staring so I shut my mouth and look away.
"It's okay buddy... I was in your position at one point y'know.. So I know what it must feel like right now.. You don't need to hold back your personality because you don't know me personally... I don't know many people personally but I still act like a total idiot" he laughs as I giggle at him and sit closer to him.
"You must be his mother... Good to meet you.."
"Mrs. Fishbach... This is Mark... He's shy but he really loves you" my mom explains.
"Don't be shy because... If we're together for almost the whole day it would be pretty boring if neither of us said anything" Jack makes me laugh "can I have a hug?" I then basically lunge at him and wrap my arms around him.
"You're amazing Jack" I say as I bury my face in his chest.
"I know I am" I laugh "but you're more amazing" we talk and laugh for the rest of the car ride and when we stop we are at his trailer with his car!!! When we get out I hold his hand as the back door of the truck opens and the ramp comes down... You can then see his car... I 'wow' and 'woah' the whole time he's showing me around the trailer... After the tour is done we play some games, talk, make jokes and just have fun in general. The day flies by because the next thing I know we have to go and I'm in tears.
"Come on Mark let's go" my mom is holding my hand dragging me out of the limo because we were taken back and Jack came along too.
"No! I don't wanna go!" I cry as I reach for Jack... My mom lets go of me and I stumble back into his arms.
"Mark... I'll tell you what after I win the race tomorrow I will see you again okay?" Jack says as he hugs me tight.
"O-okay... I love you" I sniffle as I rest my head on his chest.
"I love you too.. Now you better get going so that you can go to sleep and tomorrow will come quicker" he says.. I then get up and run out up to our hotel room... When we get in I go right to sleep.
-Jack's POV-
"Okay.. Let's go baby!" I cheer as we all wait for the signal to start moving in formation.. All I can think about is that little boy... Mark. How happy he was to see me and how he said he wants to become a race car driver like me.. He is adorable I'm glad I get to see those things... I snap back to reality when we all start moving in formation... Alright let's win this. We eventually break the formation then I get into the lead quickly... I hold that spot for quite a few laps before someone cuts me off and takes the lead... I pull up so I'm beside him then we just race side by side for another hundred laps... We eventually come to the last lap of the long and fairly boring race since me and Felix Kjellberg have been riding side by side the whole way... The next thing I know I see him swerve at me then he pushes me.. I get into a speed wobble then the one side of my car goes up... I close my eyes and let off the gas.
"I'm done"
-Mark's POV-
I watch in horror as Jack's car flips and starts rolling.. Flinging metal and wheels off the car... I also see the engine catch fire as the car violently rolls... It's the worst I've seen and even after I've looked up 'worst car wrecks in races'. The car finally settles in the grass as people rush out to him... Oh god please no!
"Jack come on be okay please" I cry as I see all of the drivers stop after they pass the line... They all come back to help fish Jack out of the wreckage. I watch as they pull a motionless body from the car... I then see them use a defibrillator on him... Oh god he's dead that's what that means.
-Jack's POV-
My eyes shoot open as I take a deep breath... Then the pain hits me... I groan and scream with pain I also start coughing but I cough up blood.
"He's alive people... But he needs to get to the hospital!" I hear an announcer say.
-Mark's POV-
"Oh thank god... Please hang on Jack... Don't die" I cry as everyone leaves the stadium to go home... When we get back I just cry the whole time as my mom watches the news for any updates... I eventually just fall asleep. The next day I wake up to see my mom already awake with a bad look on her face.
"Mom? What happened?"
"Mark... Jack died last night in the hospital" my mom says as she starts to tear up... I feel like my heart got stomped on... I start screaming and crying like no tomorrow. Why did this have to happen!?
"Mark? Mark? Hello?" I shake my head and realize where I am.
"You're question was why I started racing? I was just thinking back" my voice cracks and I start tearing up "I started because of my childhood hero.. Sean Mcloughlin or Jack... We even became friends the day before his car flipped but of course the one day.." I pause because I'm starting to cry "the one day I actually go see one of his races he has to flip... My mom then later told me he had died" I can't stop the tears now as I stand on stage in front of thousands of people but on tv in front of millions.
"I think everyone is still hurt by that day" someone says.
"Oh definitely... Um... I'm done with questions" I sniffle as I turn and walk back to my trailer... Oh Jack... If only you were alive. I miss you and we could have become better friends yeah you'd be older and probably retired but you could've been my mentor... That stupid crash took it all away. I sigh oh well that's the risk you take.
-The End-

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