Big Mistake

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TRIGGER WARNING!! & sorta smut warning...
-Mark's POV-
"Hello? Someone wanted to talk to me?" I call out across the back hallway... Jack, Bob, Wade and I are at a convention... this is the first day and we just had started our first signing when someone said they wanted to talk to me about something important. I hesitated at first but then I decided to come... incase it really is important.
"Hello Mark" I turn around to see a guy.. he has a mask on and one hand in his pocket.. uh oh. I start walking backwards away from him slowly "Hold on now... I only truly want to talk.. this is just incase something happens"
"Then tell me what's so important" I demand.
"Oh it's actually a question and if you don't agree I will shoot you" he chuckles... I glare but I stay put even when he starts moving closer "let me do whatever I want to you and you will live"
"Sexualy?" I ask.
"Maybe.. or maybe I'll beat to near death.. I didn't say you wouldn't get hurt... you definitely will... just you'll live" he chuckles again.
"Go fuck yourself" I say as I turn and start walking away... I hear him cock the gun "you won't shoot me.. it'll draw to much attention" I keep walking down the hall. Then I get tackled to the ground.. my head cracks off the floor... blood streams down my face as he sits me up. My hands are now tied and I'm gaged... I cringe at my throbbing head.
"Let's get started shall we?" He grabs my feet then starts dragging me down the hall.. I leave my head against the floor so it leaves a blood tail leading to where we're going. He pulls me into a nearby storage closet.. he closes the door then finds a light switch... it's completely empty.
"Stay here and don't move.. I gotta go get my bag.." he grins as he leaves the room. I sit up against a wall and just sit there... nobody uses this hall so there's no use in knocking on the door or (attempting at) screaming for help. Only a few minutes later he comes back with a duffel bag full of stuff... I don't know what but I know it won't be anything happy.
"Alright choose what you want to do first... if not I'll choose for you" he grins... I sigh. Please someone find me soon.
-Jack's POV-
I impatiently tap my foot... we need to start our signing soon.. where is he? Must be really important for him to be gone this long... then a thought pops into my head that terrifies me. What if he's cheating? No! That's silly he wouldn't cheat... if he was done with me he would tell me! Not cheat! I shake the thought away... maybe he's in danger. Stop it Jack! He's fine! He's just talking with someone.. I sigh as I sit down in my chair behind the desk that were signing.. He has his phone doesn't he? He can check the time.
"It's almost time Jack" I look up to a guard.
"Just wait a little longer" I nod as I look at the time.. it's been an hour since he left.
-Mark's POV-
I cough into the clothes gag... blood soaks it. Tears steam down my face.. Everything hurts. For almost half an hour he's been beating me.. kicking, punching and pushing. Some of my bones feel like they're broken... I am laying in a ball in the corner naked... he said he's gonna rape me now... I'm so scared that I'm gonna die! It's getting harder to breath... maybe a lung collapsed... fuck. He grabs me by my waist then yanks me onto my knees.. since my hands are tied behind my back my face presses into the ground ... I'd fight but I'm too weak and tired... I'd gotten punished for fighting before and I used up my energy. I clench my eyes shut tightly as I feel him push into me... I bite back a scream.. it hurts so much but he doesn't stop he quickly starts thrusting into me... hard. His nails dig into my hips leaving bleeding little marks... but that's the least of my worries right now. For 20 minutes he slams into me before his hands shut around my throat as he climaxes... his hands cutting off my trachea.. I cough and try to struggle but I can't. He finally let's go of me and pulls out I scramble over to the corner and curl into a ball once again before he comes over and starts kicking me again and again.
"Mark?!" I perk up at the sound of Jack "Hello?!" Please see the blood! I also try to scream through the gag but I get met with a baseball bat to the side of the head.. I black out.
-Jack's POV-
I look around for any sign of him.. dammit! I should have come back here with him like he suggested! But no I had to do the "right" thing and leave him to go on his own! A tear runs down my face as I move further into the hall.. I look down on the floor.. blood? The trail goes into a nearby closet.. fuck! I turn and run out of the hall back to the nearest security guard I find.
"Please I need help!" I cry "I think Mark Fischbach has been hurt or possibly killed.. he went to the back hallway and never came out... there's blood that could be his"
"Ok calm down.. well take care of this" he says as he moves towards the hall.. he speaks into something on his shoulder. I watch as more police and guards run past me followed by some medics. Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay!
-Mark's POV-
I open my eyes slowly... I hear a bang on the door next to me.. I jump and scramble backwards away from it.. my hands aren't tied and I'm not gaged anymore. Where is the guy?
"Mark Fischbach? Are you in there?" I hear someone outside. I want to open it but I'm scared... I want Jack. I take a deep breath then I limp over to the door.
"We're gonna bust this door down if you don't open it!" I grab the handle.. it takes so much effort to turn the know but when I do I open it only a Crack.. I peak out.. they gasp.
"Where's Jack?" I ask with a raspy quiet voice.
"Let's get you to the hospital" one of the men says.. he pushes the door open more and tries to grab me but I stumble back, fall then push myself against the wall as far as I can get from them "What did they do to you?"
"I want Jack" I shake. The guy nods then some of them leave.. a few minutes later I hear heavy and quick footsteps.. someone running. Jack stops in front of the door then his face goes pale as he sees me.. he approaches slowly then sinks to his knees in front of me.
"Mark.. my god" he looks like he's gonna cry.. I hug him tightly then I start crying in his shoulder "Shhh... it's okay but you need to let them take you to the hospital okay? They won't hurt you.. that man is gone but they'll find him and he'll go to jail for what he did" I nod as I wipe my eyes on his shirt then I let go of him and try to stand up... once I'm standing in hug him again and he turns to leave me to the medics but I grab his hand and pull him back to me.
"Please don't leave me... ever again" I beg.. he smiles warmly at me before he links his fingers with mine.
"I won't and I never should have... I should have listened to you"
-The End-

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