Accident Prone

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-3rd Person POV-
"You guys ready for tonight?" Jack asks Mark, Bob and Wade through Skype as they had just finished recording a video.
"Oh..yeah!" Mark says excitedly.
"Yeah" says Bob.
"Umm.....yes but I need the address again I kinda forgot to write it down and I forget what it is" Wade says as he feels stupid.
"Ok fine it's 1**5 st*****n Rd. Jack says.
"Ok, I wrote it down this time" Wade says as he finishes writing.
"I'm going to leave early in the morning, so do we go to your place or your new cottage?" Mark asks Jack.
"Well I have only been there one other time and I need help moving some other come to my place first" Jack says.
"Oh..I see what this is, this is just how you can get help for free" Mark says in a sassy voice.
"Well.....yes and no" Jack says.
"Scam" Bob says jokingly.
"I am not, I thought you would want to come to see your pal Jacky-boy.......and.....maybe help move some the way I need you guys to help set up a couple more computers I got just in case you guys or other friends come out" Jack says " I also got some air mattresses that we can sleep on"
"Oh so it's like that you have to have the computers but you can't get us beds" Mark says jokingly complaining.
"Jesus Christ, can't you guys at least be happy that I've invited you here" Jack says rolling his eyes jokingly.
"Yeah guys" wade says.
"Shut up wade" Jack says with a glare, everyone else laughs "ok well I got to go"
"Okay see you there" Mark says.
"I'll be waiting" Jack says in a low seductive voice.
"Oh... So that's why Mark is coming" bob says jokingly.
"What...." Mark asks quickly.
"Nothing" bob says "bye guys"
"Bye" everyone says to each other then they all hang up. That night bob, wade and Mark packed up enough stuff for a whole week and in the morning they all leave for Ireland.
They all head out around 8:00 am so they get there about 2:00 pm. The three of them meet each other in the airport and they get a rental car, they manage to find their way to Jack's place.
Jack opens the door.
"Hey guys, what's up" Jack says as he hugs them.
"I'm tired can we sleep first" Mark says complaining.
"Not at least one moment of no complaints" Jack says with a sigh.
"I'm kidding...if anything I'm the complete opposite right now" Mark says with a smile as he falls onto the couch.
"Oh really" Jack says as he hands Bob his phone, it's recording and starts running over to the couch, just as he gets to the couch he slows but slides and falls onto Mark. They both fall onto the floor and start wrestling, it ends with them pretending to make out. Mark looks up (Jack is on top of him) and sees Bob recording.
"No cameras! This is not pg 13" Mark says as Jack turns and looks at bob.
"Oh your still recording" Jack says as he gets off of Mark and stands.
"Yeah well I wouldn't want to miss a moment of this on camera" Bob says.
Mark is still laying on the floor, he lifts his arm and yells.
"Septiplier away!" Jack joins in then Bob cuts the video. Jack helps Mark up then Mark pretends to punch Jack.
"What are doing?"Jack says as he looks at Mark like he's crazy. Mark slows down the punching and looks up at Jack, he pauses for a moment then breaks out into a laugh. They all laugh and Mark stands upright backing away from Jack. They all calm down.
"Ok so are we gonna start moving stuff?" Mark asks.
"Yeah so what stuff needs to be moved?" Bob asks.
"The suff in this room" Jack says as he walks over to a closed door "by the way I rented a moving truck"
"Oh ok that will make it easier to move things" Mark says as he goes into the room. I'm n the room there is two couches, four computers, four desks, one table and four chairs for the table. Their is also a bunch of other small stuff already at the cabin, such as some other electronics and some kitchen stuff. They start moving stuff into the moving van and they eventually get everything in.
"Ok....I guess Jack can drive so I will drive the van with Jack in passenger, you guys can follow in the rental car" Mark says as they head back into Jack's place to grab their stuff and lock up. They put their suitcases into the back of the rental car and they head out to the CABIN IN THE WOODS Because that's not a sign of a horror movie or anything. They finally arrive at the cottage, it's a good medium size, it's made of wood like most cabins and it has almost 9 miles of forest around it on either side except for the front. It has a 1 kilometer long driveway and there is a garage so they put the rental car in it. They get started unpacking and it takes 3 hours but they finally get everything in and they organize it.
"Ok well it's now 5 so you wanna go out and get food so we can stalk up the fridge?" Jack asked.
"Yeah then maybe we can grab something to eat for dinner while In town" Mark says. They head back in town to the closest store, they stalk up on whatever they might need and then they eat out. When they get back they put the food in the fridge and cupboards, when their all done they collapse on the couches.
"Uhhhh.......I'm so tired" wade complains.
"Well I already pumped up the air mattresses so you can crash anywhere, anytime you want" Jack says "but the room beside the bathroom is mine so no one can go in there..., but the rest of the rooms are up for grabs" Jack smiles and walks over beside the couch and picks up a couple beer cans that were left there by Mark and wade.
"Ok well dibs on the room beside that" Mark says hurrying to get into the room he wanted "good night" Mark says as he stumbles into his room closing the door. Jack looks over at Bob and wade.
"You should just go to bed there's not much else here that's going to happen" Jack says walking over to his room "well you guess good night" Jack closes the door and lays down.
Mark is in his room just laying there thinking. Why do I feel so awkward around Jack.... I wasn't like this when I first met him, but God Jack is so cute when he blushes or laughs or when he's being stupid. Mark shakes his head and he snaps out of it.
"What am I doing?" Mark asks himself in a whisper. After that everyone finds their bed and falls asleep. The next morning Mark wakes up to hear a smash of glass. Mark runs out of his room to see Jack standing over a pile of broken glass it looked like a couple glass bowls had broken.
"What happened?" Mark asked Jack walking over to help clean up the glass.
"Oh I just got startled by a tree" Jack says sounding annoyed and embraced "I was bringing stuff to the sink when the wind blew hard and a branch his the window then I jumped and dropped the stuff" Jack blushed feeling embarrassed. They both started laughing then Bob and wade came out to see both of them on the floor laughingly so hard.
"What did we miss?" Bob asked.
"Jack got scared by a tree" Mark said barely being able to breathe. Wade and Bob laughed but not as hard.
God Jack's laugh is adorable, Mark thought to himself. God stop it Mark! He yelled to himself in his head. Mark finally calmed down from laughing and they cleaned up the rest of the mess and when they finished Mark went back to his room to put on a shirt since he ran out before without one on. After he put on a shirt Mark leaned against the wall.
"What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm not I? Well even if I am, Jack's not and we will be nothing more than friends.....will we?" Mark whispered to himself as he ran his fingers through his hair. Mark shook his head.
"No....he is not gay" Mark says then walks out to the kitchen to find the others aren't there. Mark looks around confused then sees them outside looking at stuff in the old shed out back.
Jack, Bob and Wade are looking through the shed when jack finds a machete, Jack narrows his eyes at Bob the closest one to him.
"Psst, Bob" Jack whispers to Bob lightly. Jack pulls up the machete and bobs eyes widen, Jack places a hand on the top and pushes on it. The end goes into the rest of the machete, Bob then gets the hint it's a prop machete. Jack points the machete at Wade who is now talking to Mark who just came outside. Bob looks back at Jack and smiles. Bob looks through some stuff then pulls out an interesting object.
"Mark, come over and look at this" Bob says looking at an older gaming system he found. Both Mark and Wade came over to see what is was. Jack quietly snuck over to just behind Mark.
"Mark" Jack whispered into marks ear. Mark slowly turned then Jack pressed the prop to marks stomach and Mark played along with it. He breathed heavily like he was in pain, Jack pulled the prop away from his stomach and Mark fell to the ground pretending he was dying, Mark then stopped breathing for a couple seconds to authenticate him dying. After a couple seconds Mark jumped up, grabbed the prop and continuously stabbed Jack with it.
"No...stop! Please that tickles!" Jack yelled at Mark trying to push Mark away.
"Never!" Mark yelled but just then Jack hit Mark in the face and Mark let Jack go. Mark is on his knees face towards the ground.
"Mark you ok?" Jack asked him.
"Yeah you just hit my noes and I smell blood so I think it's bleeding" Mark says standing up walking back towards the house.
"Sorry" Jack says in a cute voice.
"It's ok" Mark says as blood starts running from his noes. Jack sees this and runs to get some tissues for Mark. He comes out and hands them to Mark.
-time skip to that night-
Mark had already gone into his room because they had just finished playing some board games that they recorded to put up on YouTube. Mark takes off his shirt and lays down in his bed, just as he lays down a tear runs down his cheek. Why am I so stupid! Stop crying baby! He is not gay! But all I want to do is kiss his soft, handsome, cute face. No.... Stop! Crying will only make the feelings for him worse! Mark thinks to himself as he starts crying more, he rolls over putting his face in his pillow to keep himself from making noise while crying.
Meanwhile Jack is walking up to his room when he hears one sob come from Mark's room. Jack quietly opens the door and sneaks into Mark's room.
"Mark? Are you ok?" Jack asks quietly even though Bob and Wade are sleeping downstairs so they won't hear him. Mark doesn't answer trying to make Jack think he's asleep.
"I heard crying coming from in hear. I just wanna know what's to be sad about we've had a fun and happy day....haven't we?" Jack says as he sits beside Mark on his air mattress "Mark I know your awake" Mark rolls over looking at Jack.
"What's wrong?" Jack asks Mark as he sits up. Mark sighs.
"I can't help but think about this person I like...I don't think they like me back in that way" Mark says rubbing his eyes. Jack thinks deeply then leans over and kisses Mark.
"He does" Jack says as he smiles at Mark.
" But.....I....didn't think that.." Mark struggled to say as he blushes. Mark then places a hand on either side of Jack's face and fits his mouth to Jack's. Jack pulls away.
"Whoa..slow down there buddy" Jack says as he stands and walks to the door. Mark blushes.
"Good night" Mark says smiling from ear to ear.
"Good night" Jack says blowing a kiss at Mark.
The next morning Mark wakes up to hear Wade and Jack screaming... It sounds like their upset. Mark quickly runs out of his room to see Wade and Jack crying and panicking.
"What's wrong?!" Mark asks them.
"B..B..Bob" Wade stutters as he points down stairs. Mark looks down the stairs and gets a lump in his throat and a pain in his gut, He knows something bad has happened but He doesn't know what. Mark slowly walks down the stairs and turns the hall to look in the room Bob was sleeping in, Mark sees Bob's hand on the floor. Why is he on the ground? Mark asked himself starting to worry. Mark picked up the pace and walked over to Bob as soon as he turned the corner.
"Roar!" Bob screams jumping at Mark a little. Mark jumps back and runs into the wall that's there, he rubs his head.
"Owww..." Mark says as Jack and Wade come in laughing.
"That was amazing Bob" Jack high fives Bob. Mark frowns.
"Aww...we got mr grumpus over here" Bob says smiling as he gets up off the floor. Jack gives a thumbs up to a camera in the corner of the room. Wade then goes around stopping the recording on all four cameras.
"That wasn't funny" Mark pouted still rubbing his head.
"Awwww....did somebody bump their head" Jack says walking over to Mark and kissing his head where he bumped it, Mark's face lit up bright red.
"To bad we didn't get that or camera" Bob said smiling at Mark.
"Or did we" Wade says pointing at the one camera on the table that Wade had forgotten about. Mark looks at the camera, smiles then walks outside. As soon as Mark steps out he feels the cool air consume him then he remembers he doesn't have a shirt on, he shrugs and keeps walking not even putting shoes on. Mark walks for about 10 minutes with his head down then looks up to find he's in the forest that surrounds the cabin. Mark looks around and sees only forest around him, no cabin, no Jack and no sun. Am I lost? What if I turn straight around and go that way? But I just turned and looked around me so which way was I going and which way did I come from?
"Uh oh" Mark says out loud "I'm lost and I'm half naked in the cold...great! I'm gonna die!"
Just then Mark heard a stick crack behind him, he freezes then he feels a hand on his shoulder. Mark turns and sees Jack he jumps a little but falls into Jack's arms trying to warm up.
"Jack...I thought I was lost" Mark says into Jack's ear since he put his head on Jack's shoulder.
"Well I'm here to bring you back and to warm you up, you silly you should have grabbed a shirt at least" Jack says rubbing Mark's bare back. Jack leads Mark back the way he came eventually finding the house.
"Hey and sorry about scaring you before, we just wanted something funny to put up on YouTube and normally your fine with it" Jack says to Mark just before they get into the house.
"Yeah...I'm sorry too, I overreacted too much, it's just I thought something was actually wrong with Bob so I was terrified already and I was panicking" Mark says as they step in and close the door.
"Yeah I guess, not to mention you hit your head" Jack says as he laughs a little. Mark smiles. Mark goes up to his room and puts on his coat then covers up in his blankets, after a while he falls asleep. Mark wakes to a soft comforting voice. Jack!
"Mark, buddy, do you wanna eat something or do you wanna sleep more?" Jack asks Mark while running his fingers through Mark's pink hair as he sits beside Mark.
"Is this a third option" Mark asks enjoying Jack's company.
"Maybe later but I think you should eat, you haven't all day" Jack says as he kisses Mark and stands up.
"Ok...fine" Mark says standing up and taking off his coat to put on a long sleeved shirt. Mark looks over to the door, Jack's already gone. When Mark gets out there he smells pizza, Mark licks his lips as his stomach growls.
"Hey Mark" Bob says as Mark takes a plate from Jack.
"Hi" Mark says as he sits down beside Jack on the one couch and Bob and Wade one the other. They all sit there making small talk while eating as they watch tv.
Later at about 11:00 they were all drunk after having fun and drinking a lot. Mark and Jack were on the one couch they were on before, Jack leans over to Mark.
"I'm so hard right now" Jack whispers into Mark's ear. Mark blushes and feels his pants tighten. oh god I have to have his body I want him, Mark thinks to himself.
"I think I'm gonna go to bed now, I'm kinda tired" Mark says as he turns, looks at Jack and winks.
"Yeah I think we all should" Bob says getting up and heading down stairs followed by Wade.
"Good night" Jack says waiting until they're out of sight then pulling Mark up to his room.
Once they're both in Jack's room Mark pushes Jack up against the wall and fits his mouth to Jack's while his tongue explores the inside of Jack's mouth. Jack puts his hands under Mark's shirt and pulls it up over his head before pulling off his own. Mark's hands roam Jack's body while Jack's hands run through Mark's hair. Eventually Jack pushes Mark to the mattress and he pulls off Mark's pants leaving his boxers on then Mark pulls off Jack's pants and boxers. With Jack on his hands and knees over Mark, Mark can't help himself he runs his hands from Jack's shoulders all the way to his hips then he pulls Jack down so their bodies are pressed against each other.
*you can guess what happens next I just don't want to write it because I want to move the story further*
The next morning Bob is the first to wake up, he expects to see Jack up already but he doesn't.
"Well that's different" Bob says to himself looking over at Jack's door "Nah.. I leave him to sleep"
"Who you talkin to?" Wade asks. Bob jumps a little and turns to see that Wade is awake.
"Oh your awake" Bob says quietly.
"Yeah I heard you get up plus I was already awake" Wade says "where's Jack is he not up yet"
"No... I know I'm surprised too" Bob says.
In Jack's room Jack and Mark are actually awake but still laying in bed. Jack is laying beside Mark with his head on Mark's chest, Mark is playing with Jack's hair.
"I think Bob and Wade are up" Mark says to Jack.
"Yeah I heard" Jack says sitting up, Mark also sits up.
"Should we go out?" Mark asks.
"Well I probably should but you can stay if you want" Jack says getting up and putting on some pajamas with a sweater.
"No I'll come out to" Mark says putting on the pajamas from yesterday but not putting on a shirt like every morning.
"I'll distract them then you can come out just so it doesn't look like your coming from my room" Jack says as he kisses Mark.
"Ok but we should tell them at some point" Mark says.
"Yes but coming out together and saying 'oh hey we're together now' would be weird, that's like saying 'yeah we fucked once and now we're together'" Jack says quietly.
"Yeah I guess" Mark says laughing a little. Mark kisses Jack one last time before leaving, Mark stays there for a several minutes before leaving and going to his room, he moves so quickly and quietly only Jack notices. When Mark gets into his room he grabs his phone and lays down on his bed intending on looking at Twitter and then getting up and going out to join Jack, but after a couple minutes he drifts off to sleep.
Jack is making bacon and eggs for breakfast, he finishes making enough for everyone when he looks up and doesn't see Mark. I thought Mark was gonna come out, Jack thought to himself.
"I'm gonna go check on Mark" Jack said to Bob and Wade as he walked over to Mark's room. Jack opens the door quietly then walks in and closes the door behind him, he looks at Mark all curled up in his blankets. Jack sits beside Mark.
"Mark.... Babe, do you wanna get up and eat something" Jack asks as he runs his hand up and down Mark's back. Mark wakes up turning over to face Jack.
"Hey...sorry I must have fallen asleep again" Mark says.
"It's ok I just came in here to ask if you wanted to eat breakfast cuz I'm done making it" Jack says brushing the side of Mark's faces with his hand.
"Yeah I'll get up now" Mark says standing up. Jack gets up, walks to the door and leaves followed by Mark.
"Oh hey Mark, your awake" Bob says.
"Well I was already awake but I guess I fell back asleep" Mark says smiling a little.
"I guess so" Wade says.
"So what do you guys wanna do today" Jack asks everyone.
"How about we go mess around in the forest, we could use it as a video to put on YouTube" Mark says.
"Do you always think of what you can put on YouTube?" Bob asks.
"Hey well we shouldn't record all day, yes but I can't have no videos and plus this is rare that we're all together for fun normally it's for a convention" Mark says.
"True" Wade says agreeing.
"Ok well to the forest we go....Mark go put a coat on" Jack says as he puts a coat on. And heads out the door. They all put warm stuff on then they head out Mark has his phone out taking a video.
"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and I'm here with Jack, Bob and Wade!" Mark says as they walk out to the forest, he points his phone at them.
"Hi guys!" The others say.
"We're just walking out into the forest around Jack's cabin for something to do"
"Will you put that thing down...having to record everything will ruin the experience" Jack says to Mark.
"Ok fine well I guess I'll record small things then put it together so you guys will probably see that next" Mark says then he stops recording.
"So what do you want to do?" Bob asks.
"I want to confess something" Jack says looking at Mark, Mark looks up at him.
"Are you?" Mark says as his heart pounds.
" and Mark are together" Jack says as he hugs Mark.
"Really? I didn't think you were gay, didn't you have a girlfriend?" Bob asks Jack.
"Yes I had one but we broke up about 1 month ago and I think I'm bi not gay" Jack says.
"Same I think I'm bi" Mark says as he hands Bob his phone (Bob starts recording) then runs to a tree and starts to climb it.
"Where are you going?" Jack asks as he follows Mark up the tree.
"Dam you guys can climb fast" Wade says as he stares in shock. Mark and Jack find one beach that looks pretty strong and they both sit on it side by side.
"Hey Bob are you still recording?" Mark asks him.
"Yeah why?" Bob replies.
"Because I want to let everyone out there know" Mark says lifting his hand entwined with Jack's "septiplier is real" Mark leans over and kisses Jack. Bob then cuts the video.
"Nice going" Jack says smiling at Mark.
"Was that sarcasm?" Mark asks.
"No, it was a less awkward way to say it, it was good" Jack says.
"Yeah I gotta say that was brave" Bob says as he walks towards them a bit more.
"Hey do you think I can jump across to that tree?" Mark asks changing the subject.
"I wouldn't" Bob says to Mark.
"Yes but I would, it's a matter of do you think I can" Mark says.
"That's kinda dangerous" Jack says to Mark. Jack's eyes meet Mark's.
"Fine I won't" Mark says sadly. They climb back down before playing a game of hide and seek but of course Mark starts recording when they start.
"Ok I'm counting now...1...2...3...4...5" Jack says as the others run around finding places to hid. Bob hides behind a big tree that's a little ways away from the others while Wade hides under a small pile of sticks thinking it would work. Mark goes and hides in a very obvious places the one tree that is above Jack but when he got finished counting he didn't even see Mark. Mark of course is still recording while this is going on, he can't hear anything else going on so he assumes that Jack hasn't found anyone.
"I don't think Jack has caught anyone yet" Mark says quietly, then he hears a blood curdling scream "what the heck? That sounded like a girl!" Mark quickly climbs down and runs over to were he heard the scream, still recording. Mark then sees a pale girl with black hair, in a white dress that is now stained red, hanging in a tree by a noose.
"Oh my god!" Mark says stepping back slowly as a tear runs down his cheek. He bumps into something and jumps as he turns.
"Mark it's ok it me" Jack says as he hugs Mark. Tears start pouring down Mark's face, he looks back to where the girl was and she's gone.
"What's wrong Mark?" Jack asked. Mark continuously cried into Jack's shoulder until he realized he was still recording. Mark stopped recording and he looked through the video until he got to the scream, by then Bob and Wade got there.
"Ok watch and listen I got it on camera" Mark says still sniffing from resent crying. He played the video and you could clearly hear the scream and when Mark got to the girl you could clearly see her.
"Oh wow, but why is it none of us heard it but the camera and you did?" Bob asks as we walk to the house.
"I don't know but I want to do some research on this place" Jack says as he gets to the door.
"Yeah same because the girl looked like 12 or something" Mark says as he walks in the house. They all go to the room with computers in it because they watch it again inside so it's more clear.
"You were scared shitless Mark" Wade says as they watch Mark cry uncontrollably.
"Would you not be" Mark says.
"Yeah I probably would" Wade says looking down.
"Do you think I should edit and upload anyway?" Mark asks as he pulls it into a video editor.
"If you want, it would be entertaining" Jack says as he smiles at Mark.
"Wait I just had a thought, you were behind me while I was looking at the girl, did you not see her?" Mark asked Jack.
"No that's why When I came up behind you to tag you, I heard crying and I didn't know why so I hugged you instead then you started crying so much and I was so confused" Jack says.
"Why did Mark get to see this in person and no one else did except the camera picked it up" Bob says as he thinks deeply.
"Weird" Wade says as him and Bob leave the room followed by Jack. Mark edits the 3 videos he took while out there and he puts them together then uploads it. He heads out of the computer room and in the living room, in front of the window a man and a woman stand there. They look like they are wealthy from the 90's, they look about 20, the woman in in a white dress that goes to the floor, the man is in a black tux. Mark just stands and stares for a couple minutes before the guy pulls up a knife behind the girls back, she looks at the guy, the guy drives the knife into he spine, she collapses. Mark freaks out again screaming and crying, he sits in a ball in the corner of the room with his hands over his head, crying. Jack, Bob and Wade come running. Jack sits beside Mark trying to calm him down, Jack just hugs him tight while Mark calms down.
"What happened Mark?" Jack asks.
"Another ghost" Mark says his voice hoarse from crying.
"The same one?" Jack asks.
"No this time it was a man and a woman they were just standing In front of the window for a while, so I just stood and watched it was fine then but at one point the guy pulled a knife up behind the girls back and stabbed into her spine.....she...just....collapsed" Mark says and starts to cry again.
"It's okay it's over now" Jack says pulling Mark in tight. Jack stands up and Mark grabs Jack's hand.
"Don't leave me alone, I don't want to be alone, because that's when it happens" Mark says looking up at Jack.
"I won't, from now on I will always be beside you and if I'm not I'll make sure Bob or Wade is with you, ok?" Jack says looking over at Bob and Wade.
"Ok" Bob says to Jack. Mark gets up sits on the couch then he pulls out his phone.
"Wow there is already so many views and comments on the video I uploaded" Mark says.
"Yeah I saw that, people mostly commenting on you crying like a big baby" Jack says as he pushes Mark. Mark pulls up Twitter and makes a tweet: 'So I just saw another ghost and it ended the same with me crying uncontrollably and Jack at my side'. Mark also puts a picture that Bob took of Mark crying and Jack beside him.
"There...did you see my tweet?" Mark asks the guys.
"No not yet" Bob says looking at his Twitter.
"Ok well I need to get my charger" Mark says.
"Where is it?" Jack asks. Mark points to his room and stands up, Jack also stands but Mark pushes him back down.
"I want to see if anything happens" Mark says as he walks over to his room. He goes in and grabs the charger from beside his bed, is still able to see him, when Mark turns to go out there is a girl standing in the doorway. He freezes.
"Mark?! Do you see one?" Jack asks Mark as he gets up off the couch and walks towards Mark. When Jack steps 1 foot away from the room Mark collapses.
"Mark!!" Jack yells, Bob and Wade Spring up and quickly head over to Jack and Mark. Jack is on Mark's bed with Mark laying unconscious on his lap, Jack starts panicking.
"Mark wake up! Please!" Jack yells as he starts to cry.
"Jack, he's breathing so he's alive" Bob says to Jack. Jack nods and pulls Mark so their bodies are pressed against each other but when Jack let's him fall to his lap there is blood on Jack's shirt.
"What?" Jack says confused on where it came from, then Jack sees blood on Mark shirt but there's no hole. Jack then lifts up Mark's shirt and right where the stain is there is a stab wound.
"Oh my god! No!" Jack starts balling his eyes out.
"Do you have a first aid kit here?" Wade asks.
"I don't know" Jack struggles to say.
"Ok well Jack just make sure he's breathing and me and Wade will go look" Bob says to Jack.
-inside Mark's head-Mark's POV-
I wake up in dark room there aren't any lights anywhere, I decide to stay put because I don't know what is where.
"Jack!?" I yell. Then I see a big white light and I know this is my end.
"What? No! I refuse to die! I can't leave Jack, at least not like this!" I scream as I start to cry. I start to get pulled into the light, I struggle to pull myself away but I get tired quickly and so I just let it pull me.
"I love you Jack" I whisper to myself knowing he won't hear me. I get consumed by light and I drift away.
"Bob! Mark stopped breathing! No! No! No!" Jack screams at Mark.
"Oh my god Mark!" Bob says as he and Wade both start to cry. Jack starts to do CPR on Mark.
"Mark! Please! Don't go!" Jack yells. Seeing that it's not working Jack gives up and lays back on Mark's bed crying so hard at one point he forgot to breathe.
-Mark's head- Mark's POV-
I wake up.
"What the?" I say as I finally am able to feel my hands. I look at my hands, I'm holding on to the edge of a cliff, a white glass cliff and I'm surrounded by white light. I close my eyes and take a deep breath but when I open them I'm on a rock cliff the sun is setting but there is harsh wavy water below me.
"This is now easier to understand, I'm on the very edge of life or death....literally" I say to myself "if I can pull myself up I have the will to live but if I'm to weak there is no point or no way to live" I place my other hand up on the rock then I breath in and pull myself up, I get my chest up onto the rock then all I have to do is swing my legs up. I attempt to lift my legs up so their on the rock but my one foot slips and it falls back down, I try it a few more times and fail all of them. I try once more except when my foot slips it drags the rest of my body with it so I'm back to square one hanging by my hands. I try a different tactic, I try to just pull myself all the way up but my arms give out eventually and I almost fall to my death. I then try to scoot over to the one side of the cliff because there is a ledge that I can stand on to help me climb. I make it over but when I step on the ledge it breaks and I almost fall again.
"Oh my god! Why are you such a bitch! My arms are so tired" I say getting mad at an inanimate object " no I can't be tired I have to live! For Jack!" Saying his name gives me a boost of hope so I try my second tactic again I fling myself up so I'm on my chest then I push myself forward then I get up on my hands and knees. I smile and laugh then I stand up looking out over the water with the orange sunset.
"I did it! I have the will to live! For Jack!" I yell putting my hands in the air. I stand there for a couple minutes until I collapse.
Jack is now just sitting beside Mark's body playing with Mark's hair, he has stopped crying and just accepted that Mark is gone.
Mark starts breathing again and opens his eyes quickly, getting up fast but cringing because of his stab wound. Jack looks at him and smiles Jack and Mark hug each other for so long only breaking to kiss.
"You were dead" Jack says crying tears of happiness.
"But I'm not now that's all that matters" Mark says standing up but cringing and groaning because of his wound.
"Oh your still hurt" Jack says lifting up Mark's shirt to look at the wound.
"It's ok" Mark insists.
"No we need to go to the hospital" Jack says helping Mark walk out of his room. Bob and Wade come rushing over to Mark.
"Oh my god Mark...your alive!" Bob says to Mark as he and Wade group hug him. Mark grunts.
"Oh sorry I forgot you still have a sore" Bob says.
"I'm also tired because you guys have no idea what I've been through to be alive and I did it all for you guys....I'll explain later I just need to get patched up right now" Mark says to them as they help him get to the car.
"What about the cabin?" Wade asks.
"We'll come out to get our stuff but other than that I'll find another cottage that's better" Jack says as he gets in the back with Mark. (Wades driving and Bob is in passenger) Jack gives directions to the hospital while Mark falls asleep. They finally get there, they wake Mark up and they bring him in.
"Excuse me! We have and emergency!" Jack says as Bob and Wade carry Mark to the counter.
"What is it?" The woman asks.
"Stab wound, to the chest" Jack says as the lady waves them to follow her. They Mark to the ER then they wait in the waiting room.
"Asleep or awake?" The doctor asks.
"What?" Mark says.
"Do you want to be asleep or not?" The doctor repeats.
"Awake, I'm afraid if I fall asleep I won't wake up" Mark says. They clean him up then stitch several layers of muscle and skin together, Mark is awake for all of it. He cringes, groans and bits the inside of his cheek to the point it bleeds. When they finish Mark feels like he just fell down a huge Rocky Mountain, everything hurts. Mark is really pale and is drowsy. Jack, Bob and Wade come in.
"Mark you don't look good" Jack says.
"He did loose quite a lot of blood and he was awake for the entire surgery so he is probably in a lot of pain" the doctor says "I have some questions if you don't mind answering some"
"Sure" Jack says sitting down beside Mark.
"How long ago did this happen?" The doctor asks.
"What time is it now?" Jack asks.
"6:00" the doctor says.
"1 hour ago" Mark says his voice hoarse.
"Really well no wonder you lost so much blood" the doctor says.
"No kidding" Mark says "I died today"
"What?" The doctor asks.
"He did, after he got stabbed he went unconscious then 10 minutes later he died" Jack says tearing up.
"Really, so that's why the wound was weird, there was some dry blood but there was a lot of blood coming out non stop" the doctor says.
"I don't feel good" Mark says blinking slowly.
"Your so pale" Jack says getting closer to Mark and grabbing his hand.
"Let's hook you up to a blood bag" the doctor says going out of the room then coming back in with a bag of blood.
"Mark your gonna be fine" Jack says.
"I'm actually surprised your alive because you lost most of your blood" the doctor says looking at Mark "just keep him awake we don't want him slipping into a coma and at this point it could happen very easily"
"You heard him Mark, just keep your eyes on mine" Jack says. They sit there talking for a while then eventually everyone in there falls asleep, even Mark.
"Excuse me" the doctor says waking up Jack Bob and Wade "visiting is over, can you please leave"
"Awww can't I stay here, please" Jack begs.
"I'm sorry you have to leave" the doctor says. Jack looks over at Mark.
"He looks better" Jack says.
"Yes I think he should feel better as well" the doctor says as he pushes them out the door. The guys go back to the cabin, they grab their luggage, the air mattresses and the food then they head back to Jack's place. While they were there they got scratched, pushed, punched and slapped by several ghosts. They get back at 11:00 so they fall right asleep.
-Mark's POV-
I wake up expecting to see Jack beside me but when I roll my head over to look he's not there. I then sit up and look around me, I'm in the hospital.
"Oh yeah, I forgot" I say laying back down. I roll my head over again. It's 9:00, Jack should be here soon, he will probably come visit me every chance he gets. Just then I hear the door open, the doctor steps in.
"Oh I see your awake, how do you feel?" The doctor asks me sitting in the chair beside.
"Better" I say as he moves the blankets to see my scar.
"That's good, it looks like your healing fast, strange" the doctor says.
"What its not normal for people to heal this fast?" I ask him.
"No..... I have a question" the doctor says.
"Ok" I say.
"How did you bring yourself back to life without your friends doing anything?" The doctor asks getting ready to write things down.
"Um....well" I sigh " it's such a long story" I say.
"I have time" he says to me.
" started off...." I tell him the entire thing from when I got stabbed to when I woke up.
" our patients die they are not dead at that second they are just fighting to stay alive but if the don't come back to life they are not strong enough" the doctor asks me.
"Yeah and remember they have to climb up with their wounds so I had to do this with my stab wound.....some people just are hurt to badly to do it" I say.
"Alright thank the way your friends are on there way, they called so I could wake you up" he says to me.
"Ok thanks" I say as he leaves.
-back to 3rd person-
Jack, Bob and Wade get there only a couple of minutes after the doctor left. Jack gets in there and climbs on the bed beside Mark hugging him and burying his face into Mark's shoulder.
"Did somebody miss me" Mark asks Jack as Jack looks up at him.
"Of course" Jack says as Mark kisses him on the forehead then Jack lays back putting his head on the pillow.
"How you feeling Mark?" Bob asks.
"Way better than I did, not 100% but pretty good" Mark says.
"That's good" Wade says.
"You know what I just realized" Bob says looking at Mark then Wade.
"What?" Wade says looking at Bob.
"Mark hasn't been rude to you in a couple of days" Bob says laughing.
"Oh yeah...well just be glad I haven't been feeling well because that's the only break you'll get" Mark says picking up his empty plastic cup and throwing it at Wade " throw that out!"
"Thanks Bob" Wade says as he throws out the cup.
"Your welcome" Bob says as they all laugh. They all just sit there talking about games they could do for YouTube together or about upcoming plans. While they are all talking Jack is right up against Mark tracing Mark's abs with his fingers while Mark plays with Jack's hair. They are there for about 5 hours just talking and looking at the get well wishes from fans because Jack had said something in a video that he's a little down in the dumps because of what's going on. Eventually the doctor comes in.
"I see you have been missed" the doctor says walking over to Mark and unhooking all of the machines and wires.
" can I go now?" Mark asks sitting up.
"Yes, I just need one of you to sign the release form and I need to check how your doing" the doctor says.
"Ok.....Bob you sign" Mark says looking at Bob.
"Fine" Bob says as the doctor hands him a clipboard with the form on it.
"Ok, Mark can you stand up please?" The doctor asks Mark. Jack gets up off the bed and moved out of the way.
"I thought you'd never move" Mark says smiling at Jack as he stands up wobbling a little but gaining his balance again.
"Ok, seeing you had to regain balance, walk forward for me" the doctor says.
"Ok" Mark says as he takes one step forward and wobbles only a little, then takes a second step and doesn't wobble and he starts walking perfectly fine after that.
"Ok good, now do you feel light headed or dizzy at all?" The doctor asks.
"No, I feel great" Mark says.
"Ok can you sit on the edge of the bed" the doctor says as Mark goes to the bed and sits on the edge "now I'm going to do some reflex tests" he grabs a small hammer and hits Mark on the knee with it, Mark's leg goes up. The doctor writes something down on his clip board the snaps beside each of Mark's ears, Mark doesn't expect that and jumps a little.
"I'm gonna say that's normal" the doctor says as he writes something else down.
"I'm just a little jumpy after..y'know....getting stabbed" Mark says as the doctor holds his finger In front of Mark's face.
"Just follow my finger with your eyes only" the doctor says as he starts to move his finger around. Mark follows instructions.
"Ok....know I want you to do a little stretching before you leave, your muscles seem a little tense, do they hurt?" The doctor says.
"Yes kinda but I didn't think it mattered" Mark says as he stands again.
"Well yes, your body is probably confused because you died yesterday and are alive now but you also haven't moved for a while so it might think your unconscious" the doctor says. Mark starts doing some stretches and at one point he goes into a downward dog position only to look between his legs at Jack who is video taping on his phone.
"Like the view?" Mark asks glad the doctor was gone for a while.
"I'm recording this" Jack says biting his bottom lip.
"I figured that, when did you start recording?" Mark asks going into a sit on the floor.
"Since he made you walk forward" Jack says smiling deviously.
"Oh really" Mark says standing up and walking over to Jack and turning the camera so it's facing him and Jack before kissing him.
"I haven't felt those lips in a while" Jack says pulling Mark in closer then stoping the recording.
"Good thing Bob and Wade went to get something to eat" Mark says before kissing Jack's neck and pressing Jack back against the wall, Jack runs his hands over Mark's bare chest.
"Oh god I can't wait till we're home alone" Jack says running his fingers through Mark's hair as Mark kisses Jack's upper chest.
"I know it felt like forever since I kissed you and all I wanna do now is get your pants off" Mark whispers into Jack's ear as Jack sucks on Mark's neck giving him a hickey. Just then the doctor comes in, Mark releases Jack from the wall and stands there.
"Oh, sorry to interrupt, do you want me to come back?" The doctor asks only half way through the door.
"No it's fine" Mark says as the doctor comes in and closes the door.
"You'll be outta her in no time......did you stretch?" The doctor asks.
"Yeah and It felt good" Mark says.
"Probably your muscles needed'm gonna to tell you one thing only because you don't need the rest of that crap other American doctors give ya, just stretch every day when you wake up and before you go to bed" the doctor says in a very Irish accent.
"Ok" Mark says as Bob and Wade come in with a sweater for Mark.
"Here we decided to go back to Jack's place and get a sweater for you since you don't have a shirt" Bob says throwing the seater at Mark.
"Thanks" Mark says.
"Ok well you are good to leave, just be careful" the doctor says as Mark puts on his sweater.
"Yes I definitely will" Mark says as he takes Jack's hand and walks out, Bob and Wade behind them. They go back to Jack's place and just relax watching tv, Jack and Mark cuddle the whole time. After a while Mark's stomach grumbles so they make hamburgers to eat then by the time their done eating it's about time for bed so they all head off to sleep, Jack and Mark sleep together in Jack's room. In the morning Jack wakes up first, he is on the other side of the bed not even close to him. Jack lays there looking at Mark, he's such an angel when he's asleep, Jack thinks to himself. Time to turn this angel into a devil, Jack thought as he slides off the bed then slips off his underwear and slides in behind Mark, his erection pressing against Mark's back... Mark wakes up and knows for sure what Jack's hinting at.
"You couldn't wait till I was awake?" Mark asked him as he rolls over and starts kissing Jack.
"No because you would have slept in later" Jack says as Mark kisses Jack's neck.
"True" Mark says as he gets pushed so he's under Jack. Jack slides his fingers down Mark's sides till he gets to his boxers, Jack pulls them off without thinking twice. Mark places his hands on Jack's hips and pulls him down so he's laying on top of him, then Mark fits his mouth to Jack's as his hands roam around Jack's back and Jack's hands go through Mark's hair.
*like the last time*
"Wanna go have a shower?" Jack asks as him and Mark breath heavily laying side by side.
"Yeah sure" Mark says as he gets up and puts on his boxers, Jack does the same. Mark and Jack grab towels then head out of the room, they both get into the shower. They wash each other and make out for a while until Mark notices red going down the drain. Mark looks at it confused, Jack is behind him washing his back.
"Is my back bleeding anywhere?" Mark asks.
"No...why?" Jack replies.
"Because there is blood going down the drain" Mark says as Jack leans over his shoulder to look.
"Oh" Jack says. Mark places a hand on his belly over top of his scar then turns and places a hand on the side of Jack's faces then kisses him but when Mark pulls his hand off Jack's faces there is a bloody hand print on it.
"Oh my god" Mark says as he looks at his hand then his scar. His scar has 2 stitches ripped out and it's bleeding.
"Oh...did that happen because of me?" Jack asks washing off the blood.
"No, it was probably because I was rolling around..if you know what I mean" Mark says making them both laugh. They get out and dry off, the scar is still bleeding a lot so Mark puts a bandage over it and will see if the bleeding stops. They walk out of the bathroom in boxers only, Bob and Wade are still not up. Mark and Jack both look at each other is confusion. They both go back to their room and put clothes on, Jack puts pjs and a t-shirt on while Mark just puts pjs on not wanting the bandage to come off. Jack goes out to the living room and looks around, no one there, he goes to the kitchen, nobody. Jack then leans into the room Bob's staying in, Bob's still asleep? He then goes over to the room wades staying in, Wade is awake on his phone.
"Oh hi Jack" Wade says quietly.
"I thought you and Bob would both be out in the living room already, Bob's still asleep" Jack says quietly to Wade.
"Oh I think we're just all tired from what's been going on" Wade says sitting up.
"True" Jack says nodding to Wade.
"Jack! I think we need to go to the hospital asap!" Mark yells at Jack from upstairs. Jack cringes.
"Bob's awake now" Jack says as he and Wade laugh but Wade is confused and worried about what Mark said.
"Wait what's wrong with Mark?" Wade asks.
"A couple of his stitches got pulled, he's bleeding a lot" Jack says as Wade gets up and follows him out.
"Oh" Wade says as they meet Mark up in the living room.
"Oh my god, you put that on like 10 minutes ago" Jack says looking at Mark's bandage. Almost the entire front of it is covered with blood.
"I know and I don't want to loose to much more blood so let's go" Mark says as he heads to the front door.
"Wade can you stay here with Bob?" Jack asks.
"Yeah sure" Wade says. Jack and Mark head off Which someone who can drive should have gone because Mark has to drive himself. They get there and when they get inside they ask for the same doctor Mark had before.
"Ok I'll se what I can do.....he is free in 3 minutes" the lady at the desk says.
"Yes, yes, that's great" Mark says getting paranoid.
"Mark calm down" Jack says quietly to Mark pushing him a little ways from the desk.
"Why should I?" Mark asks.
"Because the more you panic the more you'll screw things up....believe me I know" Jack says "and there is no reason to panic we're going to see the doctor in like 1 and a half minutes"
"Ok.....fine....your right" Mark says taking in a deep breath.
"Mark" the doctor says coming out to see them "oh I see a couple stitches got pulled"
"Yes" Mark says.
"Ok follow me" the doctor says turning and walking away, Mark and Jack follow. They get into the same room Mark was in before and Mark lays down on the bed.
"Do you know how this happened?" The doctor asks.
"I'm not sure because the only time I noticed it was in the shower" Mark says as the doctor removes the bandage.
"Are you ok with doing this without pain killers again?" The doctor asks.
"Yeah sure" Mark says.
"Fair warning the skin will be tender so it might hurt more than last time" the doctor says as he cleans the wound with peroxide.
Mark clenches his teeth from the stinging. Then the doctor pokes the needle through the first side, Mark starts biting his tongue to stop himself from screaming, he just makes his tongue bleed instead. It's over within 5 minutes.
"Oh thank god that's over" Mark says relaxing as the doctor gives him pain killers for post stitching.
"Now what I'm going to do is, im going to put a small bandage over it so that is doesn't get pulled, keep that on for at least a day so it can heal somewhat" the doctor says placing a bandage over top of the stitches and taping it down.
"Ok...... Can we go now?" Mark asks sitting up here n the side of the bed.
"Yes just be careful and try not to pull more stitches" the doctor say walking over to the door.
"I'll make sure he's careful" Jack says glaring at Mark, Mark smiles and raises an eyebrow.
"Alright you may leave" the doctor says waving Mark and Jack out of the room. Mark stands up and slowly hobbles over to Jack, Jack gets up and helps Mark walk out. When they get back to the house Bob and Wade are sitting on the couch watching tv.
"We're home!" Mark yells as Jack helps him through the door.
"Are you ok?" Bob asks getting up from the couch and looking at Mark.
"I'm fine" Mark says in a drunken tone.
"He's not drunk by the way..... I knew you were gonna ask" Jack says as Mark tries to squirm out of Jack's arms "no you don't" Jack regains his grasp on Mark.
"Why is he...." Wade asks pointing at Mark.
"Pain killers are like alcohol after 20 minutes of taking them.... The doctor warned me but I forgot" Jack says as he lets Mark go.
"But he wasn't like this before" Bob says.
"He didn't take pain killers last time.... The skin is tender this time" Jack says following Mark to the couch "Mark what are doing?" Mark is sprawled out on the couch.
"Im tired" Mark says looking up at Jack. Jack crouches down so he's closer to Mark, Mark grabs Jack's hand and pulls him in for a kiss.
"Whoa.. Is somebody a little affectionate right now" Jack whispers while brushing Mark's hair " well if your tired we can go and cuddle till you fall asleep?" Mark immediately gets up and walks over to the stairs and walks up to Jack's room. Jack looks at Bob and Wade, he smiles like he had just conquered something amazing.
"What did you say to him? I didn't really hear anything" Bob asks curiously.
"Oh I just said if he was tired we could cuddle till he falls asleep" Jack says walking over to the stairs "it shouldn't take to long for him to fall asleep so brb"
"Ok" Wade says as him and Bob walk back over to the couch. When Jack gets up to his room Mark is curled up in the covers waiting for him.
"Isn't that adorable" Jack says as he takes out his phone and takes a picture of Mark. Jack then goes over to Mark and slides in next to him wrapping himself in blankets as well. They just sit there in silence, Mark's head on Jack's chest and Jack playing with Mark's hair.
"I love you Jack" Mark says quietly.
"I love you too" Jack replies kissing Mark on the top of the head. After 10 more minutes Mark falls asleep, Jack kisses his head again.
"I'm glad you fought to be alive because if not I wouldn't know what to do with myself.... I love you so so much and I always will" Jack whispers to Mark "goodnight sweet prince"
~The End~

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