Sickiplier + Mixed emotions = Messed up Day

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Okay so here's another shit show of a story but I've been working on it for a few days... I've been busy doing other things sorry... Hope you at least enjoy the beginning cuz at the end is where it gets... Ugly.
-Jack's POV-
I look at Mark as he pulls the car into the parking lot for the convention... He smiles at me as he turns off the car then we get out.
"You excited?" I ask as I take his hand.
"Always... But I'm more excited about them knowing about us" he smiles.
"Yeah... It's new to them but we've been together for.. 3 months and it feels like we were together before then but we were just really close friends" I mention.
"Now we're even closer" Mark says as we push through the doors and he immediately let's go of my hand "let's not tell them yet and we're not even gonna say anything... At one point I'll just kiss you"
"Ok.. We can explain at the panel" I agree as we spot Bob and Wade... We head over to them at the table where we will be doing our signing.
"There you are... Did you sleep in?" Wade says as we sit down.
"Yup and I'm proud... Probably the best sleep I've gotten in a while" Mark says as he stretches.
"Why's that?" Bob asks.
"Because I had this cutie with me" Mark says as he pulls me into a hug that almost crushes me.
"Oh right.. You gonna tell them?" Bob asks.
"We have a plan" I smirk. We wait a few minutes before they let everyone in then we wait a few more minutes before they open our signing... We stand up and fans start going through. Eventually I think Mark finds a perfect time to let them know because there's this one teenage girl who is hugging me for just a little too long.
"Hey hey hey! What do you think you're doing?" Mark asks and she lets go then Mark hugs me everyone screams but then... Me and Mark look at each other then we kiss... Things get really loud "Jack is mine and mine only"
"Don't get jealous now Marky" I say as I push him off me.
"I'm not jealous... Okay let's move on... But you like our plan.. We were gonna show you not tell you" Mark grins as we get back to he signing. About 3 hours into the signing... I see Mark pass me and I think he going to the washroom but when I look back he's sitting in a chair.. His head in his hands and his elbows on his knees... He doesn't look well. I head to him then I crouch in front of him... He frowns cutely at me then we both giggle a little.
"I don't feel good" Mark says as I put my hand to his forehead.
"Let's hope it's just the stomach flu" I say "what do you want me to get you?"
"Can I go back to the room where we had our break and just sleep on the couch?" He asks.
"It's probably best... Go get settled and I'll find someone that might have some kind of medicine to help okay?" I say as Mark stands up and hugs me burying his face into my neck "awe Mark.... You're so adorable when you're sick" Mark then pulls back and presses his forehead to mine.
"You don't have to get me anything... I'd be fine just cuddling with you in the back" I copy Mark's little pout and he smiles at me.
"You sure?"
"I'll be fine.. I just need rest" he says.
"Then why don't you let someone drive you back to our hotel room?" I ask.
"Nah... I'm fine here" he insists... I sigh and roll my eyes at him.
"You're like a child... Never wants what's best for you" I smile as he takes my hand and pulls me back to the break room where he lays down on the couch... I sit on the floor my back to the couch but And I just let my head fall back onto Mark's chest. He starts playing with my hair and pressing kisses all over my face.
"Mark stahp! I'm gonna get sick" I giggle as I turn so I'm facing him slightly "you seem more cuddly or horny than sick"
"Well I am not horny for one... Because if I was I'd be banging you right here right now and then I'd be back out there with fans" he explains.. I laugh and roll my eyes "but I think just cuddly is a side affect of me being sick... I've just never really had anyone to cuddle when sick.. Before we got together" I look at Mark sadly as he warmly smiles at me. I brush the back of my hand along his cheek and Mark places his hand over mine holding it there... He closes his eyes the sighs. We sit there like that for a few minutes before his hand drops signaling he's asleep.. I kiss him on the forehead before I get up and head out to do more of the signing.
"Hey guys! I'm back!" I say loud as I get into my place again.
"Where's Mark?" I hear someone ask.
"He's asleep in the back... He's sick" I say as I see everyone give a look of  awe... like cute awe not wow awe... And an understanding look. I once again go through the signing for another hour or so but the whole time I only had one thing on my mind and people noticed something was up.
"Jack... Are you okay? You've been zoning out a lot in this past hour" Bob says as I snap back to reality.. I blink several times before I sigh.
"I don't know... Mark just told me something and it's been on my mind the whole time" I explain.
"If you need a break you can have another one" He says.
"No I'm fine it's not too important... And besides its in the past... I just feel bad for him" I say as I shake my head then I get back into the game... I start signing again.
-Mark's POV-
I wake up to see I'm in a room... where? I panic at first but I look around and I calm when I remember it's the convention.. I sit up but immediately regret it when I get a sudden headache and the room slightly spins. After a couple minutes everything settles and I'm better... I sigh as I get up and I contemplate on whether I should go out or not... I don't feel much better in fact I feel worse but I want Jack. I chuckle as I realize... Jack's right... I'm like a little kid.. One who wants his mommy constantly... I sigh then I sit back down... I rub my eyes then I literally feel tears coming to my eyes.
"What the hell is wrong with me? I don't need to fucking cry because Jack isn't here and I don't feel well" I say as the tears don't stop.
"Mark you're awake" I hear Jack and I perk up... I reach my arms out and I make a grabbing motion with my hands towards him.
"Jack" I smile.
"Mark? Are you okay? Were you crying?" He asks as  he crouches in front of me.
"I don't know why... But I'm like a 3 year old... I woke up and was deciding if I wanted to come out or not but because I still don't feel good I decided to stay here.... But because I wanted you and I don't feel good my mind said the only thing I can do is cry" I sigh as I get teary eyed again "and I think I know why I act like this.."
"Because of all those years of being alone... I never felt loved like this and if I was sick I'd keep making videos and wait it out.. But now that I have you here... You're like the caring mother I've always wanted" I look into his eyes as he then hugs me tight.. I bury my face into his neck.
"I'll always be with you even though I may been thousands of miles away I always care... I care as much as an over protective mother... I'm constantly thinking about you" Jack assures... I pull back then I take a breath.
"Umm... About that... I'm not gonna pressure you or rush you... But... How would you like to come live with me?" I ask shyly as I stare at my hands.
"I would love too... I've been wanting to ask but I didn't want to seem needy or pushy" Jack grins widely as he climbs up straddling my lap as he hugs me and presses his lips to mine... He then breaks the kiss.
"The panel starts in 20 minutes... We're still doing it and I wanted to just let you know" he says.
"You can't stay?"
"No Mark... I'm sorry... Can't you just go back to sleep?" He suggests.
"But I'm not tired anymore and I don't think I could get to sleep without you here" I whine.
"Well then... Come onto the panel... We can cuddle on the couch there (I'm imagining the setup like Pax Prime 2015 but it's not) and we can still answer questions and be apart of the panel... I'm sure they wouldn't mind seeing more Septiplier" Jack suggests "but you have to explain why you're there and not resting if they ask... Not me"
"Ok fine... It's better than sitting here crying till you get back" I smirk.
"I still don't understand you" Jack laughs... I nod.
"Neither do I and I am me"
"I don't think the sentence sounded like it made sense although it did" Jack laughs more.
"Jack you coming? We have 15 minutes to get set up... Oh hey Mark" Wade says as he comes in.
"Yeah we're coming" Jack smirks as he gets up then helps me up.
"Wait... Mark you're coming? Do you feel up to it?"
"Nah but I'll explain to everyone at the panel... I don't mind getting laughed at... I do all the time anyway" I say as we all head to the panel. We get there to see Bob and a bunch of other backstage people getting ready... We all head over to Bob and we grab our mics because there was still four... I think it was just incase I did come one.
"Mark?" Bob asks as he is gonna ask why he's here.
"I'll explain on the panel" is all I say before other people come around us getting us ready... Like the mics.. A lot of them look at me with confusion... News sure spreads quickly around here. We wait several more minutes before everyone is in and settled and the backstage crew are all ready we then head out and there are cheers when they see me... They probably weren't expecting me here.
"Hello everybody!" I wave as I make my way behind the rest of the guys... Bob and Wade sit in the two outside chairs then Jack sits on the couch where I join him "okay... So.. I know you probably weren't expecting me to be here because I am in fact sick.. But I have a good reason... You may or may not like it but it's a legit reason and Jack can back me up"
"I can.. It's very true"
"Ok so do you want to hear an embarrassing secret?" I ask only to get cheers from the crowd... I sigh "okay so for some reason being sick makes me act kinda like a 3 year old would if they were sick... Y'know always cuddling their mom but if she leaves they start crying kinda thing... Well... I'm like that but Jack is my mommy" I start laughing as Bob and Wade are.
"It's true... When I told you guys he was asleep he was but when I went back I found him awake sitting up teary eyed and when he saw me he stretched out his arms towards me and got all happy" Jack giggles as my face heats up probably from blushing so hard.
"There you go... Bob, Wade... You can take over now" I nervously chuckle as I hear awes and laughs from the crowd.
"Awe Mark... You're a tomato now" Jack says as he pulls my head into his chest where I hide my face.
"Wow... That is the most embarrassed I've seen Mark in all the years I've known him" Bob chuckles as him, Wade and Jack start answering questions. A few minutes later I start taking deep, quick breaths because I feel like I'm gonna puke... Jack looks at me.
"You okay?" He asks quietly but people still hear because of his mic.... I shake my head.
"My stomach is churning" I say as I cringe from the pain like feeling... I then get up take off my mic throwing it to the couch as I run off stage and to the nearest bathroom to throw up.
-Jack's POV-
"Guys lets just continue answering questions" I say as we look to the next person.
"Um... This not really a question but... I'm a doctor if you'd like me to take a look at Mark I'd be happy to... I just don't know if he has a stomach flu or not" this one lady asks.
"Are you?" I ask as I get up and move down towards her.
"Yes here's my medical license" she says as she shows me a card that looks like a medical license from what I know.
"I don't know..... It's not that I don't trust you I just don't think it's anything but the stomach flu... I'm sorry but thanks for asking" I smile as I get back up then I think.. I wonder if I should go check on him.
"Jack maybe you should go check on him" Bob says like he was reading my mind.
"Are you okay by yourselves?"
"Yeah we're fine... From what Mark told us he's probably in the bathroom crying right now" Wade says as everyone laughs.. I smile.
"I'm sorry this day has been crazy but I swear we will make it up to you... Although on the bright side... We did tell you about septiplier" I laugh as I start to walking off stage to the nearest bathroom. I find one then I knock on the door.
"It's Jack" I say as I hear sniffling that I know belongs to Mark.. I open the door to see Mark sitting in the corner crying "Mark I'm here... It's okay"
"I'm not crying cuz of that.... It's just.... This day has been ruined... I feel bad for ditching them constantly... Also taking you away so I probably ruined your day too" he explains.
"No Mark.. You didn't ruin my day and I already told them we'd make it up to them later... I enjoy cuddling and taking care of you" I smile as I help him up off the ground.. He sighs and leans back against the wall I hug him.
"Wanna just go back to the hotel?" Mark asks.
"Yeah... I'd like to sleep too" I smile. Mark looks down at my chest and smirks then I feel him reach around behind me and he pulls out the mic box thing out of my back pocket.
"You still have your mic on" Mark says... My jaw drops as I groan from my stupidity.
"You guys are enjoying this shit out there aren't ye.... Bastards" I chuckle as me and Mark head back out to the stage where Bob, Wade and everyone else are laughing... I am blushing wildly.
"Who's blushing now?" Mark asks.
"Oh go fuck yourself" I say as I push him.
"I can fuck you betta" Mark grins at me.... Everyone starts screaming.
"Bad reference!" I say as I glare at him.
"She can fuck you good... But I can fuck you betta" Mark sings into his mic.
"Are we signing now?" Bob asks.
"No... Please god no... And Mark you seem much better hmm?" I glare at him.
"I guess I'm a bit better.. Y'know after throwing up" Mark chuckles... Just then Marry you by Bruno Mars starts playing.
-Mark's POV-
Oh fuck... I forgot about this.. Why'd they still play it? Those dickbags probably wanted to see me explain.
"The fuck is going on?" Jack turns to the audience... But because of the look on my face everyone is laughing, pointing and screaming my name so Jack turns to me "Mark?"
"Heh..." I laugh nervously as I slowly walk towards backstage.
"I think Mark had a question he was gonna ask" Bob says and I bite my lip even harder than before as I stop but I'm still facing away from everyone.
"We're you actually going to....propose?" Jack asks and I can hear his voice crack. The song dies off so I turn around and walk back over to Jack... I hang my head and I put my hands behind my back.
"I-I was... Gonna ask you but... Everything happened and I forgot the... Ring" I sigh as I close my eyes unsure of what he'll say. I then feel something unexpected... I get a slap to the side of my face... I let my head just hang as tears run down my nose and drop.
"I'm sorry" I say quietly.. After a few minutes of silence I look up to see Jack, Bob and Wade laughing silently along with the crowd.
"Mark.. I'm sorry.. I couldn't pass the chance.. I'm not mad..."
"Please don't do that" I cry as I hug him "my heart got fucking shredded"
"Mark... I'm sorry I didn't think you would take it that bad... I thought you would look up and laugh along with us" Jack explains.
"Can we go now... This day has been mixed with emotions and I'm drained.. I'm also starting to feel sick again" I sigh.
"Yes.. We could all use some sleep" Bob says as he stands up.
"Thank god... I've stayed for you guys and..... Jack but now all I want is to try and eat then sleep" I say as I look to everyone "bye!"
"Thanks for coming.. I hope you enjoyed? Sorry it was all over the place and shorter than it was supposed to be but you got to see septiplier... That's what counts right?" Jack says as I walk off stage while they finish... I hand in my mic. I sigh as I lean back against a wall then they come out... Jack kisses me then I smile at him.
"I love you" I say to him.
"I love you too... Now lets go"
-The End-

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