Sneak Attack

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I know this is short but.... Fuck the police! Yolo Bitches!
-Mark's POV-
I am just sitting downstairs on the couch while Jack is upstairs recording... I'm so bored... Jack said he wouldn't be long but he's been recording for about one hour now... I decide to go up and give him either am editing challenge later or the fans some septiplier. I go up the stairs then I open the door to his recording room a little bit.... I move closer to the blue curtain he has up... I stand on my tippy toes so that I peek just over the top of it... I probably look really creepy right now.. Plus Jack is playing a horror game right now.
"Mark?" I hear Jack ask... I stay quiet "did you guys see something? Above my curtain" I hear Jack get up so I start moving around the curtain as Jack comes around the other way... He doesn't see me. When I get into the camera frame I put my finger to my lip and I make a devilish smirk... I hear him start coming back so I again go around the opposite side that he's going around.
"Hmm.... I don't know where Mark is so I'm assuming that was him... But you never know" Jack says as he puts his headphones back on. I then get down on my hands and knees... I crawl quietly around the curtain and I go behind Jack... I quickly put my hands up onto his eyes and mouth.
"Ha! Gottcha betch!" I say in a deep growl. Jack bites my finger... I Yelp then I pout at him.
"That's what you get for attacking me" Jack says as he spins around in his chair facing me.
"You didn't have to bite me" I pout as I stick my bottom lip out at him.
"Awe... I'm sorry Moo" Jack says "what did you want?"
"I miss you already" I say.
"I've been up here for about an hour an twenty minutes" Jack says as he kisses me on the forehead.
"That to long" I say.
"That's what she said!" Jack laughs.
"Who's this she!?" I pretend to get jealous.
"You" Jack says. I look at the ground in defeat... I stand up and walk to the door.
"Fine... If you hate me that much... I'll just leave" I pretend to cry.
"Moo Moo? Come back! I love you!" I hear Jack yell. I run back into his room.
"Pfft... I knew you did... I was just............ok I'm done with this silly charade" I say as I start walking out.
"Wait! get back here and kiss me!" Jack yells at me. I stop dead in my tracks then I turn around and walk back to him... I crouch in front of him then I press my lips to his.
"Do you need to finish recording?" I ask him.
"Nah I'll finish this here then I'll record the rest later because it looks like Markimoo is feeling lonely" Jack says with a laugh as he looks back at his camera "oh well you got to see us have some fun for the majority of the video... I'm sure you'll be happy enough"
"If not... Too bad!" I say.
"Yeah! Suck it up and stop whining" Jack says with a straight face... We both laugh immediately after.
"Ok well I hope you enjoyed this video" I start saying but Jack pushes me.
"No! You can't do the outro! Go... Shoo... Bye bye" Jack says to me as he pushes me towards the door.
"Buh bye!" I say as I wave. Jack grabs me and pulls me down so I'm now straddling him on his chair... He spins the chair so that the camera can see the sides of our faces then Jack just kisses me... He literally starts full on making out with me in front of the camera... We pull away.
"I think this is the best end slate you guys will ever see.... Unless things go further..." I cut Jack off. XD
"Nope... Best one they'll ever get!" I say not wanting this to go further.. On camera.
"Ok bye" Jack says as he stops the recording.
-The End-

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